
Mysterio's Mask System in MAU (Marvel alternate universe)

Hey author here just to let you guys know that I'm starting my second ever FF this one will be a Marvel Alternate universe that will not only start with an altered Iron Man Armoured adventures but will eventually branch off into other series that may or may not be changed a lot The first series will of course be Iron Man Armored adventures but taking place while Tony and Rody are in College instead and there will meet pepper. I will be changing the beginning to be more impactful by having Howard die while Tony is in School. The next series is Hulk and the agents of smash which I will blend with the events of Armoured adventures and there will be more to come as well as the FF continues -------------------------------- Disclaimer I don't own anything other than the OC all rights go to their respective owners Ps: Although there will be No Harem there may be 1-2 wives\Girlfriends

Demonicgundam · TV
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 21: Mysterio's Debut 3

John watches from above quietly as his drones start to fight with Cyclone helping out Ironman and the cops, hidden under the illusions of him the drones were kitted out with two nonlethal take-out measures and had been modified heavily to be able to take more than a few hits.

The first weapon was a simple electric taser meant to mimic his electro gauntlets, and the second weapon on the drones is a high-impact bean bag cannon to knock them out after. John also has a select few drones with more lethal options like the single drone equipped with a large coil rifle and another with a rather large bank of missiles.

As John ordered most of the nonlethal illusions to deal with the goons and help the cops he orders the missile drone to attack Cyclone the missiles that are cloaked to look like Phantom punches each one slamming into Cyclone and knocking him around as the Illusion Mysterio starts to repeatedly yell as they land.

Meanwhile Tony looks on in both shock and confusion as the situation turns more chaotic before hearing Jarvis pipe up. " Sir I have a slight idea of what's going on I can detect very encrypted data being sent to each of these so-called Mysterios now it's hard to pinpoint it so it would probably take me 30 mins but I could find it if you wanted me to." Tony eventually snaps out of it and snickers " do it, and Jarvis! Overcharge the repulsors I don't care who this weirdo is but he's not going to steal this baddy from me.

John watching the fight going down well grins." nice Mysterio will now be seen in a positive light instead of a negative one " he then notices Tony starting fight harder as at the same time he gets a notification that someone has launched an investigation into the data being sent to the drones." Shit, it's Jarvis well I knew I would have to get my hands dirty eventually he quickly sent one last command to the drones to hide in the fog before powering down to hide from the AI.

John having gained back a few more points of MP throughout the fight casts another fog before cloaking and gliding down into the new fog like a certain knight of dusk. Meanwhile, Tony gets blasted back again but this time he was able to calibrate his energy shield to the density of the wind and was able to use it to stop most of the force.

Tony smirks " Give it up gusty you won't be able to win this fight surrender now and I'm sure the cops can get you a cell with a nice big window" then Tony hears Jarvis in his helm " Sir it appears that they have caught on to my search and have disabled whatever those illusions were." Tony smiles "looks like we win then buddy now let us knock this guy out and call it a day."

Just then however another large area of fog rolls temporarily blocking Tony's view before his helmet switches view modes, but in that very short window something unexpected happened as suddenly tony could see Cyclone with a rather sharp spike sticking out of his chest blood oozing down it and behind him was standing someone Tony didn't expect.

As the spike removes itself from Cyclone's chest returning to the pile bunker it extends from, what looks like a mechanical arm is the device as the man holding it is actually a rather large-looking goon with the iconic Magia mask. The goon starts whispering to Cyclone just loud enough so Tony can hear" the boss can't have you snitching Cyclone so he sent me to make sure you didn't" the goon then runs away but before Tony can do anything disappears leaving a dead Cyclone on the ground.