

A sky covered in luminous like clouds, the tinge of dusk with its pungent hues meshed together with the blue sky that had almost faded, you could see the stars twinkling from beyond its blanket. The busy streets calmed as a few shops started closing and others were empty likewise the opposite was true and some were full even at this time of day.

A young-looking man with fuzzy curly hair, sprinted through the sidewalks in his running gears, long blue pants, and a matching top with blue-white sneakers to complete the image.

Evidently, he was either a perfectionist or he bought them as a set.

Ever so often, a lingering gaze different from the glance one would usually get, landed on his face. The combination of his refined demeanor and oozing confidence were like toppings to his above-average good looks. This alone would not result in such frequent gazes from different people. The final component was his wealth and fame.

Although it was 2055, billionaires still were not cabbages. This man was one such billionaire. He 'looked' handsome and young. No one could guess from just his appearance that he was just over 50. He had taken care of himself. Not just as a side hobby either. He had eaten a strict healthy diet of vegetables and the right amount of meat. He was strict with his fluid intake as well as other factors such as his current activity of jogging through the streets.

This was all according to the Health and Longevity plan he had well known and high priced doctors and other professionals tailor-make for him to the last calorie and workout hour. Breakthroughs in research and technology had allowed rejuvenation for middle-aged and elderly men. Of course, it wasn't to an exaggerated extent, with the current methods only a maximum of 20 years could be shaven off and it was definitely not cheap or instant.

It wasn't that hard to look 20 while 50.

This young-looking man was called, Heem Stellar, he once had another name but that was years ago, he had clawed his way up from a third world country, achieving his first billion at 28, from there the waves grew even more and he jumped halfway to the centi-billionaire milestone at 32.

He appeared on tv and in other media channels several times which was passers-by saw his face and thought 'he looks familiar'. Of course, he had jogged out of sight before his identity dawned on them.

This was enough to show his wealth, while wasn't top 10. He was definitely within the top 25 of the world's wealthiest. He wasn't the youngest nor the oldest within this category. While he wasn't outstanding within these 25, this was only in comparison to them. He was a giant who stood atop of the world nonetheless.

Through an innovative initiative like his predecessors and now peers, he had made it big in life. Despite this he was unsatisfied.

"Where is it? With all the Money at my fingertips, I thought I could find it, but my travels and searches have been fruitless. They all have it, where is mine, where is my passion." He was always envious of others with obvious talents and passions, like writing, singing, or drawing. He hadn't a clue what he was despite the years that had passed.

Once you attained a certain station in life, you were free from the pressures of external stress but with that freedom came discovery and internal stress. Who exactly were you? What more do you want to achieve? World peace? Helping the poor? Are your actions up until this point made any sort of difference?

Although it was said you needed a passion to get rich, there are exceptions for every rule.

But there was one thing, one thing he was overlooked because it was too unlike the ideology of a 'talent' in the 21st century. He was obsessed with Prince Nuada from Hellboy || the Golden Army. He was a complete fanboy of his spear fighting. Like those Boyband fangirls, he was a fangirl for Nuada. He wouldn't admit it even if you killed him of course. A man's got his reputation to worry about. He had to think of his age as well.

The way he swung his spear in the first appearance was soul absorbing, he still remembered the moment he saw it and instantly fell in love with it, he crushed on it so much he had a fan-made silver spear himself, he practiced with it after dazedly running his fingers across its beautiful carved surface. Of course, no self-respecting "ordinary" person would go around advertising this. He'd rather die than admit to girls. He retained his looks but due to certain 'reasons', he wasn't married so he still dated. His age was a concern so in addition to hiding his love for spears and training at his ripe old age, his old face was beginning to burn from dating girls half his age so he planned on stopping soon but for now, his love for spear should remain hidden.

This particular skeleton stayed in the closet and was yet to be unearthed, and it never will if he had anything to do about it.

Call it being fake, hypocritical, or whatever. This was the modern-day world. Between his mental needs and physical "needs" of course, he followed human society and ruthlessly pushed away his spiritual needs for his "little brother's sake".

Otherwise from this, he kept the real him on the down-low, well a part of him. A person wasn't a machine, nor were they a single color. To this day humans don't even fully understand themselves. This was something that Stellar knew so he hated promises as he was committed when he made them and he knew there was a high chance he couldn't follow through.

So in both business and personal matters, he never promised anything to anyone.

With that being said:

He used his power, the power of money, to get himself a teacher by offering to revitalize his dojo.

"Now that I think about it, it's time for our daily training session isn't it."

His adoration for prince Nuada hadn't faded with time but had grown instead. With time and money on his hands, there was no issue in actually becoming a master in spear fighting...someday. Thus his initial weekly spear training had become daily with his wealth plateauing. The training was one of the things that made him feel young.

It was on this day, that his life ended, but of course, he had no idea what fate planned for him.

Inhaling the smooth fresh high altitude air of his penthouse suite, which was untainted by the City's production, he washed his face and dressed in his training gear, which was an utter abomination to fashion, it was like the school uniform he used to wear.

He'd attended a strict so-called 'higher echelon' school in terms of academics during his youth, although it was situated in a third-class country which in his eyes meant they were just the head of a snake and not the head of a dragon or even its tail. With his current stature, some arrogance had naturally formed.

As dusk settled in, he began his training after ignoring the letter left on his equipment, it was more of a notice really.

-DON'T TRAIN WITHOUT ME!- Young Heem while your passion has made you a master in terms of techniques, willpower, and strength, you still have one fatal weakness- You are too overzealous! Your obsession will be the death of you!-

"Tsk, are you cursing me old man." He muttered.

'And while being called young makes me feel flattered it kind of burns since you're around 30 years older than me, the same age difference as my dates.'

He flung out the paper from his hands which were met with air resistance and momentarily stopped before slowing descending along the slight air currents within the spacious room.

At that moment, his personality acted up, Whimsical. It wasn't an uncommon trait. It was likely even more pronounced among the top 1 percent since they could afford to be.

"Hm. Let's practice by stabbing paper while it does that."

And such, upon the random movement that was created from a paper behaving in such a normal physics like manner, for actually no valid reason at all, he took out his spear and ceaselessly practiced after calming his heart, His gaze grew relaxed and his movement sped up almost unnaturally. After 8 years of training officially with a teacher, he was no longer a novice. Calming his mind, strongly gripping his spear, and maintaining focus was almost effortless to the current him.

After striking the paper it was cut from the overly sharp edge of the spear. But there was a bit of wasted movement around the edge of impact- trying out his moves with different papers proved fruitful as he accomplished it one in thirty times. It was like a lottery at first.

Contrary to expectations even with years of training becoming an expert and using skills with maximum efficiency wasn't something that mere experience could give. Inspiration was needed to make a breakthrough.

When he had first heard this from his teacher he had complained for days on end. He wasn't breaking through a cultivation realm requiring insight into the world laws like in a novel, why did he need to have inspiration just to perform some simple movements effectively. It wasn't worth it at all. He was being short-changed for his efforts.

Several hours passed by unknowingly while he was immersed in his practice, his lottery odds turned into manipulated feats slowly but surely.

He took a short break and drank his 100 million dollar energy drink, yes, 100 million dollars a bottle. It was developed by a friend of his and was in its developing stages. It wasn't cost-effective at all. Its effects were proven mental focus, muscle building, and a few others in fine print that basically meant 'good body tonic'. It would be his first time drinking it himself.

Pulling the bottle cap, he remembered the media screaming his name, for days when it was leaked he bought this.

'Now that I think about it, I was probably used to help publicize his product that bastard. No wonder he's been avoiding me, he knows it won't take long for me to catch on.'

The media practically metaphorically put him on the cross and crucified him. His friends and family too. They made him feel bad, yes but it was still his money, thereby his decision. He didn't come this far to have other people telling him how to live his life and spend his money.

Lifting the bottle, he downed it in one gulp. His hand hit something on his chest. It was slimy and wet, presumably from his sweat. It was another 'deal' costing him a lot. How could a low key geek past up a space rock that landed in strange circumstances? He immediately bought the piece through some underground channels as it was government 'property' along with the original large piece despite falling from the sky.

He had wondered if it was a cool wuxia artifact, so he dropped a small wad of blood on it. He couldn't help it. The rock was irregular shaped and cool looking. It glowed in different colors at different times too! Of course, nothing happened. Nothing at all. But it cost way too much money for a rock its size so he turned it into a fashion accessory around his neck.

The media somehow found out about this too, it goes without saying he was called out.

'Damn are they bloodhounds? How did they even find out?'

It was probably history repeating itself, him being sold out by the seller or one of the other potential buyers.

Heem Stellar didn't notice, in fact, he couldn't possibly notice, That the rock was glowing in an irregular pattern and letting out a low hum, outside the human hearing levels.

He immediately continued after a 3-minute break. His sweat had yet to even evaporate.

His mind seemed to abnormally remember every spear move he made in this hour, he was entranced like a drunk as each spear strike formed an illusory line after several hours all paths led to one as they joined at the tip of his spear creating a beautiful winding silk aurora road. Of course, this was just his mental image, this was the real world. However his teacher hadn't admonished him when he acted out fight scenes from anime and manga, he was instead encouraged, imagination was crucial in martial arts especially in the later stages.

He didn't know this but he embarrassing drooling, crying and sweating heavily at the same time.

At this moment he unknowingly encountered the rare enlightenment state! This was an astonishing feat and rare in this era, of course, it happened to a few when their focus was strained to the limit doing their craft like programming, solving a difficult equation, creating a new device etc.

But these moments were momentary and they only achieved what they set out to achieve, but what Heem was doing was a level higher, he used his spear to turn a paper to tiny shreds like a shredding machine in a mere .08 milliseconds!!!

He had actually grasped a strand of enlightenment hours ago but it was merely the top of the thread, over these few hours of non-stop spear thrusts, he pulled and pulled that thread, time seemed to slow down, the particles in the air, wind, sound, smells, and even light itself seemed to stop for a moment.

He didn't know it but not only his mind but his body was being enlightened. Ever cell in his body, every fiber of muscle was producing energy at an incredible rate.

It was a moment that seemed to last for hours.

Unbeknownst to him, his veins and arteries in his right harm were pushed to their very limit in those eight seconds, his muscles didn't have the ability to do what he required but energy was being supplied to his muscles by burning hiss cells to produce energy, in the final fragment of that eight seconds his arm seemed to surge with power and his spear was whispering to him: Swing me like this.

It was a short moment so short a moment no human could possibly comprehend and act on it instantaneously, but with a little curtained help from the medication, he was on, which an involuntary muscle movement side effect- in this one in a trillion moment, the side effects combined with his own natural strengthened involuntary muscle movement that acted up in certain positions.

When his arms were bent in a certain angle while in a plank, push up or similar position and a few other stances with his feet, a condition he ignored as it had no harmful effects. These miraculous coincidences caused his body to instinctively Carry out that movement.


A weird sound echoed as the reinforced floor and reinforced window glass both shattered from 6 metres away.

A feeble human body exhibited force skin to an tank shell in that very moment, seeing the exaggerated effects of his move, which shattered two large panes of high 12 metre glass, he was flabbergasted.

The space necklace was also shining madly.

He hadn't the time to comprehend as he felt his world fading away like a palm of sand in heavy wind.

His spear fell on floor, and his body fell down upon it, it was then that his body failed and started to disintegrate, yes, Disintegrate.

It began with his ears, his eardrums were ruptured from the collective noise and shockwave his spear created that shattered the glass.

Next were the muscles, veins and arteries in his right hand, and then his entire body was assaulted by the flying claw strike of the heavy tiger- the tiger of a force created by his human body, just performing it had cracked his spine and right hand radius, the recoil destroyed his entire skeletal frame. The cells in his body were the body's building blocks a few were vaporized and converted to energy at first but that amount grew with time, his mind forced his body to find a source of energy, it started with his minimal excess fat but it eventually started to burn important cells as well. Eventually, only a few were left, and without the others, they collapsed entirely,


His vision blackened as a sense of accomplishment filled his body.

A smirk was the last thing the muscles in his face ever did. He didn't even get complete it since have his face was gone by that time.

He wasn't alive to experience it but his initial amazing strike was actually not over, his attack had formed an illusory spear of air which devastated the surroundings and spurred the high altitude air to destroy his entire penthouse suite!!!

He didn't know it but he wasn't injured normally where his flesh was destroyed to blood, it went a step further after he died and his actions took their toll, his very cells disintegrated as he turned to dust and was literally blown away by the air currents from his own attack.

It was the price of producing such force, his ordinary mortal frame couldn't handle it. His body's limiters were broken with his small glimpse of enlightenment.

The space necklace fell, it was behaving oddly and vibrating, suddenly it turned to a liquid then into a gas, the gas expanded and seemed to envelop something just as the dust of Sei Meio was dispersing. The gas then disappeared. Sei Meio would only find out much much later that this was one in a crazy big number chance. The space rock was something unimaginable. A small piece of his plane's dimensional barrier that had separated from the barrier.

Even possessing one didn't mean you could activate it, and activating it had very different outcomes from a large variety. It was like a gamble. As or whether his gamble was successful or not. Only time would tell.

If anyone had documented the three most crucial event that just happened to Sei Meio and mapped out the probability of them occurring (provided their knowledge could even achieve such a feat) they would have found that the first two events were one in several trillion and the final event involving his space necklace would have made their jaws drop, the probability was one in a number that could only be likened to the amount of sand particles on the earth or the number of stars in the sky.

Despite the insane probability, it was still probable that these events could occur to a person however, the likelihood was just so infinitesimally small. Heem Stellar had truly surpassed all his peers past, present, and future in terms of luck.





His consciousness awakened to those sounds, the sound of a heart beating over and over again, steadily. Repeatedly.


I remember...dying..so..where...is...this...place


Which religion was right I wonder or was it an ancient tribe.

But..... something is off.... what is this sensation... this immensely comfortable feeling?

It didn't take long for this person to gather his facts togrther.

No... I'm not dead, the heart beat is far too .... unable to find the right words, he went with, 'lifelike' I suppose. Good job heart, time to get up! Get up! Move!

Sleep paralysis again? Damn the first few times and recurring times already turned me into a little b*tch, a hypocrite who suddenly started reciting bible verses when in that situation, despite not going to church in years. Fuck, I'm disappointed in you self.


Something's different, I can't move yes, but I can't sense my body either. It's the same yet different, I could sense it before but I just couldn't move it.....

And why am I soo... Sl...eepy.



Time slowly passed for him,

This is what, the 18th time I've awoken, I think I'm on a New record here, 6 minutes of consciousness.

He heard the blood pulsating, heartbeats growing stronger, and a few spasms here and there, fluid seemed to surround him as well a variety of comfortable things like he was born here.

"Hahhaahaa how funny, how amusing, how could this possibly be the place was born."



His face contorted, well it would have if he had one. How could someone dumb be handsome and not get screwed over or be a billionaire, though he was screwed over a few times he paid them back. He obviously put his clues together, he was in a womb as a foetus but he had no idea whereth the f*ck he was outside of that one irritating fact!!

He immersed himself deep in thought but was soon interrupted.

"Would thou shuteth the f*ck up! It's already hard being conscious for less than 10 minutes but each and every time I hear the blood pulsing you f*cking whisper like a creepy ghost!!"

The voice stopped for a moment before starting up again.

"Thou tiger is great, The three eyes thine shine upon the planets, thou heartest...."

Those words were all Heem could make out from the mosquito level whispering going on somewhere near. Who even talks like that? Is he/she or whatever retarded? When he first heard it he thought he had some freak twin. But he lost consciousness, the next time he thought it was his mother and he was the child of an alien, the time after that he thought it was a ghost haunting him and finally he concluded that it was just something babies could hear after much deliberation.

He was freaked out the first few times but combined with him not being awake that frequently, he got used to it.


He frustratingly yelled in his mind where no one could hear him. Suddenly an image appeared in his brain, it was the image of a three eyes white tiger with four wings and an enormous body, it's aura was imposing but faint. It's power seemed to be calling out to him.

"Psh, acting cool, sick fat cat, Nuada's spear was cooler, in fact a spear is way cooler than some fat cat trying to be some three eyed raven." His first act was denial. The tiger's majesty made him want to prostrate himself. His pride was hurt by even imagining it , him bowing!?, he immediately rebutted the image.

Of course, he didn't expect the bastard to catch a hint.

The three eyes seemed to look at him before suddenly closing.

The image in his mind suddenly started to fade and be replaced with a spear, it was prince Nuada's spear, his eyes immediately went round as they gleaned with fascination. He had carved the very image of the spear in his mind as it was his equivalent of a grown man having not just a teddy bear to sleep with but also that teddy bear being his best friend. He knew the weight, length, thickness, smell, every and anything about it, the extent of his obsession needs no further explanation from one fact only; he knew the spear's taste.

That was a freakish level obsession. Although, In his defense, he just tasted it once.



His consciousness immediately evaporated unnaturally while a strange feeling struck him- a prick,

You damn bastard spear! Did you just prick me! A foetus and killed-.


Heem had no idea he just missed out on having the three-eyed White tiger martial soul of the Douluo Continent. With it, he had a chance of being the Sage's next inheritor but unfortunately, he stubbornly called forth a spear, he had no idea his that the soul of Heem Stellar thus was able to form a martial soul even though he wasn't an original inhabitant of this world. In resistance to the Ancestors of all White tigers, his soul had struggled and resonated with the world laws.

This coincidence caused him to obtain a second martial soul but was it the same as this planet's native martial souls?


Waa! Waa! Agoo! Ai! Ai!

An excited baby was crying out from just being born.

A gentle gaze descended on him but he paid it no mind while shouting,

"I feel freeeee! WHoop! The heavens have eyes ah! Hello fresh air"

He yelled uncharacteristically like a ruffian from all the pent up stress. Staying in a womb in the dark alone was pretty mentally taxing.

A pesky hand was cuddling him, his tiny little limbs struggled free before standing up and flying- well in a perfect world that's what happened. In this one he just cried while wriggling barely fazing the beautiful Brown-blonde with two long strains of hair that were longer than the rest of her head full of gorgeous hair, her slender arms were filled with unnatural strength for a mortal as she held her child.

She gently caressed his cute wrinkly little baby face, this caused him to stop and gaze intelligently at her,

"My little yuhao, you're so precious, the most precious thing in the world."

She warmly smiled at him but he did something quite savage and turned his head to look away which was a little hard as his neck muscles weren't completely 'inshape'. Shocked, she hurriedly held him closer seeing the pouty cute baby face he was making she could only chuckle but still asked with a tinge of worry.

"Don't you like mommy?"

His little head could barely move bit he tilted his head to her and felt something wiggle within him.

"You must be obedient if you want to grow up to be like daddy....yes daddy huhuhuhu" She laughed weirdly.

"Here you must want some breast milk."

Heem, no yuhao vehemently denied the feeling appearing in his body but eventually couldn't resist, the hunger felt like he was being burned on a cross when it was only half and hour. He gave in an sucked, after the initial discomfort it got quite pleasant, and a few moments later, he finally had time to calmly process the day's events, well a baby day, he was finally born and that f*cking spear didn't kill him, he saw a three eyed cat that was slightly familiar, his name was yuhao and the lady holding him was called ms huo yun er by the baby delivery service or whatever they called themselves, hm, it took him an hour to place the sense of familiarity he was having,



Yuhao, mother surnamed Huo, three eyed tiger... He instantly pieced two and two together, well not so "instant" as he took a bit of time to connect the dots and cursed himself for being so dense as to not have immediately noticed .

He was reincarnated as baby Huo yuhao of soul land II , of of his favorite initial art designs despite his own grade of sh*t stupid relationships. The plot, cultivation system and world were all top tier unique admirable specimen sadly the main character needed to change, tang wutong dead, tang san dragged down from GDR and trampled on, and a few minor changes, oh another major change was those team battles, how disgusting.

It was a case of upbringing that sculpted his views, he was fed anime then acquired the tastes of the process. Anime then Manga then Light novels. He was used to high-quality badass mcs owning battles one versus one and one versus thousands. The ending of one piece was quite the sight in this case. It was hard to switch sides from being a meat-eater to all the way vegetarian.

He had already been brainwashed and he liked it. And disliked soul land. It was straight up illogical in so many ways. The main characters were so broken, each more so than the previous. The first two were bearable but the others were given all their opness, they were practically born with it. Despite that, somehow they could fit in a team. The teammates somehow managed not to drag them down, because of plot.

They need a lesson in anime fights, team battles are so much worse than one on one. He could only complain about its faults. It was in his nature to find faults as a CEO. But while he made many concessions with novels as there were no perfect novels, the flaws in that particular novel rubbed him the wrong way.

Thus the mental version of his past figure smiling got up in his mental dimension,

You f*ck you f*ck You f*ck, this shit story !

Why?! just what did I do to deserve this, couldn't I get one piece, tower of god, katekyo hitman reborn or another of my favorite entertainment. If a novel why not against the gods or another badass one that fit my tastes. Why, I wake up after dying , in a womb to find..... wait a minute, this world had essence, spirit, and qi, yeah?

The veins in his face bulges terrifyingly like worms in anger but... (but his baby face can't possibly do that we know) AN: #Acquired Reading Knowledge

'Doesn't that mean, if I had a cultivation technique I could do the legendary almost mythical cultivation from womb. Ahhhhhhh~' His mental screams of frustration got higher and higher in pitch.

Of course, he hadn't read the novel in a while and his memory needed jogging, you could only cultivate after awakening your spirit, although If he had a method like tang san, he would obtain unimaginable benefits from the untainted qi present in the womb. Sadly, he possessed no such technique as he was from a low level plane entirely different from this one.

' The mouth on that geezer, I did end up dying due to my overzealous behaviour', he inwardly chuckled. His attention span hadn't reverted to a baby's....it had never grown. So he jumped off one train to the next halfway. He was cursing but his mind eventually switch tracks.

Seeing his bawls his mother had long been rubbing him gently asking him to settle down, she patted his back and put him in her arms at her chest. His baby body was barely under his control and succumbed to the comfort.


The years passed by in the blink of an eye.

A dark blue-haired and eyed, eleven year old dressed in a stylish handmade clothes made from different cloths was standing while looking at an old shack. It was a decrepit dilapidated little shack that even the birds didn't sh*t in, but the boy looked at it with a deep gentleness. His gaze was full of the so-called vicissitudes of life, he was naturally attached to his mother as he experienced all her love for him but upon recalling something his gaze grew complicated.

This was little Huo Yuhao. The future 'S***W******' a name that would be uttered and canonized for millennias to come.

He was leaving the duke's mansion now to begin his journey to the top

-------------------------Author's Note: I had put a spoiler here too soon, in an info dump like manner which in hindsight should have been a slow medicine. My apologies for the inconvenience.


RE-VAMP. My sincerest apologies to those who liked the original story but i've done a lot of reflecting and that story was destined to fall from the skies before even reaching its peak. Again, my sincerest apologies.

HollOw13creators' thoughts
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