
My Yandere girls in Marvel

It tells the story of an MC who has transmigrated in the Marvel/MCU world. With his loli-shaped system, he and that loli grow strong together in a dangerous world where there are super villains, mutants, aliens, gods and other races living in space. But this is not the kind of Shounen MC who only thinks about increasing his powers. This is a laid-back MC with action, comedy, and romance from the yandere heroines that surround him. Not only are there famous heroines from Marvel/MCU, but there are also heroines from the second dimension who will surprise the MC because it looks like the world he transmigrated to has deeper water than he thought. For example. Seeing a huge train that can travel in space without the help of rails and that seems to come from another universe. MC: Damn, why is a cosmic train here? Although I knew the Astral Express could cross universes, but this... Himeko: Excuse me, mister. Can you get into the carriage for a moment? I'd like to exchange information and make a deal with you. MC: ...is the tea from the other universe good? Himeko: Tea? Yes, we have the best of several worlds. MC: Okay, then let's talk over tea. MC: Just the two of us. Himeko: Eh, okay mister, please follow me to my private office. Jean: Dear, I've been waiting for you to come home for over 20 minutes. It turns out you're here, with a new girl? MC: Jean... How did you know I was here? Jean: ...You don't need to know, let's just say we're connected to each other. Even if you hide in space or another dimension, I can still find you. MC: This is why I like yandere girls. Gwen: Lynn! I'm here too! You like me too, right? MC: I'd say yes, so please put away your cosmic net. You know it's not strong enough to hold me. Wanda: Lynn, it's time to help me train. MC: You're already proficient with your Chaos Magic, why practice? Still not feeling strong? Wanda: I'm still not strong enough to make you think only of me forever. MC: ...I already said I like yandere girls, right? Himeko: Mister, you're very popular. World: - Marvel/MCU - Kaguya-sama: Love is War - Genshin Impact - Honkai Impact: Star Rail - Other Novels or Anime. - Get the latest chapters faster on my patreon. Support me on patreon to keep me motivated to write more chapters: www.patreon.com/DogLicker

DogLickerGods · Anime e quadrinhos
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35 Chs

Herrscher of Reason's battle suit!

If Koko doesn't know.

Then it could also be that those creatures just came to this universe through a certain method.

Lynn found this quite plausible.

Even some characters in Marvel/MCU also have the ability to go to other universes.

For example, take the little girl version of Captain America from a certain comic series that has the ability to cross universes.

That version of Captain America can actually go to other universes, and she can even go from the Marvel universe to the DC universe.

It's just different from Captain America, how did the Abyss Order group get here...

He didn't know.

The Abyss Order group, they should have come from the universe of a game he had played in his previous life.

That game was called Genshin Impact.

In that universe there was a continent called Teyvat or it could also be called the elemental continent with seven elements such as Fire, Water, Ice, Thunder, Grass, and Stone. Most of the people in Teyvat have the ability to use elemental powers.

The Abyss Order currently seen wreaking havoc on the streets is an antagonistic group that is hostile to the seven nations and seven gods of the Teyvat continent.

Lynn did not know what their purpose was in this universe.

But seeing those monsters making trouble in front of him, he couldn't just sit back and watch, right?

But there's Gwen...

"Lynn! This is bad! Look over there, there are some little kids being chased by those monsters!"

Looking in a certain direction, Gwen suddenly shouted in panic.

Across the street, she saw several children in elementary school uniforms who seemed to have just returned from school and they were being chased by monsters in black. The elementary school children were running desperately while crying from fear.

The adults who saw this, they just ignored the elementary school children because they were also running to save their own lives from being chased by monsters.

Gwen who had a hero complex in her heart, she felt like getting out of the car right now to save those elementary school children.

But she was also still rational, she knew that she didn't have the ability to face those monsters and she was also still worried about her own safety.

After all unlike a real hero, the hero complex she had wasn't actually that big.

So she was silent in the car and couldn't resist telling Lynn.

In her mind, she wondered if Lynn had any way to help those elementary school kids?

Lynn also saw the elementary school children being chased by monsters, or rather they were being chased by Hilichurl, a humanoid monster from Teyvat.

He actually had an idea to get out of the car to save the elementary school children, but he looked in a certain direction from the car window and said to Gwen.

"Calm Gwen, those kids will be fine. Tony... Ahem! I mean Iron Man has arrived." Lynn pointed to the sky from the car window.

"Iron Man?" Gwen of course knew Iron Man, after all the other party was a superhero that had recently become popular in the United States.

She followed Lynn's direction and saw a figure in red and gold armor flying through the air.

It was Iron Man!

Iron Man raised both hands towards the monsters, including the ones chasing the elementary school children.

From a considerable distance, he fired many noiseless bullets that seemed to have flown into the black-skinned monsters.



A dozen more black-skinned monsters were shot and they rolled on the ground with painful groans coming out from the strange masks they wore.

In fact, the number of black-skinned monsters outnumbered the other monsters, and Iron Man kept changing direction in the air to fire his bullets at the remaining monsters.

It's just that unlike the black-skinned monsters, the monsters that could fly were dressed in red and blue robes. They seemed to have shields that could protect them from Iron Man's hail of bullets.

"Can Iron Man defeat all those aliens? He seems to have trouble penetrating the defenses of some of the flying aliens." Gwen commented.

Lynn looked at Gwen and said, "Instead of worrying about Iron Man, why don't we help those kids evacuate? It's a good opportunity, the monsters are distracted by Iron Man."

Gwen just realized it, she looked at Lynn and said: "Ah... You're right!"

Then both of them got out of the car and Gwen immediately picked up the frightened children in the middle of the street.

Lynn advised Gwen to take the children into the nearby toast shop.

Gwen agreed, and led the elementary school children there.

Inside Mark's suit of armor, Tony frowned as his hail of bullets failed to penetrate the defenses of the monsters flying through the air.

Unlike the black-skinned monsters, the flying monsters with colored robes had strong defenses and they could even shoot fire and ice into the air to attack him.

He of course dodged all those attacks by constantly maneuvering in the air.

It's just that...

He can't go on like this.

"Jarvis, have you finished analyzing the flying alien?"

"Yes, sir. It was found that unlike the black aliens who are still vulnerable to bullets, bullets or rockets are not expected to be able to penetrate the magical defenses of the aliens who can fly and manipulate fire and ice." A mechanical voice replied from inside the armor he wore with the system interface inside his vision.

"Real? What if I use an energy cannon? How much energy would it take to destroy one of those alien magic shields?" Tony had not used his energy cannon just because he was still conserving the energy his armor had.

In his current version of armor, he still needed a lot of upgrades to increase his energy reserves so that he wouldn't have to worry about spamming with his energy cannon.

Jarvis immediately replied. "Answer unknown, sir. The energy the other party used to create the magic shield is not in my data. I think, sir, you should try using 2.5% for the experiment, and increase little by little if it still doesn't work."

"Okay, let's try."

Without hesitation Tony flew closer to the flying, mage-like monsters and raised his hand towards one of them.

Opening his palm, blue light gathered for 2 seconds before being shot out like a 10-inch wide mini energy cannon.

When it hit one of the red-robed monster's shields, there was an explosion, but one could see that the monster was still fine and the flame bubble-like shield was not scratched at all.

Tony tried to fire his energy cannon again, by increasing its output, he shot many times at the same monster.

But the result made his face inside the armor suit darken, the energy cannon was completely unable to penetrate the monster's defense.

"Sir, the energy cannon is completely useless for penetrating the other party's defenses. If you continue, you're just wasting energy."

"Energy is currently 42% remaining."

Hearing what Jarvis said, Tony wondered what he should do to defeat these flying monsters?

Suddenly while he was confused, down below, he saw someone familiar in the parking lot. The man had blonde hair and he seemed to be helping elementary school children to evacuate into the toast shop along with a girl.

At a glance, he recognized the blond man.

"The second largest shareholder?"

"Sir, his name is Lynn Allen." Jarvis corrected.

"Right... Why is he here? What a coincidence and he seems to be with another girl besides the mutant he was with at the party the other night." Tony shook his head, "As expected from someone who has my old style."

"Sir, I think you should immediately think of something to deal with the remaining aliens instead of thinking about your old style." Jarvis reminded his host.

"...." Tony was silent.

He was still trying to fire off attacks and dodge the fireballs and ice spears that were thrown at him repeatedly.

But how long could he do this? The energy of his iron armor was dwindling by the moment, and with no way to defeat the monsters that could fly with the magic shield. He could only bide his time until the citizens evacuated as far away as possible and continue to distract the monsters from chasing after others.

The police had also come to help, but they couldn't help at all, especially with regular bullet fire that wasn't even as good as the bullets fired from his armor.

While the battle outside was still going on, Gwen and Lynn were inside the toast shop.

Gwen was calming the crying elementary school children.

"Calm down... You're all safe here, don't cry..."

Even so, some of the children were still crying. They kept calling for their moms and dads.

Lynn who saw Gwen was busy, he took advantage of this opportunity.

"Gwen, I'll go to the restroom in this store first."

"Uh, okay..." Gwen nodded, she thought Lynn might want to pee. Then she continued to soothe the little ones who were still crying.

Lynn immediately walked to the restroom, he didn't come here to pee of course. His purpose was clear, he sneaked out of the shop using his teleportation ability without Gwen noticing.

To be honest it wasn't that he minded Gwen knowing what he was going to do, it was just that now Gwen was still human and she didn't have the super ability to become Ghost Spider like in the original work.

Knowing he has super abilities and plans to go to help Iron Man. Gwen must be worried, but that's not the only thing he's worried about.

He was worried that the girl would have a lot of questions, and actually he still wanted to surprise Gwen that he also had super abilities; when she already had her own superpowers.

In addition, he was curious about these monsters that were supposed to be from this another universe.

He needed to find out how these creatures got here?

As Lynn teleported not far from Tony who was busy fighting in the air, he didn't forget to hide his identity with the costume he created using his Herrscher of Reason creation ability.

From another person's perspective, people see him wearing a thick white clothing with blue and gold trimmings, in addition to a chest protector and armor for his left hand that appeared to have blue crystal designs. He wore tall black boots with gold studs extending up to his knees. He also appeared to have a fur accessory hanging at his side and a blue cape covering his back.

Although he intended to hide his identity, his face was not covered by anything. People could see his handsome face, but there was a strange feeling that they could not recognize who he was. It was like the glasses effect that Superman's goggles had, but the difference was that this effect was generated only from the armor he was wearing.

Not only that, while flying in the air, with his blue cape fluttering, there were seven glowing white cubes with blue stripes and they all floated behind him.

This appearance is Herrscher of Reason's battle suit!

Of course, this was the version he had made for himself, with his imagination, he had customized what his Herrscher suit looked like.

Since Lynn flew as high as half the company building, many people on the street and behind the glass of the company building noticed his flashy appearance, especially when they saw that she could fly with some strange cubes behind her back.

They were stunned.

"Hey, who is that guy? He can fly like Iron Man!"

"Is he a superhero too? So handsome!"

"With clothes like that, he must be a superhero!"

"Looks like he'll be joining Iron Man to wipe out those monsters, right?"

"Come on newcomer! Show your power and kill those evil monsters!"

People in the distance started cheering for Lynn, and even some helicopters that were originally covering Tony's fight with the monsters turned their heads towards him.

Many reporters from TV stations were eager to record his appearance, it was estimated that the live news on TV at this time was all about him.

Even Tony who was busy fighting, he turned to him while dodging several attacks that were about to hit him.

"...." Lynn fell silent.

It seemed that he had become the focus of all the spectators at the moment.

The monsters of the Abyss order also turned to him as if realizing that he intended to fight them.

Wait, was it just him or were some of the monsters running away while kidnapping people?

He squinted her eyes to see where the few monsters who kidnapped people went.

He could chase after the fleeing monsters later to see where they went. For now, she needed to kill the monsters that seemed to have ulterior motives to distract.

Kill them quickly!

He was about to move, but Tony flew to his side and asked while taking off his face cover, "Hey man, who are you? Want to help me deal with these monsters? By the way can you fly because of your armor?"

In one breath, Tony asked a lot of questions.

His gaze clearly looked curious about his suit, especially at the cube floating behind him.

Lynn smiled and shook his head. "No, my flying ability is something separate from the armor."

"I don't believe... Wait, are you a mutant? If you were a mutant, it would make sense."

Lynn didn't answer the question and said, "Mr. Iron Man, is this a good time to chat?"

Covering his face with the iron mask again, Tony immediately turned his gaze to the monsters in front of him.

"No, but do you have enough ability to destroy the shields of those flying monsters? If not, there is no point."

Tony spoke very honestly, he was not afraid of offending people.

Instead of speaking, Lynn slapped Tony with his actions. One of the cubes behind him changed color, from glowing white to purple.

Then a thunderous purple lightning bolt shot out from the cube at one of the blue-robed monsters with an ice bubble protecting it.

There was an explosion, but after that there was also a breaking sound that made Tony and even all the spectators dumbfounded.

That's because the shield of the monster shot by Lynn was completely shattered in one hit!

This was completely different from when Iron Man fired a lot of energy cannons, but none of the monsters' shields cracked.

Now with just one shot from the newcomer, the monsters' shields were completely destroyed!

Tony had a dumbfounded expression behind his iron mask. "Impossible! Why would the shield be instantly destroyed with a single lightning strike? I'm sure the damage my energy cannon can cause is no worse than that lightning strike!"

While saying that, he naturally looked at Lynn's face as if asking a question.

Lynn smiled amusedly.

"Mr. Iron Man, have you ever played an action game with an elemental reaction feature?"


Author note (Don't read this note if you don't like seeing people complain)

My luck is very bad whenever I try to read harem fanfics. Even though the fanfic has a high rating, there's a poison in it that makes me very uncomfortable. I'm saying this just to make me feel relieved that my complaints are shared with others. But hey do people like it when harem protagonists in a book are less possessive and it's perfectly fine to give heroine to other male characters? I know the concept of sharing looks positive and beautiful in friendship, but ugh... Why should there be such a thing in harem novels?

Is it because the author feels sorry for a character like Emiya Shirou who becomes the MC's single friend? If he feels sorry, why not just give him an OC female character who never has anything to do with the MC. Why give him a heroine who at least had a few scenes with the MC? To be honest it might not be wrong, but I'm a very possessive person. I can't help but complain seeing that kind of poison.

The point is that a novel MC/Protagonist who has no sense of ownership or is not possessive is very bad. Even if the plot is good, if the MC does stupid things like that I stop reading and would rather waste my time reading an arrogant and extremely selfish protagonist to get whatever he wants.

Creation is actually quite easy, I just need motivation and ideas to do it. I would appreciate it if you guys support me by making reviews, throwing power stones or joining my pâtreon.

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