
My Wolfman

Zenande is a human who was adopted at a very young age but is neglected and treated indifferent by her adoptive family. She later founds out that her adoptive family had an agenda in adopting her and that they’re hiding a big secret that could destroy her whole world. Zukile is one of the strongest alphas to ever exist but because of power struggles he hides his abilities. Their chance encounter starts their journey and they discover that their unity has given them extraordinary abilities which results in them having a lot of enemies. And they also discover that through a Prophecy they will have to save the whole of humanity using their extraordinary abilities.

Khanyi_Nongogo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

The Kidnap

I was the centre of attention today on campus. Everywhere I was, students stopped to stare, and some were not even afraid to point fingers at me as they whispered behind their hands to their friends about me. I know it was more of what Zukile did when he dropped me off this morning. The guy gave me a goodbye kiss right there in the open for everyone to see. I think he did it on purpose. As to why, I don't know. So I'm sure when word got around even the people who didn't know, now know. Sheesh! I hated this. Really really hated it. I wished I could bury my head under the sand or disappear all together. I kept my head down as I walked about the campus. I missed the days when I was invisible. If I knew dating Zukile would be like this I wouldn't have confessed to him. Liar. Okay I would still confess but request that we keep our relationship under the radar.

It was lunchtime now. I was waiting for Zukile under my tree. When 20 minutes passed and still no sign of him I started to get antsy. And the worst part is that he had my phone so I couldn't call him.




Still nothing. I sighed. Even the Zukile in my head was nowhere to be found.

When an hour passed, I decided to go get myself something to munch on fast like a sandwich since my next class was in 15 minutes. I was really worried though about my boyfriend. I hope nothing bad happened to him. No Zenande don't think like that. I'm sure something came up and is keeping him busy. I kept telling myself that as I walked towards the tuck shop. I just bought a sandwich and was eating it as I went towards the building where my class was going to be when I was suddenly grabbed from the behind and everything went black.

When I awoke, I was on my knees. I was disorientated and had the worst of headaches. It was dark but fire was lit everywhere. Judging from the trees, this was a forest. There were people dancing and chanting around me in a language that I didn't understand. It sounded ancient. I started to feel nauseous and then I fell to the ground screaming because it hurt everywhere. It felt like my very soul was burning. The chanting got louder and louder. I screamed clutching my chest as the pain got more unbearable. I was in pure agony. What was happening to me? I don't know how long the pain went on for but then it suddenly stopped leaving me feeling as good as dead. The dancing and chanting stopped. "So? Did it work?" I heard a familiar voice say.

"It's hard to say." Replied a voice with a thick accent.

"What do you mean? Did it work or not?"

"As I said it's hard to say. It's there and it's not there."

"What the fuck?" A new voice. Also familiar.

"You three had better start explaining yourselves if you know what's good for you."

"Threatening us is not being smart vamp."

"And why not? Will you chant your little spells to make me disappear into thin air?" Cackles went around. "I bet I could drain all the blood in your veins before you could even finish your little spell. What do you say? Should we give it a try?"

"Darling please behave. We still need them."

"Only because you said please."

"Okay so explain what you said before. What did you mean it's there and it's not there?"

"Even though they're not yet mated, they've bonded and their bond seems different. The more we try to break it, the more it becomes stronger and powerful. In all my hundred years of existence, I've never seen anything like it before."

"So you're telling me that there's nothing you can do? You three are supposed to be the best!"

"As I said, their bond-."

"Yeah yeah we heard you the first time old witch. Just tell us what we need to do to sever their bond."

"The only way is to kill her."

"Don't you think we tried that before? Another her will just be born again and then the cycle will begin all over again."

"Fucken prophecy. We need to find a way to stop it or our kind is in trouble."

"I can't-."

"Shh! Shut up for a sec."


"Do you guys hear anything?"

"No, nothing. It's quiet."

"Yeah, that's what worries me. It's too quiet."


"They're here."

Just then growls and snarls could be heard. They were surrounded. The Alpha had come for his mate and they'll be hell to pay.

A battle broke out as I went in and out of consciousness. I could hear tearing of flesh, bones breaking, cries, snapping of teeth as the wolves growled and snarled. I don't know how long this went on for but there was a moment when everything was quiet. Only the heavy breathing of the wolves could be heard. Then I saw the black wolf looking down at me with its glowing eyes. It whined as it ran its muzzle all over my face and neck. It was weird but my whole being found great comfort in it doing that. I even brushed its fur. It was my way of telling it that I was fine since I knew it was worried about me. Now that I knew I was safe (don't ask me how I knew all this. I just did) I could feel myself start to fade out. I don't know if I was seeing things or not but before everything could go black, I saw the black wolf changing and and becoming my boyfriend.

When I woke up, I was in bed in Zukile's bedroom. I squinted my eyes because the room was really bright. I patted the nightstand for my glasses and put them on. Even though I did remember what had happened, I couldn't trust my memory because the things I did remember shouldn't be humanly possible. If I remembered correctly, apparently I was kidnapped by witches and vampires. Wolves rescued me and my boyfriend was a werewolf. How mental was that! I couldn't wrap my head around it all. And why wasn't I losing my mind over all of this? Knowing myself, I should be. Actually, any normal person would be. I couldn't shake the feeling that I knew those people from yesterday. The vampires. Gosh! This was just crazy! I shook my head as I rubbed my head feeling confused and frustrated.

<i>I see you're finally awake. I'm on my way precious one.</i>





<i>Who are you?</i>

He chuckled.

<i>Have you already forgotten about me? I'm your boyfriend. Your mate.</i>



The possessiveness in which he said the last part ignited a fire in me. Sheesh!

<i>This is crazy. You're crazy.</i>





<i>I'm not crazy and deep down you also know that.</i>





<i>I-I can't. I can't deal with this right now. Leave me alone. </i>





A growl...and then...


The fire grew and spread through my whole body. I couldn't stop or control the moans that came out of me


My vagina throbbed. I bit my lip to stop from crying out. My vagina throbbed again. This time I couldn't stop the cry.

<i>Yes. Mine.</i>










<i>Yes. You're mine precious. And I'm going to claim every inch of you.</i>