
An offer is made

Gary put his brand-new room to good use… by hiding in it. The teenager even went as far as to skip his next meal to avoid having to face the consequences of his actions. He simply didn’t know how to cope with all of this sudden unwanted attention.

Naturally, his absence did little to nothing to stop the rumour mill that was coming up with crazy ideas about what the strange Wolf Altered would do next. However, the other students were just as curious about how the other top rankers intended to handle him.

Since the Werewolf had won the duel, everyone else had their rank adjusted. Normally, that would be barely worth mentioning, but this time around, one of the former top rankers suddenly found himself disqualified from advancing to the AFA.

Only… what exactly could he do about it? By himself, barely anything. Challenging Gary after the teenager had revealed that he was actually capable to fully transform into his Altered form was akin to suicide.