
Overthought and Underestimated

"Black Hole, which sucks up everything and turns it all to dust. I see that is an astounding quirk. However, Thirteen, you are a hero who works to rescue people from disasters. As expected, your battle experience is less than half of that of a normal hero. That is why you made such a foolish mistake." – Portal guy

After saying that the Portal guy focused and created a portal right behind thirteen. Thirteen was not expecting that and then felt a suction force coming from through the portal. It was his own Blackhole suction.

"A warp Gate!" – Thirteen.

Thirteen didn't take into account the quirk of his opponent and attacked, he was to use to using his quirk as a way to stop disasters that were simple and straight forward without any tricks. Because of that, he allowed the enemy to use his own quirk against him.

Before Thirteen could stop his quirk, his suit started to shatter, before desolating into the portal. By the time Thirteen could stop his quirk, the entire back half of his suit had already been reduced to dust and particles by his own quirk.

"You turned yourself into dust." – Portal guy

"h-he got me…" - Thirteen

"[such an amazingly powerful quirk, yet what a useless hero, it seems he didn't even bother training his quirk, seeing from how long it took him to stop it. Still, I should add this quirk to the list, as well as the Portal guys, I'll have to use that portal if I can't find a teleporting quirk. Well I should see what Thirteen looks like, so I don't need to search for him in his hero costume.]" – Izuku

Izuku moved forward while everyone else was stunned at their teacher getting injured, he pretended to be worried about Thirteen and got close to look inside his suit, but there was nothing there or at least nothing he could see.

"[What? Was his body destroyed? No, he's still moving. What is going on here? I need to get more information about him; this gives me a dangerous feeling.]" – Izuku

While Izuku was focusing on the mystery of Thirteen, he snapped back when he heard someone tell Ilda to run.

"Damn It!!!" – Ilda

Ilda took off with a burst. Bypassing the portal guy in just a moment. But it had no effect, the portal guy just made a portal in front of Ilda. Ilda who was running at speed didn't have enough time to stop and was running into the portal himself. Until Shoji jumped and somehow was able to tackle the portal guy away from Ilda, Ilda was able to react quickly and instead of carrying on with the stopping motion he was doing, he burst into a sprint again.

However, the Portal guy was able to quickly escape Shoji's grasp and continue his pursuit of Ilda. But that short moment is all that Izuku needed to confirm the weakness. However, just when Izuku finished preparing his One for All mode and was about to rush forward to grasp the weakness, someone else was quicker and was moving forward before him. Izuku looked at the person and was frozen.

"I don't know the theory behind it, but if he's wearing' something' like this, then it must mean he has a physical body. Go, Ilda!" – Uraraka

The one who moved forward before Izuku was Uraraka, the one he thought of as a foolish go happy girl. She had grabbed the weakness of the Portal guy, which was a large collar type object, and threw it high into the air with her power activated onto it.

"My body! Oh no!" – Portal guy

Ilda had reached the door because of this short delay, using all his strength he started to pry it open as fast as he could.

"However- -… " - Portal guy

While his body was still in the air, the Portal guy was still able to move forward with his black smog-like body towards Ilda. But after having his weakness pointed out, the other students wouldn't let go of this chance.

"I won't let you!" – Hanta Sero

Sero shot of his tape quirk and made it attach to the collar of the Portal guy; he then pulled it back while allowing Sato to grab hold of it as well. Sato grabbed the tape and ripped it off Sero's arm. Then with all his strength he pulled the Portal Guy back and started to revolve like a tornado before giving it a big throw.

"GO!" – Sato

"arghhhh" – Portal Guy

This small amount of time was all Ilda needed, to pry open the door with his hands and rush out. Everyone heard Ilda shout.

"Engine Boost!" – Ilda

Everyone celebrated being able to let Ilda escape and call for help. Izuku, on the other hand, was silent, there was no longer the calm but thoughtful look on his face, the calm smile that he liked to portray wasn't there either. He was looking at all the other students around him. Besides the one who stayed behind to help Thirteen or guard him, everyone who took actions was able to make a great impact on the outcome, even more so then Thirteen the pro hero himself.

"I overthought things." – Izuku

The students next to Izuku who were happy and celebrating Ilda escaping looked over at Izuku, but by the time they had looked over Izuku had already gone.

The Portal guy who was originally thinking about how he had let Ilda escape and he was going to get help meaning it was game over for the villains, felt a tug. He looked over and realised it was the tape that was still attached to him, he followed it to see who was pulling it when he saw Izuku.

After speaking Izuku had used his speed and strength to jump into the air and grab a hold of the tape that was tied to the Portal Guy. He was staring at the Portal guy while he fell back to the ground and landed. The Portal guy who was also looking at Izuku suddenly felt danger and tried to portal away, but it was too late. Izuku had already landed and with a fierce pull, he yanked the Portal guy towards him at speed.

"[his smog wasn't able to surround me when I used the air currents from my punches to block it, seems he doesn't have enough time and control to use the quirk under high pressure, just like now. The collar wasn't the only weakness I observed]." – Izuku

However, the Portal Guy wasn't about to go out so easily. He decided to use the momentum from the pull to smash into Izuku. Izuku was prepared for this, just when the Portal Guy was about to smash into Izuku, Izuku slightly shifted his body and sidestepped, moving out the way in the nick of time. That was not all Izuku did however, he reached out his hand and grabbed onto the passing collar and with a twist of his body, he forcefully smashed it into the ground.

This action stunned the portal Guy and his big smog-like body returned to the shape of a human with an elegant suit and tie, besides his suit the rest of his body was still smog-like and the collar that was weakness that Izuku was grabbing a hold off was 5 metal plates that seemed to go from his collarbone to just below his eyes.

"[I was overthinking things, it made the other students who I looked down on act before me, not only that they were able to succeed in the attempt while I just stayed in the back. The ones I looked down on… I wouldn't have known how dangerous they were until it was too late if this didn't happen, the villains' attack allowed me to see my naivety. I'm not the strongest yet and there are still others with the potential to grow strong around me. Seems I can't look down on anyone, I should think about this later, for now…] well Mr so-called Villain, why don't you stay still for me or I might be forced to crush this questionable fashion choice of yours." – Izuku

The other students were still reacting to what was happening, everything happened to fast. From Ilda escaping to Izuku suddenly disappearing to then just as quickly capture the villain. Some of the students quickly started to run over to Izuku.

"You are the most dangerous, but a hero isn't allowed to bring harm to others." – Portal Guy

The Portal guy started to use his fog to escape but then he felt an increased pressure on his collar, he glanced up and felt his blood freeze. Izuku was staring down at him with his signature calm smile and face, but when Portal Guy saw this it reminded him of someone and that terrified him even more. From that moment on the portal just stayed still and didn't even move an inch.

"[that was easier than expected. Why did he submit so quickly?]." – Izuku

"Midoriya." – Other Students

"Sato come and hold this down if you see him doing anything suspicious just increase the pressure on it, don't be afraid to break it. The rest of you keep your guard up as well, this guy is sneaky. Ilda has already escaped so now we just need to wait for help." – Izuku

The other students did as they were told, while Izuku started walking towards the stairs to look at the situation of Aizawa. But when he came over to look he was surprised, a lot of the villains were on the floor but there was this big bird faced monster man sitting on top of Aizawa and crushing him. Aizawa was having his arms broken and face smashed. When Izuku was this he was pissed.


Izuku activated his One for All mode again and was about to rush down to help Aizawa when he was stopped.

"Izuku what are you doing?!" – Momo/Uraraka

"What do you think? I'm going to help Aizawa-Sensei." – Izuku

"Stop Student Midoriya, wait for the other teachers to come and help." – Thirteen

"it will be too late by then." – Izuku

Izuku then made his way downstairs without attracting any attention.


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