
My vampire boyfriend(BL)

Not everyone gets a second chance in life but he got a second chance to make make it up for the love of his life,Nate was an orphan, he was lucky to be admitted at one of the best school in the country.There he meets a strange young man nicknamed as savage who made him feel inexplainable emotions,he felt longing and love for him,but they had just met so why did he feel that way?,he kept on approaching him but he seemed to hate him more than anything else for some reasons he felt hurt when he pushed him away but that wasn't all he kept on having weird dreams,he saw himself holding a man in his arms,the man was badly injured and kept on vomiting blood,he couldn't clearly see the man in his dream but everytime he woke up there were tears in his eyes and he felt inexplainable heartache and sadness.Who was that man in his dreams?,why did he keep on dreaming about him?. In school he made alot of friends,the School was perfect but the rules were strict,but there was more than what met the eyes.There were alot of dark secrets about the School,there was existence of supernatural beings which were not known to human,they only heard about them in folktales.Nate's find himself strongly attracted to savage,he is very famous and have alot of fangirls,he is smart and also very handsome,he was cold and ruthless, everyone was scared of him but for some reasons Nate wasn't scared of him.He never cared about anyone but he couldn't stop caring for him,he gets worried when he is hurt at the same time he hates him,he gets jealous when he sees him with another person,he is very possessive about Nate but doesn't admit it,only he made him feel that way,he was able to make him feel all those strange emotions.Why did he feel that way?they had just met,why was he longing for him?. Talking about secret there was big secret about Nate's background, strange things began happening around him,he got curious and decided to find out,he didn't know who truly he was,he only knew he grew up in an orphanage and with the help of savage he uncovers his true identity and also learns the truth about their tragic past,he was a being that wasn't supposed to exist,he was a danger to everyone,he was a curse that would hurt those close to him,but he wasn't going to give up no matter how people were against him,Nate promises not to make the same mistake he did in his previous life,he will never hurt his beloved.He had gotten a second chance to mend his wrong doings he won't waste it,but there there were alot of obstacles in their way and they had to overcome them or they will have a tragic end.

phaynique · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Learning the truth (chapter 37)

Savage stared at Nate as he slowly opened his eyes,in a dim light room and unfamiliar environment Nate felt his heartbeat increase fear slowly sipping into him,the thought about the dream he had popped in his mind sending shivers down his spine,but before he could scream for help he saw a shadow of two people standing a little further from him "Savage" he called scared he quickly sat up panicked,Savage misunderstood his fear was due to what had happened,he hurriedly walked towards him,he sat next to him and held his hand "it's okay I'm here" he assured his scared boyfriend,Nate recalled what had happened and stared at Savage confusion,fear and disbelief in his eyes making Savage's chest tighten "what happened to me?" he asked staring at his hands as if his hands could give him the answer he is looking for,he clearly recalled how he burned people to ashes,guilt and pain overshadowed him tears welling in his eyes,Savage didn't know what to say to comfort him,he could only squeeze his hand to comfort him "what did I do?Savage have I turned into a monster?was it really me who killed those people?can someone please tell me what's happening to me?" Nate spoke out loud clearly showing his fears,he felt his chest tighten.

Though he knew the answers to his questions he wanted someone to tell him it was all a lie,that what he saw was just an illusion,that he was incapable of burning people to ashes, atleast that could make him feel better,but they all knew what had happened was real and he was the one who did it,seeing him wallow in grief Savage turned to look at Beatrix his eyes asking for help, understanding his meaning she walked closer to them "calm down first.... I'll tell you everything" she said, though she wanted to comfort him she didn't have the strength to give a comforting speech,what had happened can't be undone.Savage pulled him to his chest and huggd him patting his back and after crying for a while Nate managed to calm down, Beatrix chanted some words and streched her hand,a fire ball appeared on her hand shocking Nate,with light eliminating the room Nate could clearly see who she was,with mouth wide open he asked "you?....h..how?".

Beatrix cleared her throat "no need to be surprised... I'm a witch ..... that's means I'm able to wield magic" she said straight forward,Nate stared at her in shock,he turned to look at Savage who was staring at him calmly, confused he asked "are witches real?" "they are... your boyfriend here is a vampire,those people who tried to ambush you are hunters enemies of vampires..." she thought telling him that his boyfriend was not a human it could help him accept who he was but both were shocked when Nate didn't look suprised,this confirmed that Nate already knew his identity "you already know?" Savage asked suprised,Nate nodded his head "that time I saw your eyes turn red at first I thought it was my imagination but I met with a vampire who wanted to drink my blood.... luckily Mr Smith came in time but then I realised he too was vampire..... that's when I realised what I saw was real ...that you are a vampire" he replied shocking them futher, hearing how Nate was about to be attacked by a vampire Savage folded his hand into a tight fist,a flash of coldness appeared in his eyes and immediately it dissapeared,he squeezed his hand feeling warmth spread all over his body, knowing that Nate already knew about his identity but he wasn't scared and didn't treat him differently he felt happy,his boyfriend was truly one of a kind even after knowing the truth he was willing to be with him and still loved him,his worries were dispated his love for him increasing double folds.Beatrix laughed out loud "interesting.... that's means Mr Smith tried to hypotonize you.....it didn't work on you right? you still remember what happened?" she asked,Nate nodded his head "of course it can't work on you that's because you're a witch..... luckily he didn't notice" she dropped the bomb.

Nate eyes widened,if it was possible his jaw would be touching the ground "how come?" he managed to squeeze some words,all this time Savage was silent staring intently at Nate,when it come to witches he knew almost nothing, Beatrix was the best person to tell him everything he needed to know,he only wanted to give him moral support and be there for him."That I can't say....do you have any memory of your family or anyone close to your family before you were left at the orphanage?" she asked,Nate shook his head still in shock,him being a witch was the most shocking news he ever received in his entire life "I don't know how to tell you this but you're a male witch which is unheard of,male witches don't exist,if my guess is correct you come from a family of witches that's why they abandoned you,if a witch gives birth to a son he is killed....not only are you a male witch but you're the prophesied witch rumoured to be the destroyer, you're a powerful witch who can wield forbidden magic....and to make it short your existence is a threat to many" she said,Nate stared at her in disbelief today he is receiving shocking news one after the other.

"Don't worry for now that's all you need to know... you're unable to control your power since you recently awakened.....that's what we are going to work on first .....any other questions is for later..... you're inability to control your power may endanger your life.... I'll teach you how to control your emotions to avoid influencing the weather and don't worry about those people you burned if you didn't both of you might not be alive" she said,Nate looked at Savage feeling his heart beat increase,if there is something he could never handle was to see Savage hurt,even the thought of it scared the hell out of him,he nodded his head absentminded,the shock was too much that anything he heard he couldn't react.He was a male witch,the rumoured destroyer,his emotions could influence the weather Nate felt like his head was about to burst "and about your hair" she said pointing at his hair,that's when Nate realised his hair was grey,he was busy seeking answers that he didn't notice his hair had changed "you need to dye it.....Nate you must understand that your existence can build or destroy us....be careful" she said.