
My travels in multiverse

Welp! i never thought a guy like me would br given a second chamce... though its more of a job simce i am just doing an errand for a God who is too lazy to do it himself WARNING WARNING VERY BAD GRAMMAR AND SENSE OF WRITING

Contractor_101 · TV
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs


I made my way for the wards where the Japanese we're being forced to stay by the soldiers, I had established myself as an important figure in the eyes of the faculty and soldiers, though I don't know how much high of an authority.

By the looks of it, I had two sliders accompany me wherever I went so I could say I was like a high-grade officer in their eyes.

I looked around the place and could smell the disease since I was in wolf form. It seems like the immigrants and the native are not being treated well but that's a given because war is always like this.

All the immigrants or should I say prisoners stood up to pay respects, almost so stiff and I could also smell fear and anger from them.

I could sense the two supernatural in this place and be thinking what would be the best way of talking to them, maybe get a little bit of info about what's cooking in the Supernatural world, I could ask the druids everything but for some reason, I was easily irritated by them and I don't know why this happens.

I sensed the wolf, it was a beta. or more like an omega at the moment since a lone wolf is considered an omega.

The other was a fox, the damnable foxes I had a run-in with one of their kind before, and let me tell you, I dont have a good opinion of them, their stare of mind is even weirder than mine. though an old fox does give some good advice, they have a similar problem like mine where they face the nature of their spirit where I face the habits of my wolf side.

the fox was looking at me with a smirk while the Wolf beta seemed unsurprised, maybe the beta does not find me recognizable but I do recognize her.

After an order from me, the Soldiers took the two of them to a separate room where I can have a talk with them in private.

"What do you want ?" said the fox to me

"Nothing just checking things," I said back

"What are you...I can feel something from you....?" the calm beta asked me, looks like someone is very experienced

"Hmm, I go by many names, Allfather, Fenrir, and Argos are some of them," I said which caused The werewolf to be shocked while the fox was showing expressions that screamed she did not believe me.

"Yes I knew you smelled familiar to me, I once saw you in your wolf form, it was magnificent, My Alpha even tried to harm you but he was beaten black and blue by the druids for doing so." the werewolf was very excited to see me, turned out I am like the hero or myth of the supernatural haha.

"How do we know you are the real deal," asked the fox

"You dont and I dont care I just came to see if there were any problems since I have nothing useful to do at the moment and also get some info from. you guys" I said which irked the two of em

"What would you like to know about Sir," said the werewolf

"For starters, I would like to know the names of you both and what kind of fox you are as well as any info you have on supernaturals that are breaking the codes of the supernatural and stuff," I said to them

I had a little bit of chat and showed them my Lycan form to prove that I was who I said I was even though I did not need to but the shock on their face was worth it.

Satomi only told me of some rogue Werewolfs in the Asian regions and how they operate is against the code while The fox girl who calls herself Noshiko had some juicy and scary info on the supernatural, some that not even the druids would have.

She told me about skinwalkers and desert walkers and some things like the ghost riders and stuff

She says that according to the elder fox who she prays to, all these supernaturals have unfairly gained their abilities and are against the balance according to the rules.

I had a bit of talk with them and then left to search for some other place, this place was very gloomy for me but turns out that every area around was gloomy as hell, due to all the war going on and the tension in the air.

Seeing no chances of finding anything remotely peaceful went back to the forest and sat beside the Nameton and started meditating, I wanted to deal with the wolf problem and I had some guesses.

The first and the most valid guess I had was that my Wolf side is sentient, judging from how I once dreamed of a wolf that had moons for its eyes I am pretty sure I am right so I started meditating in hopes of going deeper into my mindscape and finding that furry guy.

I kept meditating for four days and just as I felt that I was close to diving into my deep conscious, Since I was in my wolf form and was meditating I somehow connected with the Nameton, the Nameton sent some kind of pulse through me which is usually it's a way of telling me that something was going on out there so I woke up.

As soon as I got out of the small forest preserve I smelled the death in the air and followed it to a truck, an army truck and two guys were loading off bodies that were had bullet holes on them.

I immediately recognized more than ten of them...along with the fox in them. although we did not have much conversation I hit it off pretty well with the fox and the wolf and now seeing that one of them was dead and the condition of the other being unknown made me a bit sad...sad enough to rush at the two soldiers, I didn't think the army would be so....cruel to kill the civilians.

As I turned into a giant wolf and was about to take their heads off I noticed that the soldier was already down on the ground dead and butchered and the other was trying hard to start the truck in vain.

A mummified figure was walking towards the truck in a crooked manner it had sharp teeth and looked like a kid's nightmare.

I felt that the thing's very existence was a bad omen, it reeked of all the bad things I had ever smelled, it sensed me and stopped to look back at me, brought its hands up to its mouth, and shushed me like I was a kid.

I was about to rip the guy's head off in anger and as my duty but heard the sound of someone among the pile of dead.

It looks like Noshiko was alive and in very much need of treatment. she was trying to say something to me but I could not understand her words

I ran over to her to hear her but the only thing she said was, "I made a mistake....gah...its a nogitsune, please contain it before it gets out of hands, it lives on fear strife and chaos and this war is the perfect time for this fox...Gah" she said trying to stand up.

I was not just gonna let her fall so I decided to lend her a hand, we both flew up in the sky and followed the truck, I did not far do any dangerous maneuvers because Noshiko was in a bad state and I did not wanna risk it anymore.

"It--It's heading towards the relocation camp...we need to go ahead of it an stop it...maybe we can kill it if we use my sword but that's highly unlikely" she spoke in between puking blood and healing at the same time

"I can deal with that thing while you get yourself treated..." I told her but decided not to take her to the camp since that's where she got these holes shot through her.

"I called for the nogitsune to kill the others that did unjust to us and the others, I could not let them escape after they caused the death of one of us ughh," she said trying to explain herself, she probably thinks of herself as responsible for all of this and she probably is

"Yeah you are right about that, it's your fault, you were too quick to rush things, for god's sake you are a fucking thousands year old fox and can live a thousand more, I am sure after you heal you could hunt them down like prey and take revenge but no, you had to go ahead and summon a fuckin dark fox for me to clean up," I told her a little frustrated as well as happy cause I finally found something to do

I let her rest on the tree and told her to stay as I reached the camp oak tree and not long after firing began, even though I was here I was still not going to save the soldiers that killed the innocents of camp oak creek.

He let the damned fox kill all the soldiers and when the fox was about to attack the civilians that were still alive and were hiding in a tunnel under the building Argos grabbed the surprised Nogitsune by the head and threw it back.

Needless to say, the fox stood back up and addressed Argos with the name that was given to him by the Druids of old-time

"If it isn't the Allfather, pleased yo meet you now can you stand aside and let me finish my job," he said

"I am surprised you know of me," said Argos

"Haha, I am a being of chaos, strife, and fear, its a fact that I know the name of someone that is supposed yo keep balance am I not"

"Although I m happy that intros are out of the window I am gonna have to stop you here and now, it's time you go back," I said as I turned into my Lycan form and threw him straight-up breaking the upper floors and we were now outside and far away from the underground where all the people were, I just hope they forget about me since I am not capable of erasing memories....yet

As I was contemplating things in my mind the Nogitsune was back up and screamed in anger and frustrations

"You are strong for a pathetic wolf I must say but things such as injuries cannot defeat me, I can simply change my host," he said while cackling like a certain joker

"I know that as well, only another kitsune can kill you in a specific way which doesn't know because they are very secretive about it from what I have heard and also that you have another grave weakness," I said to him with a mock smile on my face

i guess he already knew what i was gonna say,

"Whats this Nogitsune I smell fear on you,haha" I laughed which caused the Nogitsune to lunge at me with fury.

I had to say that despite the Nogitsune being very strong it did not have much in the speed department and I quickly overpowered it with my humongous lycan body , it tried to break free by biting me a few times but I quickly broke off its teeth with some punches I bit the disgusting body on the shoulder and the Nogitsune started screaming for its life.

I took out a jar I made out of Nametons wood and caught the flying insect that the Nogitsune had become, the insect kept bashing itself onto the jar from what I could tell by hear the sound but it was of no use.

As I closed the lid tightly I saw Satomi walking towards me with rage in her eyes only to be shocked once I told her that Nogitsune has been killed, Satomi was very sorry about what happened to the lover of The fox and wanted to apologize and be forgiven or whatever.

As I was about to take Satomi with me to Noshiko I saw her coming to the gate and walked towards her with Satomi behind me.

"Where is the Nogitsune, I must stop it" she said in a hurry

I raised the jar in my hands and told her that I have already taken care of the problem and assured her that the Nogitsune will never escape it's prison

Seeing that innocents were alive she was finally at peace,though Satomi was gone now but Noshiko said that she would like to see with her own eyes how i take care of the Nogitsune.

i did not mind and let her come with me to the Nameton

He guys this is the chapter for this week and the previous one was from the last week I hope you like it, please like it haha love you all and goodbye recommend some novels I can read

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