
My Three Crazy Soulmates

Sheis4thestreets1 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 1

It's been 5 years and during these 5 years I have learned a lot I learnt and mastered nen. During my missions I was sometimes asked to team up with someone else. That was how I met my emotionless soulmate Illumi it was both the best and worst day of my life. The first time we met was when I was about 16 years old we were assigned to kill the most secure human being alive he was owner of several business corporations he was basically the business tycoon of the land and his competition no longer wanted him around. So they hired me and Illumi, when I first saw him I thought to myself his aura is scary and he is quite the assassin after all. It was an honour on my part to work with a Zoldyk family member. I was a unique case because I had three soulmates I had their marks and initials on my body but I never bothered to check who it was because having a soulmate would be inviting unnecessary problems in my life and knowing my curiosity I would have wanted to know who they were immediately.

Illumi was a very quiet guy he was silent the entire time we were together and when he spoke it meant he was giving me instructions.

I usually worked alone but there were some special cases where I had to work with someone and those were the times I was assigned a mission with the assassin prodigy Killua Zoldyk he was an extremely chill guy he was easy to get along with, if you don't talk to him at some point he will initiate conversion with you. During all those co joined missions I always felt like someone was following closely behind it was weird at first till I asked Killua if he could sense someone following us too then he said so nonchalantly" oh that's just my big brother Illumi, he is overbearing so just do what I do " I looked at him and said "what" "ignore him it will feel like he isn't there anymore soon enough" I looked at this kid like he was crazy cause he probably was, but the heck I'll do as he says I'll ignore him.

Meeting Illumi person was different from just sensing his presence but I had to get back on track and not to get distracted by Illumi. I asked him if he would mind me getting close to the guy then assassinating him he said he was okay with the idea.

I memorized the tycoon's entire schedule

Targets profile

Name: Zedril

Age: 21

Schedule: Monday, woke up at 5 a.m did morning routine, went for a run in his backyard went to work at 7 a.m and worked till 9 p.m , then went to his house and slept till five a.m.

He repeated this Monday to Sunday the only exception was on Saturday when he would go out to a house for a party, every single time he left the place he would look 10 times less stressed. He would then go back to his normal routine till Saturday.

Status: Single

Me and Illumi decided it would be best if we did more research on the warehouse once we discovered it held kids who were brought from all around the world to act as rich people's way of letting their stress out. Illumi made the preparations so my life was 20 times easier in this case to get into the warehouse. Everyone at the party was wearing masks and all the kids were all around 14-16 years old and they were all wearing the same outfits. I went on to talk to one of the girls in that room and they asked if it was my first time here when I said it was she told me to accept anything they did to me without hesitation or resistance. I was disgusted by what she said but I went ahead with what she told me. I also asked how to get Zedril's attention she said he had to hand pick me otherwise I wouldn't even be glanced at.

I happened to have a bigger bust, butt and wider hips for someone my age but these features came in handy sometimes like now I looked gorgeous and sexy in this outfit, it fit me like a glove. Zedril also happened to notice me and he called me over I complied, he was very impressed that I was obedient especially since he had never seen me before. He took us to a separate room away from all the guests it gave me a chance to be alone with him, so when he began to help me get undressed I removed my favourite dagger and killed him without leaving a single drop of blood. Illumi then entered the room and helped me get out of the warehouse, we reported to the client that we had accomplished our mission. I wanted to say goodbye to Illumi but thought he'd leave me on seen but I gathered whatever courage was left in me and I went over to say it's been great working with you and I hope we can work together again but before I had a chance to say what I wanted Illumi himself he asked if we could go over to my place to discuss something important.