
chapter 1

In the outskirts of the forest, a small hut stood alone, with no other houses in sight. However, it seemed that two humans were busy with something inside.

"Grandpa, are you ready?" I exclaimed with excitement.

"Yeah, but try to minimize the damage, will you?" Grandpa shouted, hiding behind a magical barrier. The barrier was a long square shield that protected him as I prepared to use my magic.

Using the mana technique, I focused my hand towards a mountain and said, "Atomic collision!" Suddenly, a red orb formed in front of my palm, which I then released towards the mountain.


As the orb collided with the mountain, a wave of heat surged out, scattering dust particles and rocks everywhere. The collision was so powerful that it created a hole in the mountain, wiping out the vegetation nearby.

"Hmm, that was quite a powerful spell, Youzu," Grandpa commented, coming out from behind his shield. He suggested that it would be better to avoid using such destructive spells.

"But Grandpa, most of my spells are just as destructive as this one. What can I do?" I argued, not wanting to give up using these spells. They gave me a sense of power and satisfaction.

"No," Grandpa said firmly. "You know, as a 17-year-old boy wielding magic that can cause unimaginable destruction, if people find out about you, they will freak out." Although he was lecturing me, I understood what he meant. Not many people could cause this much damage.

"So, Youzu, it seems that with this spell, you are ready to face the challenges of the new world. I have nothing else to teach you," Grandpa said with a smile, tears streaming down his face.

I bowed to my grandpa, who was not only my teacher but also my guardian. I thanked him for raising me so well and making me strong.

"Old man, I am truly grateful for all your teachings and lessons. They have shaped me into who I am today."

Hahaha, you little rascal! Don't act like I'm already gone and you're paying respects at my grave. Just remember Youzu , "Even with the greatest power, your humanity lies in your sanity. Never loose that." He patted my back and then headed into the hut.

I Youzu, i am the one who possess a rare magic according to my grandfather, the magic of absolute destruction. He believes my talent surpasses that of any sorcerer, witch, mage, monster, elves, or beastmen. I am naturally gifted, learning sword fighting from him in just 100 days, mastering something that takes others a lifetime. Within a year, I mastered five spells, but I didn't stop there. I began creating spells that people couldn't even imagine were possible. According to common logic, spells are creations of the gods, and the spells in this world were created by some gods thousands of years ago.

Although I am talented and strong, my parents remain a mystery to me. I've asked my grandpa about them countless times, but he always tells me to become stronger and strong enough that one day they will need to come to me.

I've thought about it, but it feels futile because I don't even know where to begin. Well, currently, I don't care much about the mystery because I just graduated from my grandpa's university. Finally, I have surpassed him. This old man may look weak with his wrinkled face and white hair, but don't be fooled. He carries a stick with him, but he's a monster when it comes to fighting. He knows martial arts, sword fights, and even controls three elements. Training with him is like a game of survival, but I'm grateful because it has made me powerful enough to crush anyone!

So, what do you want to do in the future? My grandpa suddenly asked me the question I've been avoiding for a long time.

Ah, for now, I just want to eat my food and then I'll think about it. I evaded the question, but I could see my grandpa's eyes glaring at me instead of his food. Seriously, can't you just focus on your own meal?

Suddenly, my grip on the spoon loosened as his words sank in. Determined to maintain my composure, I confidently declared, "I am strong, why would any woman resist me?"

Thinking I had made a valid point, the old man brought me back to reality with a resounding slap. "You're broke, son. You have no money. How do you plan to support yourself and your partner?"

Feeling frustrated, I exclaimed, "Well, it's not my fault! All you've taught me is how to fight, not how to survive in the real world. So, I'll make use of these skills" Despite my attempts to convince him that I would be fine, the old man remained unconvinced.

"Oh, so you want to become a slave in the kingdom? Not a bad option," he sneered, a mocking smile on his face.

Determined not to be anyone's slave, I stood up with a defiant grin. "I won't be a slave. I'll be the king!" However, he quickly shut me down with a sobering reality check.

"You may be strong, but are you strong enough to defeat an entire kingdom?"

Confidently, I replied, "Hmm, I believe I can." Yet, deep down, I wondered if I truly stood a chance against a kingdom filled with individuals like him.

"Well, who cares!" I exclaimed, brushing off his doubts.

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