
That time I paid to win

Xander was surprised. This beast was indeed top-tier for the mere fact that it had a poison so potent and so deadly that once it is fully mastered and consumed within himself he would be able to kill most Gods with the poison alone.

However, he was curious to know what the poison can do, so he asked Hakan.

"That is indeed impressive, however, what does this poison even do?"

Xander asked in wonder to which Hakan smiled at this as if patiently waiting for him to ask so he could blow his mind away, and what Hakan said was indeed amazing.

"This poison is from an eldritch being; so its potency and effects are insanely powerful if not outright nonsensical, first of all, the poison ignores every and all forms of physiology, may it be existing ones or new ones."

"Meaning it doesn't matter if you're a metaphysical being, a conceptual entity, or a being that transcends whatever bullshit you can imagine."

"The poison rate of effect itself is absolute, there is no counter, no alternative, no shortcut, no nothing, hell even becoming nothing won't save you till your dead."

Said Hakan as he continue speaking.

"Because once this enters or attaches itself to you, then it's staying on you at all times, till enough potency was registered to eliminate the victim, even killing the inflicter won't make the poison go away, as forever mean, death is the only freedom."

Hakan said with a serious tone, to which Xander had a face of amazement. However, that face soon turns to a sly smile as he countered with it an obvious question.

"That's amazing and all, however, when can any of this be possible, you're telling me the pros, now what are the cons, I don't think a power like this comes without drawbacks right?"

Hakan laughs joyfully at this impressed by Xander's keen sight as he explains.

"Hahaha... You're quite keen indeed, but to be honest, this poison is just another form of absolute erasure, it's a poison that makes its victim suffer before erasing them without a trace."

"Although as I said before, it has nine levels of potency, each potency is stronger and more lethal than the former, first your cells will start to burn which in turn would make the entire body burn with horrendous pain."

"Secondly the cells will slowly dissolve and liquefy, leaving you in a state of life and death."

"And last but not least, every fiber of your existence will slowly start to evaporate down to the very soul essence leaving nothing behind, essentially erasing you from existence."

"Are you following me?"

Asked Hakan who was explaining the power of the Lelouinarriaan poison.

He then finishes off by saying.

"Also you will need levels seven through nine to even begin dreaming of killing someone on the level of a God, if a person survives then that just means that the level of potency was just too weak, to begin with."

"Then you need to have eaten six of the nine body parts of the Lelouinarriaan body to make the poison have a permanent effect so level one through five anyone with high immunity can shrug it off."

"However after eating the Lelouinarriaan body parts you will forever be infected with the poison, and always remember if you can't evenly distribute the poison throughout your body, and in every single part at that, then you run the risk of being erased, as you need to tame destructive power of the poison as well."

Xander sighed at the thought, the poison was strong, but then and again, was his body even strong enough to even handle every single part of the Lelouinarriaan flesh to even begin with?

Thankfully the system finally cut him slack and offered some advice.

«This poison is a poison that would kill a mortal upon consumption, take this after becoming a Demi-God at the bare minimum, also you need to build up resistance by consuming a lot of other poison to your body if you want to cultivate the poison of the legendary Lelouinarriaan, the power of this beast is nothing to scoff at you know»

'I see, well for once you were useful."

«Ding! Fuck you, host»

'Fuck you too System.'

But as Xander discussed with the System, Hakan brought him back to reality by asking.

"So Lord ΩΑδ, do we have a deal?"

Xander didn't think much of it, instead, he suddenly created a large golden book, which took Hakan by surprise, as he asked curiously.

"And what might that be for?"

"In this book is the name of all the people of this universe, I can manipulate a person's story however I want by treating everything here as mere fiction, so tell me your wife's name, and kids, and state your wishes for them."

"Now we're talking business, ok so my first wish is."

And like that, Xander began to grant the wishes of Hakan so he can better his family life for the better, and doesn't have to worry about them while he goes to do his apostle training.

After Hakan was satisfied, he gave Xander the sealed box containing the dead body of the Lelouinarriaan, it was a very small box, that could fit in the palm of his hand, but he didn't open it, instead, he put it on one side.

From there Xander asks Hakan about any other poison techniques and actual poison in general.

With that Xander spend two hours in Hakan store, and after seeing a good amount of his merchandise, he was left with 0 UGs, as he spend all his money buying these things.

He bought four techniques, two offensive, one supportive, and one defensive.

2500 UGs > Acid Blood Manipulation Technique: A technique that will allow the user to manipulate their blood in any way possible, and also make the user's blood highly toxic to the point it can dissolve flesh and bones quickly even steel can be dissolved quickly once exposed to the user's blood.

4000 UGs > Poison Body Assimilation Technique: A technique that allows the user to break down any poison in their body and weaponize it as their own, and if the user can survive twenty-four hours without dying from the poison, then the user's entire body will house the poison, even gaining immunity to it.

5500 UGs > Perfect Clone Technique: A technique that allows the user to make a perfect clone of themselves, the clone listens to the original orders and takes every command as first priority, they can learn techniques, and gain knowledge, and upon the clone's death all the clone's emotions, experience, memories, and status will be transferred back to the original.

5000 UGs > Golden Aura Technique: A technique that engulfs the user in a wave of pure raw Logica, making the user's body radiate a golden aura, this technique increases overall defense power by ×5

3000 UGs > Box full of poison: A box filled with extremely potent and dangerous poison from different universes, in it, are a total of one hundred bottles of unique poison.

10,000 UGs > Monarch Haori: A full red Japanese Haori design after the Monarch butterfly, it has the blessing of wind engraved in it, allowing the user basic wind manipulation, and also it increases initial speed by +530.

5,000 UGs > Spatial ring tattoo: A ring shape tattoo that has a space of 160 meters on all four corners, it has artificial oxygen, so living with the mini pocket dimensions is possible, also time stops once inside but the owner can still move within the time stop.

Grand total: 35,000 UGs

Xander was short by a couple of thousand, but Hakan was kind enough to give him a discount and as a result, he was now officially broke.

And so after buying everything he wanted Xander stepped outside, as he said.

"Hmm. I'm satisfied, I think I should head back now."

So with that said, Xander summon fort his tablet once more and pressed the Iseakai button; and instantly he disappeared, and he found himself in his room, still in his lotus position.

He looks at his hand once more, and all that power he felt when he was in the Gaia universe disappeared.

"So im mortal again hahaha... Well, it was an experience alright... I will tell you that much for sure, however, I can't be wasting time, I need more power, that and I don't require sleep so what else. I do, ahh yes, let's try this new technique out, the first one I want to try out is of course."

"The perfect clone technique."

With those words said, Xander began to concentrate, on himself as he picture himself being split in two.

And like that two exact copies of himself were now beside him, one on each side, both left and right.

He looks to his left and saw himself, he looks to his right and saw himself, and at the same time, the trio shakes their heads in satisfaction all at the same time while all saying at the same time as well.

"Perfect, truly perfect with this I can now begin my training."

So with that said the main Xander got up and look at his clones and said.

"I'm going to send you to my pocket dimension there I want the both of you to kill each other in the most horrendous way possible, torture brutalizes, and break one another, and the winner will summon a clone, and the process will begin again, your only allowed to use the golden aura technique, you will only stop this cycle of life and death only after this technique reaches LVL 20, with that said good luck and have fun."

The two clones didn't refute and responded only with a respectful bow to their master, from there Xander send both of them into his pocket dimension, and he went right back to meditation, as he becomes one with his inner peace, as today was the beginning of Xander legend, a legend of how a boy brutalized and literally torture himself to perfect himself to acquire more power in the name of love.

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