
My Superstar Bollywood System

In a brutal accident, Dino, the only movie critic famous for his ruthless reviews against movies and actors, met his demise. As he thought he was about to breathe his last, a blue screen materialized before his eyes, displaying the words "Superstar Bollywood System." [System integrating: Become a top Bollywood superstar.] Dino's world suddenly transformed as he found himself in the shoes of Leo, a struggling and inexperienced actor he had ruthlessly criticized for his cringe-worthy performance in a movie. Leo had been on the brink of despair due to the relentless hate from movie lovers. However, just when he was contemplating suicide, a surprise invitation to an acting reality show called "Smallboss" breathed new life into him. Now, transmigrated into Leo's body, Dino faced an unusual predicament. To gain full control of this new life, he had to fulfill Leo's last wish.

Damian_Sera · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Dino the Movie critic

"What a horrible acting! I am wondering, is she really acting as the wife of a dead soldier? She seems more like a hooker than a wife." In front of the camera, a man spoke harshly. On his left side, a movie was playing.

Currently, the female lead was crying in front of the male lead, who had died for the country. Actually, the crying was really horrible. Her eyes didn't have enough emotion, just tears flowing as if her mother had cut onions.

Because the quality of the movie was so high, everyone decided to overlook the bad acting of the female lead, except for one person - Dino.

Dino was famous for his straightforward reviews. He was well-known in India and Asia for his ruthless critiques. He never accepted money for his reviews, and all his reviews were accurate. That's why he was known as the 'Critic God' in the entertainment industry.

Producers, directors, and actors feared his critiques, while some confident ones anticipated his words. For them, a single good word from him could make their movie a success in the Indian and Asian markets.

"Except for the female lead, every lead from old to child acted well. I give them 8 out of 10," Dino paused for a moment, then added, "And why did we really need songs in the middle? In this movie, the hero was dancing with the heroine when bullets were firing at him." His voice was dripping with sarcasm.

Bollywood movies often had a common factor - they all had music and dance sequences in the middle of crucial scenes. Many people enjoyed it, but for Dino, these were unnecessary and disrupted the flow of the movie.

"Overall, this movie clearly depicted the life of a soldier," Dino began, his tone less scathing than before. "The director did a commendable job with the movie's setting, and the filming quality and graphics were of high quality. However, the weak point lies in the performance of the female lead and the dialogues." He paused briefly, then went on to highlight specific instances.

"Here and here, you can't help but feel that these dialogues were forced. The screenwriter is in need of some serious training. Overall, my rating for this film is 3.5 out of 5."

With his review completed, Dino promptly ended his live-streaming session. As he glanced at the viewer count on Vtube, a satisfied smile graced his lips. "One million viewers at the same time," he murmured to himself.

His gaze then shifted to a photo hanging on the wall, that of his father. To anyone who remembers the famous romantic actor Daniel, known worldwide before the era of mobile phones, the sight of this photo would be astonishing.

Daniel had disappeared from the public eye when he was at the pinnacle of his career, leaving no trace. Yet, his movies remained beloved classics among middle-aged audiences.

"Today marks your eleventh death anniversary, Father," Dino whispered, a tinge of nostalgia in his voice as he remembered the enigmatic figure who had once been his father.

Glancing at his watch, Dino noted that it was already 6 p.m. It was time to visit the place where his father rested.

Tomorrow marked the release of the highly anticipated movie, "Rama Sitha," starring Prasab and Krisi Tanon. This film had already generated significant buzz due to its compelling storyline and the star power of its cast.

Dino had also watched the movie's trailer, and from that, he had a gut feeling that it could either be a massive hit or a colossal flop. The success would hinge on the execution of the scenes and the performances of the characters.

Moreover, "Rama Sitha" was a highly religious movie, which meant that any misstep in portraying the characters or the narrative could spark controversy and outrage among sensitive viewers.

Adding to the pressure, the film faced stiff competition from a long-running serial with a similar storyline that had aired five years ago. That serial had been a massive success, and if the movie failed to meet or exceed its level of quality, the producers could find themselves in dire straits. The stakes were undeniably high in the world of Bollywood.

Dino retrieved his car keys from the hook and made his way to the car park. His home was located in a VIP area of Mumbai, a testament to the substantial savings his father had accumulated for him.

Even without actively working, he could comfortably sustain himself with that inheritance.

He climbed into his red Mini Cooper and set off in the direction of St. Sebastian's Church, which was roughly five kilometers from his residence. As he started the car, he tuned in to an FM radio station, navigating through Mumbai's notorious traffic jams.

Mumbai at night, adorned with vibrant lights, was a mesmerizing spectacle. Dino had always enjoyed city travel.

Here, amidst the hustle and bustle, he witnessed people from diverse cultures coexisting harmoniously. Despite the daily grind to make ends meet, there were smiles on people's faces at night.

Today was Friday, and tomorrow would be the second Saturday, a day off. Dino glanced at the date displayed on the car's screen: 10-12-2020.

"It's almost Christmas," he murmured with a smile.

Lifting his gaze, he focused on the road ahead as he drove onto a flyover. The sun had already disappeared behind the clouds, casting an early evening darkness.

Suddenly, an intensely bright light flashed directly into his eyes, making it impossible for him to keep them open.

"Who the hell is this?" he cursed, attempting to control the speed of his car. When the blinding light finally vanished, he found himself faced with a dead end on the road ahead.

His eyes widened in terror as he desperately slammed on the brakes, but the worn-out brakes failed to respond adequately. With a deafening crash, his car collided with the flyover's wall, causing it to break apart, and both car and driver plummeted from the elevated road.

As he hurtled toward what he believed to be his impending demise, Dino's last thoughts were filled with a mixture of regret and sadness.

What had truly been the purpose of his life, other than criticizing others? He hadn't even had the chance to pay his final respects to his father.

Just as he believed his life was about to slip away, a blue screen materialized before his eyes, bringing with it a mysterious message:

[System integrating: My Bollywood superstar system.]