
My Sun , My Moon

hi everyone this is my first book i hope you give it a try and like it hopefully ........ sorry for any mistake because English is not my first language...... and please leave a comment to let me know if you like my book......... i won't keep you any longer my book is about......... ( Lee Kim ) an orphan young man sweet , loving , caring , beautiful very beautiful , shy but strong omega .............. have a little brother and his only family that he loves so much ........... and on the other hand we have .......... ( Park Hae-jin ) an alpha man , cold , arrogant , intelligence , strong , everyone is afraid of him no one dare to cross him .......... he only care about the people that he loves and cares about ............. if you like to know how this two people of different world will meet then you have to read and find out......... slow update so sorry........

Lee_K · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 3

Kim POV :

I get to my first barley on time , i said hi to my coworker and get to the changing room to change in my outfit ... And get to work ....my first job is as a dishwasher in a restaurant , I work here in afternoon till evening and then go to my second job , i start washing the dishes until it was time to go to my second job that start in 6 in the evening , i change my clothes again before going , fortunately it was not so far from the restaurant i work as delivery in a famous pizza shop , i hate this job so much , Not because the work is tiring or it's tough to an omega like me , I thought that every works out there that the other rank ( i mean Alpha and Beta ) can do , We can do it too , But the rising i hate this job is my boss , I don't like the way he's thinking that just because he is an Alpha and the boss here he can do anything

and i definitely don't like the way looking at me and try to touch me some time , It scares me so much , But i need the money that i can't leave , I take a deep breath and wear my hat and jacket for the job and got in , like usual he is waiting at the front desk with the key to the car that i am using , i get close and said .....

Kim : hello sir .

Boss : hi Kim .

Kim : can you please give me the key i have pizza to deliver sir .

Boss : of course .

He open his hand and the key wan in it , i take a deep breath and forward my hand to take it , before i have time to take my hand back he grabbed it , i tried to pull away but he tight his hold , i look at him he looks back and smirk then said ...

Boss : how about after your work i take you out to have a late dinner .

i pull my hand forcefully and fake a smile and said .....

Kim : i am sorry i can't i have another plan .

Boss : it's ok maybe next time .

Kim : i have to go now or i will be late , have a good evening sir .

i literally run to the front desk to take my orders and go from there ( Mandy ) give me the least to my orders and the order i thank her ..... she gave me a sad smile i smile back at her and said my goodbye and left to my work the best thing about this job is that when i finished my list I can go home or my next job .....

it was 8:30 when i finished my list .... i got back and give the key back to ( Mandy ) fast before the Boss saw me i left ..... fortunately i have enough time to go to my third job that starts at 9 in the evening .....

i got there in time and change to my uniform my third job is at Bar & Restaurant ... i work as a waiter ..... and go to serve the tables

i get the order and go to serve .... when i get their ... from the first look i knew that this table is trouble ... when i get there i put the dish on the table i smile professionally and said .....

Kim : would you like to have anything else sirs ?

Man 1 : yes .

Kim : just a second .

i get my pen and paper...

Kim : what can i get you sir ?

Man 1 : i would like some of you .

Kim : excuse me ?

Man 2 : you heard him cutey .

Kim : i am sorry sir but no ... if you don't need anything else then excuse me .... enjoy your evening .

i turn around and was about to leave when someone grab my wrist and pull me back and the tray i was holding crush on the ground and make a loud sound .... by now everyone in the restaurant are watching us .... i look up and said while trying to pull my hand ....

Kim : please let go sir .

Man 1 : come with us and i will let go .

Kim : let go sir .... i am working right now .

Man 2 : it's not a problem ... we can wait until you finish .

Kim : no thank you .... so please let go .

Man 1 : do you know who we are ?

Kim : no ..... and i am not interested to know so please let go i have work to do .

when everyone around us heard my comment some of them laugh ..... that anger the men and the one who was grabbing my hand tighten his hold .... i was sure that will leave a mark ...

Kim : please leave me ..... you are hurting me .

before any of the men speak my manger came and said ....

Manager : what is going on here ?

Man 1 : this little waiter disrespecting us .. we just ask for another dish

Kim : that is not true .

Man 2 : see ..... now he call us a liar too .

Man 3 : no one disrespect us like he did to us .

Kim : i did not do anything wrong sir believe me ..... they ask for ...

they didn't let me finish when the leader of the group said ....

Man 1 : we just ask for another glass of water but he acts like he did not heard us and just turned around to leave ... and that is when i grab his hand to stop him from ...

Kim : that is not what happened believe me sir ..... he wants to .....

again he did not let me finish and pull out a VIP card from his pocket then said .....

Man 1 : you see how rude he is and don't let me finish my talk .... as you see i am a VIP member here and i have a membership .... if you did not fire him right now ..... i will pull out my membership .

the manager could not say anything else he turn around and look at me then sadly and said .......

Manager : i am sorry Kim ... but you are fired .

i take a deep breath ... i know he couldn't do anything about it ......

Kim : it's ok thank you for taking care of me all this time .

he said quietly so the only one could heard is me ......

Manager : came to my office and take your salary of this month .

Kim : thank you very much .

Manager : that is the least i could do for you .

he then go to his office and i was about to follow him when one of the man said ....

Man 1 : now that you have no work come with us ... and i will give you as much money you want .

Kim : no thank you ... have a wonderful evening .

i didn't want to spend another second there so i turn around and left ..... i got the money from the manager .... i thank him one more time and change my clothe and left there .... i at least could buy the medicine for grandma

i buy the medicine and i was going home earlier to see my baby ........ and that was the only good thing about today .... i was thinking when something catch my eyes there on the bridge before me ... stand a tall man in the top of the bridge smoking and looking down .... the bridge at least 10 m tall .... is he going to jump .... when i think of that i dropped the medicine in my hand and run to him ...... and before .......


sorry for the late update 😔😔😔.....

hope you like it 😉😉😉

love you all 😘😘😘😘