
chapter 5:she fought with some thugs

That was when she checked her back just for her to find a good looking Young Man with is hair brushed to the back living a little part of it to fall on his face adding to his cuteness in an expensive suit with his and in his pocket with a very strong face but still handsome and four body guards behind him.

she was still busy checking out the man when she heard a sweet annoyed voice.what's happening her???,and you why are you here instead of being on your duty now it seems you don't love your job anymore, Xavier said facing the doctor.

No sir???,this woman was brought here yesterday for treatment by two anonymous woman,she look really reeked yesterday Looking like she fought with some thugs and she needed the treatment at the moment so we attended to her but the people who drop her had left without dropping any money for her neither do they pay for her bill's so am here to make sure she pay before leaving sir, am sorry the doctor explained facing the ground in fear

Xavier looked at Rissa with a look asking for her own explanation but it seems Rissa do not know what to say because she is really embarrassed

I.....I...I.....am really sorry for what is happening but I will make sure I pay you back.it was my step mom that brought me to the hospital with my step sister.am really sorry she murmured with tears willed up her face which made her face the ground out of embarrassment.

how much is her bill??? Xavier asked facing the doctor

five thousand dollars sir!!! the doctor lied causing Rissa to look up with her eyes widely open

sir it's a lie o my bill is just three thousand dollars and I promise to payback soon.Rissa said in haste causing Xavier to smile which stunned everybody there but he composed him self in a minute.but the doctor was facing his foot all time long without daring to look up because of the two pairs of eyes that want to cut him . am sorry sir he said in haste still not looking up

he snapped is hand causing one of his bodyguard to run to him immediately bowing.pay for her,he said and you follow me pointing to Rissa and he started walking immediately but after fee steps he noticed that Rissa did not move.he then looked back causing his bodyguard to bow he went back

I asked you to follow me,he said challenging her

and who said I was going to follow a so called stranger,she asked,every body was stunned with the tone she just used for him

and that is Because you have to pay back my money.

I can't remember when I asked you to pay for me.

stop acting sturrbon and follow me or you won't like the outcome.he said but Rissa ignored him as if he was just a common cat.which triggered his anger making him come near and carried her in a bridal style everyone present looked at there cold ice boss with disbelief when he was in passing by the doctor the doctor murmured wonders shall never end not knowing Xavier heard him

excuse me you were saying something?? Xavier asked facing the doctor

No sir,the Doctor said


you guys that have reed my novel is much but you guys are not giving me the vibe I want to continues with the novel. pls kindly comment and vote for me pls.love you