
My Skills Are All Max-Level

It was originally a game, made to be as realistic as possible with features to match. But as time passed and the game progressed there was no doubt about it. The game encroached upon reality. Not in the traditional sense, that the same monsters and people we had come to know so intimately started to appear in reality. But blank spaces that swallowed the country... the continent. And any that attempted to even reach a finger within those blank spaces of reality were consumed alongside it. I had thought myself average, that I could make some money with this game. Sanctuary. But there was a problem - a boon - whenever I gained a skill, it became max level. There was no exception. So, when the world started to fall apart, and my prowess revealed… They hailed me a hero. Despite the wrongdoings and plundering I had done in the name of wealth and power, they looked to me. To solve their problems and save the world. But could I do it? Demons and beings of absolute power. Such that even my cheat made it only marginally easier. I had no choice. It was either I fought and won, or I cowered and let the world be consumed by the cold devouring void. And so, I fight; from a beginning filled with greed, to a future filled with the hopes and wishes of mankind. Can I do it? "Heh~" Of course I can.

SpacesSnips · Jogos
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170 Chs

Patch 1.18

My eyes closed and I was once again within Sanctuary. My breath fell over the cold lands and I found myself staring at the image of Celeste. Her breath hung over my face and her eyes bore into mine.

"Finally back."

"Yeah, I had a good morning."

"Morning?" Celeste questioned. But soon just shrugged it off.


Silence reigned between the two of us as we made our way towards the exit. There was a sort of - sort of not - door that led towards the outside.

I opened the door and we found ourselves within the same exit.

"This isn't…" Celeste murmured.

"Mmm~" I hummed back.

"This isn't where I entered. You?"

I nodded my head and gave a noncommittal hum.

"Yeah, I came this way hunting some of the beasts around and found them congregating around this area."

Her eyes lit up.

"I see."

Celeste brought her hand to the ground and traced the snow with it. The… the…

"Then those footprints? Did you come here with other people?"




My legs kicked up snow as I made my way towards the footprints. Soon after I followed them further into the forest. There were corpses to the side and signs of some sort of campfire.

"Did they not see the dungeon?" I murmured once again.

"It doesn't seem like it. Maybe your end only allowed one person?"

I nodded and just continued to stare at the empty camp. There were signs of people having been here. The most obvious of which was the burnt logs.

They were covered by a layer of snow.

I closed my eyes and counted to ten. Held out my hand at the same time.

"Whatcha doin'~" Celeste sang. I growled at her and let out a sigh.

"I'm trying to think of a way to calculate how much time has passed since they left this camp."

"Well obviously a day or two."

"I know."

Celeste was starting to get on my nerves. Especially as she bounced this way and that tittering with her hands behind her back and a smirk permanently etched on her face.

"Just don't." She pointed to the tracks that pointed deeper into the forest. "And follow."

I sighed and let out a frost-ridden breath. Absently I put my scarf back on. It warmed my face and gave light to the darkened eyes buried in frost.

The warmth also brought a question to mind.

"Why are you even following me?"

Celeste brought a finger to her chin, tilted her head before she just shrugged.

"You seemed more interesting than the bunch I had been with before."

I sighed - "Fair enough."

She gestured for me to follow and I did. 

The tracks led on deeper and deeper. And it must have been over an hour before the tracks seemingly stopped.

"Beasts!" A voice yelled and a cacophony of voices started yelling too. There was a ringing of bolts against the ground and the war cries of warriors charging into battle.


Celeste hunched near me. Watching the battle take place.

My face had scrunched up in confusion. I turned to Celeste and she shrugged her shoulders.

"That can't be possible."

The walls were fine, even the hastily put together huts. That was because they were crude and made out of materials found in the forests. The walls had gaps that were patched by people manning crossbows.

But therein lies the problem.

"Why are they so… so coordinated?"

"Dunno?" Celeste murmured. "Should we help?"

The warriors cried out again and sunk their weapons into the beast's hide. Some of them took injuries and blood flew.

But it was like there was some kind of infection as they didn't stop. Even when their limbs were ripped apart and clawed to the side. They still fought until they cried a triumphant roar. Dealing death to their adversary.

I sighed and raised my hand. There was a momentary drain on my stamina. It manifested in a giant migraine that twisted my vision.

But that was fine.

The spell was already cast and an ethereal blue sword grew from a circle I had created. I felt immense, almost perfect control over it. Both the size and direction. Even the power.

Anything above one of the lowest settings would create far too much of an impact for my liking. 

However I shrugged my shoulders and let it fly.

"Was that?"

I nodded and Celeste shut her mouth. Instead opting to take an imperious pose - I knew it was complete bull - but she still did it.

"Someone helped us!"

"Who was it!"

"Don't know!"

"Then keep fighting!"

Yells similar to those rang out through the crowd before the fighting died down and they finally had the presence of mind to look up and take notice of us.

Celeste stood to my side. Her hair flapping in the frigid wind - I had offered her my scarf but she didn't take it.

I guess I know why now.

My own rifle was slung over my back, my scarf covered most of my face leaving only sharp eyes to gaze over those that looked on and over us. And hidden deep within my sleeves was my bayonet. 

I had not deigned to place it back onto the rifle yet. It hadn't mattered for some time and served its purpose better as a dagger rather than an attachment.

And so they approached. Cautious but ever curious about the beings who had so invaded upon their sacred combat. Upon their glorious deaths.

Celeste. I looked to the side and found her holding a scowl to her mouth. They… they seemed almost possessed, as if their body was not their own. Their eyes glowed a red hue that only subsided moments before their main procession made its way towards me.

Yet still… 

As the man came and wrapped his hand around mine in a hearty shake. I couldn't kick the sensation that welled up within my chest.