
My Skill Says It's Empty

Mana came to the world and made it evolve, and with it, people evolved too. All around the world people gained access to the Life Record, an unknown force that showed them skills they gained in life: each gained one Active and one Passive skill that reflects themselves. With these skills, they can evolve alongside the world they live in, but it’s not just their world that’s evolving… Fable a young man who was tired of his life of being worthless was wandering the mountains looking for a new beginning or an end. He gained access to the Life record, and a couple of useless skills… but it was enough for him who was given a new chance, now he has to fight mutant beasts roaming the mountains with him. If he survives he’ll become more powerful, but if he dies it’s the end. Not that he cares though, or at least he didn’t care…

Dread_Sovereign · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


[Congratulations! You have managed to find the person you Trust most!]

[Fable Lvl 7 and Rose Lvl 6 Congratulations on becoming Partners!]

Fable and Rose stood looking at the messages in a daze before reacting.

Rose freaked out saying things like: "I'm too young to be married, get off my finger you stupid ring, I can't believe you'd betray me like this after I helped you by taking you off of that dead bird's corpse!!!" 

Fable just stood there focusing on the ring's new description.

[Trusty Ring]

Rank: [Untold]

Description: [This ring is one you should only give to one whom you trust completely!!!... Sadly a young girl ignored this warning and gave the ring to the first stranger she ran into and only god knows what the outcome of this fated meeting will be]


[Partners will gain a 10% boost to their abilities while near their Partner]

[Partners cannot lie to each other]

[Partners will always be aware of the location of their Partner]

[Partners gain access to each other's Status window]

[Partners can access each other's skills once a day for one hour]

After reading the new effects Fable's eyebrows rose before he started laughing-


Rose stopped frantically pulling at the ring on her finger after hearing his laughter and started fuming in anger so she walked over to him and-


Slapped him on the back of the head.

Fable rubbed the back of his head while grimacing in pain. "What the hell was that for?-"


"Don't swear at me you idiot of course I'm going to smack you in the head after you put this cursed ring on my finger!" she yelled

Fable stared at her blankly. "I didn't put that ring on your finger, you gave it to me after ignoring the description warning, that's what got us into this situation!" he yelled back

Rose frowned. "Hmph, you may be right but you don't have to laugh at me about it," she grumbled.

Fable laughed at her appearance. "I wasn't laughing at our situation, I was laughing at the ring's new description. You should check it before you slap me again." he pointed out

Rose's eyes widened as she quickly looked at the ring on her hand before her eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"A 10% boost, and sharing skills... isn't that too good?" she asked Fable

Fable just shrugged his shoulders at her question.

"It does sound too good, but this is the first Item I've seen so as far as I know this could be normal." he pointed out. "But we should probably stick together until we find out otherwise... Partner." He smirked as he said the last part.

Rose glared at him as he said that last part, but she soon sighed and started smiling.

"Yeah, I guess we're partners Fable" She smiled at him and winked

Fable blinked in surprise at this sudden change before he laughed and started walking away.

"Well, then Ms. Rose, let's go test our new power and level up, I don't know about you, but I don't want to die to some random bugs after they reach the size of a house."

Rose stood frozen for a second before following him and laughing.

"You know Fable? I think we'll get along just fine... Now then, Let's go hunt some disgusting bugs." She said as she picked up a thick branch off of the ground.

Fable saw the branch and gripped his pocket knife tighter before smiling.

"Yeah, let's go hunt some monsters..." He whispered to himself