Switched with a princess by mistake. Shortly before she got married, princess Emily wished she can discover the world and to escape all those royal complications. She didn't know that her wish would come true in such a mysterious way. The peasant Lily and princes Emily had to face an unexpected twist in fate as they both would switch places. The peasant now became the princess, and the princess turned into a peasant. _______ What will they do? How will they react? Can they turn back to their real bodies? What about their lovers and lives? Why is their destiny so connected? Maybe the story is older than they think it is... What about the three lovers; Prince Leo, Prince Noah and dear friend Oliver? Will friends and enemies stay that way forever?
The royal palace guards threw out Lily of the place. Lily didn't expect that. She wasn't prepared for what just happened.
Lily's brain sent crazy signals through her body that she had something like a shock. She felt that her brain turned too much or she had a brain fog. Her lips were shacking.
She couldn't breathe. She stayed in the ground for a long time without hearing, seeing or realizing anything.
She wasn't hearing the screams and the hysterical shouts of her friends from behind the closed gate. She couldn't see the ruckus they caused inside with the servants.
The huge gate was separating them like they were in two different worlds.
That was unpredictable. After some time Lily asked herself one question.
"What just happened?"
Lily asked herself that question over and over again.
"What just happened?"
Lily screamed out loud, but without anyone paying attention to her. She was all alone with no one next to her to hear her out.
The palace doors were tightly shut down moments after they threw her on the road.
The guards entered the royal palace and closed the gate behind.
The roads were empty. Her friends were no longer there.
Lily screamed several times in a crazy way like a mad woman, but nobody heeded to her shouts.
"What just happened?"
Lily said it before she went into hysteria. She jumped out of her position on the ground and went to the door.
Her body trembled with her face turning ashen white. She started to realize slowly what happened.
And that panicked her even more.
"No, no, no."
"This can't be happening."
"Open the gate, please."
"What did you do?"
She was knocking on the gate with her fists, kicking fiercely on the metallic wall blocking her path with her feet, and even slamming heavily with all her body.
Yet she couldn't budge that giant gate even for an inch. Instead, her body started to ache even more painful that her inner truma.
And then when she found out that there was no hope anymore through the gate, she looked for a way to climb the palace walls.
The walls were so smooth that she couldn't even stick her fingers on the surface.
She tried several times before slipping off that wall.
She went back to the palace gate again. Maybe I could climb the gate, she said that to herself before actually trying.
She tried several times before she fell down on her back.
Lily failed, so she stayed weakly on the ground, lying in despair on her back. She looked at the sky, mumbling something that couldn't be heard clearly even if someone stood just next to her.
"This can't be happening."
She said it in shock. Her eyes were filled with bitter, so salty tears.
"Please open the door." Lily said with a weak voice. The tears slipped from her eyes to the ground.
Lily didn't know how long it had been, but she turned around looking for any one there. She didn't find her friends or any one at all. That was a painful thing for her.
Yet she was finally regaining her composure. Even if her heart denied it, her mind realized what her fate was; it was already sealed.
Those misfortunes were too much for one day, kicking her out the royal palace and being a lone without her friends in such dire moments.
Lily tried to pull herself together. She resisted the pain that hit her whole body without stopping from her earlier foolish attempts. She tried to get up with all her might, but she almost fell down.
Lily looked at the gate one last time in a very long and regretful gaze.
She approached and touched it. she felt the cold and harsh touch of the gate, something she tried to engrave in her mind for all eternity.
Here it was the place where her dreams got crushed down by no fault she ever did.
She took a deep breath before shifting her gaze away. Yet her hand kept touching the gate and even the walls while she started to walk.
It was like she saying goodbye to the palace, to her dreams, to everything she ever thought of about living here.
She took a last look at the high fences, the top of the bubbly buildings, before she walked away back to the village with a heavy feet.
She was barely able to fulfill her dream, getting in the Royal palace, before everything crumbled upon her like a short dream.
Her nose sniffed royal perfume , saw royal dresses, and marveled the decorations. All of this happened before the guards threw her out of the palace.
In the end, she got nothing but broken soul and shattered heart.
'What am I going do now?' Lily asked herself that question.
She never imagined she had to think about a life outside the palace.
Lily was thinking about the royal palace all over her entire life, she didn't have a plane B.
"I bet you are laughing at me now," as she recalled unintentionally the short travel to the palace with the twins, she couldn't help but bitterly mutter that.
After all they teased with her before, and in return that distant funny looking joke turned into such a devastating reality.
And she had to live through all of it, and above all she had to do it on her own.
She didn't need to be there to know what was going to happen right now right there.
"They must be choosing those lucky girls now," she harrumphed in a way that would appear like she didn't care about any of this anymore.
However that was only a trick her mind tried to pull to protect her.
And she was right.
On the way to the village Lily dragged her feet on the way to the village like dragging bags of dirt. It was like her feet didn't know how to walk.
She was making a cloud of dust behind her all over the road.
If anyone saw her from far they would mistake that dust cloud to come from a caravan or a horse drawn carriage.
However she kept staggering right and left throughout the empty road, like she was a group of women walking side by side not only one.
During the way back her mind was looking for something she did wrong. She might have committed something when she was in the palace.
"Did I make a mistake?" As she didn't find anything or anyone else to blame in what happened to her, she started to blame herself.
She didn't know why she was taken out of the palace in the first place.
In fact there was no one to know such an answer to that question, not the guards, not her friends, not even the others villagers.
Princess Emily's appearance out of the balcony silenced everyone underneath her.
The princess looked up on these simple peasants without care. She started talking. None of them could remember later on what the princess said. None of them even did care about that.
Their hands tangled together, like they were an ant hive that had just been flooded. Everyone held each other's hands because they didn't know what they could do.
They was scaring. They didn't know why they felt that way. But they were also feeling blessed to be here, to stand inside such a place, and hear the words of their princess.
And now the princess receded back inside her chamber while leaving her maids led by Jane to supervise the selection.
The road back to the village was too long, or that was how Lily felt. She was been feeling like she was been going for ages.
'I let my mother down' lily said sadly
When Lily arrived at the cabin where she and her mother live. Suddenly she could see some Memories of her life it was hard to forgotten.
Lily saw herself when she was 5 years old, and her mom was sitting near the bed next to her husband, that he was dying in front on her. She was crying.
Then she saw herself at the age of eight. She's looking for food in the corners of the house. There wasn't anything she can eat. Her mother was coming from the old forest with a wild radish, she tells her she's gonna make a delicious soup. Lily was grateful for her mother.
She saw herself when she was ten years old; her mother was looking very sick and tired. It was very late and the night was over the village. The mother coughs was very strong. Lily wished that she could save her from that misery life.
Their neighbor in the past was a maid who worked in the palace. It passed at that moment. The maid gave some crack bread to Lily the sad child.
At that moment, Lily raised her eyes for the first time to the towers of the palace, far from the sight of the child, wished with all her heart to enter that palace. If she passed in, maybe she could take care of her mother.
All those memories went through Lily's mind. She didn't know what to do. She really didn't know.
Her mind froze.