Switched with a princess by mistake. Shortly before she got married, princess Emily wished she can discover the world and to escape all those royal complications. She didn't know that her wish would come true in such a mysterious way. The peasant Lily and princes Emily had to face an unexpected twist in fate as they both would switch places. The peasant now became the princess, and the princess turned into a peasant. _______ What will they do? How will they react? Can they turn back to their real bodies? What about their lovers and lives? Why is their destiny so connected? Maybe the story is older than they think it is... What about the three lovers; Prince Leo, Prince Noah and dear friend Oliver? Will friends and enemies stay that way forever?
When Queen Liza explained her plan, that made Yzam confused.
Yzam as the first maid of the queen she was well aware of the situation in that palace.
The Queen was looking for her own daughter's interest, princess Ella.
Princess Ella was the second daughter the King gave birth to that baby girl from his second wife Queen Liza, after she escaped or died - no one knows - his first wife.
Yzam knew how much that the Queen hated Princess Emily, the marriage of Princess Emily droved the Queen crazy.
Finally the Queen has now found a loophole that can make Princess Emily's wedding not done, to kill her.
It was true that Yzam would not get any receipt for her incomplete info about the princess's escape from the palace or that she was unconscious.
Now she would definitely get a much bigger reward if she contributes to getting rid of the princess.
So after she stood some time to understand the plan well, she set off to look for a way to get rid of the doctor.
At this time the Queen would not be the first suspect in the princess's death.
The first suspect would be the Princess herself to mess outside the royal palace.
'How can I get rid of the doctor?' Yzam had been asking herself that question over and over again.
She walked down the ways of the palace. She had to hurry, because there was no time for error.
She must have had a terminator solution .She had to do it now.
'A Terminator!' Suddenly the idea came up in Yzam's mind.
The Terminator was an old warrior whose home is located nearby the palace.
It was true that he was a fighter, but he still has some principles that don't hurt anyone in the royal family.
So the Queen and Yzam didn't think about him to help them to get rid of Princess Emily.
'I don't think he's gonna have a problem killing a doctor, just a doctor for money,hmm' Yzam thought about it.
When she settled on that idea, she set off to get out of the palace. She was running around on the internal roads at the palace, and at that moment of her misfortune, someone saw him.
They were the huge maid Doro and the skinny maid Hazal who was just tricked by Yzam.
She refused to give them the reward for that information about the princess.
The huge maid Doro was angry at how she felt that she had been deceived.
But what are the two maids doing here