
My Second Life as a princess

Switched with a princess by mistake. Shortly before she got married, princess Emily wished she can discover the world and to escape all those royal complications. She didn't know that her wish would come true in such a mysterious way. The peasant Lily and princes Emily had to face an unexpected twist in fate as they both would switch places. The peasant now became the princess, and the princess turned into a peasant. _______ What will they do? How will they react? Can they turn back to their real bodies? What about their lovers and lives? Why is their destiny so connected? Maybe the story is older than they think it is... What about the three lovers; Prince Leo, Prince Noah and dear friend Oliver? Will friends and enemies stay that way forever?

Oya_Dawish · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
191 Chs

l am gonna be a princess

I'm going to be the princess of that palace, "said Lily.

Lily was walking down the roads to the  royal palace  with her twin friends, Shen and Bella.

Bella laughed foolishly.

"You are an idiot! You're barely going to the palace now. Because you knew they called for a maid in the kitchen, you got your hopes high to be selected already. ".

Bella said it sarcastically. Then laughing like a child in a silly way.

"Have you forgotten the wild radish the maid had as a bribe? That's our guaranteed ticket to enter the palace.".

Bella said it as she continued to mock and laugh at Lily's hope. As Lily would barely be a maid in that royal palace.

Shen stung Bella in her arm.

Lily, Shen, and Bella were all three childhood friends. The three grew up together in their simple village.

The village lied close to the royal palace. Although they were always they shared the same age, 18 years old, each of them had a unique personality.

Lily was wearing a green dress. She collected her long black hair to form a ponytail . She was always a dreamy person.

Bella was wearing unbuttoned clothes. And she always lifted the tip of her dress in a way that would reveal part of her thin legs. On her exploratory travels looking for anything she would eat, she gained the habit of chewing something in her mouth all the time.

Shen was silent most of the time. She wore conservative clothes. She had her arms extended weakly next to her body.

Shen stared at the horizon most of the time like she was thinking deeply about something. Her brown hair was medium, barely touching her shoulder.

Fringe's hair always covered her eyes, partially adding mystery to her. It always made anyone feel like she was trying to hide behind that hair.

Shen and Bella were totally opposite characters to each other. It was much hard for any stranger to believe they were actually twins.

There was only one thing they could agree on. They were both close friends of Lily's.

"Go on, tell me what you'd do if you were a princess." Shen encouraged Lily to talk about her dreams.

"I will, of course, mess with the princes."

Lily laughed before turning serious. It was like she was watching the future in front of her. She described it to her friends in a long series of phrases.

"I will arrange the names of the princes on a list."

"I'm going to have fun, lots of fun. I'm going to take my mom with me. Maybe I'm going to have the king as my real dad, and I'm going to call him the kind dad who showed up late in my life."

"I'm going to have a lot of adventures. I'm going to call these as the Happy Girl Tours."

"I'm going to have a lot of fun. I don't remember playing much in my childhood. I was so busy doing my responsibility towards my mother. I'm going to call those games my journey from misery to happiness. We all are going to have a lot of fun,"

Lily said it before she turned to her friends

"we should live together there."

Lily said it and felt happier than before. Because she loved to be with her friends forever.

"Everyone's going to show love to me. The palace will be the Palace of Love and Gratitude."

She said it in a bitter tone that told so much about her hard life. She drowned in tears when recalling the hardships she lived compared with the sweet dreams she had.

Her gaze was fixed on the horizon for a few seconds. She took a deep breath and a faint tremble in her body happened before she changed back to her usual self.

Her friends noticed all that but they chose to remain silent.

"I'll take a bath filled entirely with milk."

Lily said it as a dreamer.

"I'll eat a lot of food. I don't need to go to the forest anymore looking for something to eat. I'd call that stage the belly hunger is gone."

Leila said it in a funny way before a laugh rang beside her.

"mentioning food, my belly noises won't stop. Can you give me some food, princess of kindness? "

Bella said it in a mocking way before her sister, Shen, hit her on the back to stop her.

"Just think of the happy stuff, you stupid cow."

Shen said to her sister, Bella, trying to get her to stop fooling around.

"What else should I think about..." Bella said before Lily interrupted her

"I just can't forget that old woman I met in the forest."

Lily said it out of the blue. She seemed a bit distracted.

"Which lady are you talking about?"

Shen asked as she wanted to know more.

"A lady must be selling food, talking about food, or eating food."

Bella said it, before she completed her sentence, Shen hit her again.

"In the forest a few days ago, I lost my way back home. I found a cabin in front of me. I was scared and reluctant to ask for help on the way back. But I found my feet walking without my will to the door. Before I knocked.

I was sure that there was someone inside. The smoke was rising up and the burning fire could be even see from the outside. Then I heard the door open without showing anyone behind it.

I didn't wait for an answer or a response as I darted through the door to the dim place inside.

There was an old lady, that lady sat in front of the fireplace. Even though it was so hot! The weather didn't need a fire at all in my opinion.

I asked her if she could help me get back to the village. She didn't turn to look at who was talking to her. I felt that I needed to get closer to her.

Maybe I thought I could better introduce myself and shake hands with her or something. I got closer than I should be. When I looked at her, she was blind. She couldn't see.

Suddenly the old lady got my hand in a swift move, and pressed over it . She started mumbling in a language that I didn't understand before she told me a very weird thing...

"You have a dark future in the palace, poor girl. Fate is inevitable, poor girl."

I felt tense and nervous all of sudden. I was afraid. My heart beats went crazy. I couldn't wait to get out of the cabin. She was a suspicious old lady! And her way with me was so much awkward!

I couldn't understand why I ran, but I still remember one word she said in that mysterious short sentence, Palace. That's what she said.

What do you think? Do I have a destiny in that palace? "

Lily said all this on impulse and none of her friends managed to even stop her. Her story seemed shocking and unexpected to the twins. Before they knew it, Lily had already finished narrating what happened to her.

"Terrifying Story..."

Bella said it, trying to make this scary story funny.

"And then you woke up, and you found out you were dreaming, and you wet your bed."

Bella added as she ran, trying to avoid getting beaten again by Shen.

"You idiot! Come on, run. Run again before I hit you," Shen roared as she tried to run after her.

"Don't worry, we're all going to be selected in the staff of the kitchen servants. That other chatty maid told me they needed a lot of girls and guys... Oh look, we're almost there."

Shen said it with a joyful scream.

"It's good that we're together."

Lily said before she gave Shen a hug, stopping her from chasing the lousy Bella.

"Of course, we're all going to stick together, you and me, and that runaway cat that I'm going to beat up when she gets back."

Shen said it before she exploded with laughter.

They were laughing so much that Oliver's voice from so far away was unheard for them.

Oliver was a tall, skinny boy. His arms had a sexy muscle set. His orange hair was short and his hair fringe was long enough to make him charming.

Oliver ran to get closer to them until he stood right behind.

"Do I need to scream until the entire kingdom hears me?"

He said it very loudly next to their ears, before Lily and Shen jumped off the ground in horror.

"You idiot! You almost made me lose my hearing."

Shen said in anger while sensing her ear.

"No, no, don't lose your hearing now. I still want to sing and be heard by you."

Oliver said it in a mockery.

"Stop it," Shen laughed before winking to him, "the one you wanted to hear you isn't me idiot."

Her words made him turn to Lily.

"How are your ears?"

Oliver affectionately said to Lily.

"I didn't hear you."

Lily said it, staring at him in a fake way.

"How are your ears?" Oliver said it very loudly this time.

Before Shen hit him on the head.

"You idiot! You will really make her lose her ears like this!"

"How are you?"

Lily said it like talking to a little kid.

"I'm fine if you want me to be."

Oliver said it with affection clearly seen in his eyes.

Before Bella showed up from the middle of the trees. She kept jumping around the couple while making a romantic rhythm tone with her mouth.

"hmmm hmmm hmmm"

"What are you doing?"

Shen asked her while trying not to hit her again.

"I'm making a romantic atmosphere for lovers."

Bella said it with sarcasm. Shen gave her a threatening glance before Bella knew she was about to be hit again.

And so she ran away. Shane ran behind her while Lily followed with Oliver on her tail like a real stalker.

The four friends running by the wall of the huge royal palace looked so tiny, Compared with the giant walls, their bodies looked like nothing at all, as the noises they made.

They were running happily chasing each other before Bella stopped without notice. That made the other three bump at her back, before everyone fell down on the dirt.

Despite having dirt staining their clothes everywhere, they were having their fun at the current moment.

They would have continued to laugh and mock each other before a palace guard approached them. forcing them to stop what they were doing.

"What exactly are you doing?"

The palace guard said it, looking paranoid. For him, four suspicious peasants were lying on the ground and laughing for having their clothes trenched with dirt.

Only then did they realize they had reached the back door of the palace. They were supposed to get inside now for the servants' test.

They became terrifyingly nervous while hurriedly standing up and cleaning the dirt off their clothes.

Oliver tried to help in his own way. He approached Lily and patted her body in a claim that he was trying to clean her clothes from dirt.

Until she shoved his hand gently away while deeply looking at his eye.


Lily said it in a weak voice.

"At least let me clean your face."

Oliver said it in a very affectionate way.

He grabbed his sleeve and wet it with his tongue. Then he wiped Lily's face, and stared at it with a love look that no one could not notice.

Lily dodged his eye several times during what he was doing until Shen saved her. Shen dragged her inside with a glaring warning glance at the poor Oliver.


This is a fantasy love story that I had a dream about a long time ago.

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