Switched with a princess by mistake. Shortly before she got married, princess Emily wished she can discover the world and to escape all those royal complications. She didn't know that her wish would come true in such a mysterious way. The peasant Lily and princes Emily had to face an unexpected twist in fate as they both would switch places. The peasant now became the princess, and the princess turned into a peasant. _______ What will they do? How will they react? Can they turn back to their real bodies? What about their lovers and lives? Why is their destiny so connected? Maybe the story is older than they think it is... What about the three lovers; Prince Leo, Prince Noah and dear friend Oliver? Will friends and enemies stay that way forever?
Ella finally got to the wine store. Ella had asked the maid for one glass of wine because she was nervous and anxious.
It was after she met her half - sister Emily, and by her Prince Noah refused to share the game, and now her sister is making fun of her, her mother prompting her to commit to the position of princess.
Ella didn't want anything of that but to have fun.
Even though the princesses are forbidden to drink, she wanted to get drunk to make her feel better.
After that unexpected chase from the two fucking maids, she needed something from all her heart that changes her mood.
Ella used to get a bottle of wine smuggled by servants for some gold coins, but now that her mother's siege had narrowed her to the point where she was.
It was because these princes from the Allied Kingdom visited. That was a stranglehold for Princess Ella.