
My Sandbox God Summoned Me To The Game. What do i do?

Fastpaced novel made to give people a lore to read without professionalism Not that good at english, but if you find anything wrong, say it. And i will be happy to rectify Synopsis: World Creation: Sandbvox, the revolution of the decade. It was a god simulator stacked with many features and options for you to create and customize as you wished, including the ability to design and enchance your own creatures. But what made this game's experience wasn't any of those features, it was it's AI, it's so misterious out of league Log Reading AI But it wasn't just any AI that just narrated the events on the planet. It was an AI that knew english, and knew how to writte, and well! It had the capacity to gather the informations of the game and generate long, well described logs, telling long, detailed, coherent stories It was to such an extent, that people started making a living out of only taking good care of their worlds and uploading their AI logs on their blogs. And among those people was Atta. Atta was a genius failed programmer that worked at a convenience store and constantly contributed to the game's community, coding and modding it everytime he could. Adding new powers, features and addons to the log reading AI itself. He even created a version of it to himself, that acted as a mob in the game! Atta was so cleaver on his way to program, and did it so smartelly and efficiently, that it surpassed the realm of skill and reached the level of super power! A power so strong, that defied the laws of living, matter and non-matter. And after a whole night programming a new power to his Log Reader. Something unnexpected happened. "Hey Your majestyyyy, i think the demon forces are messing the mortal realm again..." What a head ache huh?

Eu_Mesmo_7784 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - Stocky guy

Atta immediatelly got up from his cloud seat with a smile on his face.

"Where are you going your majesty?" Noelin asked startled.

"I have things to do, continue watching and tell me what happened when i am back!" Atta waved his hand and he was gone.

His body dematerialized into thin particles and were absorbed into the nothing. he looked around and noticed a completely black space with many words, numbers, voices and faces passing by.

This was the Core Code!

'Let's see. I am inside a game but i think i can still get internet connection.'

Atta brought a random passing by console towards him and typed on it.

As expected at the end of the code a screen popped up with the worlds "Google" written in it.

"I did it!" he cheered. "I can access the internet, that's good, but, just how far can my influence go?"

Atta then decided to do a little experiment. He brought the console back forward and typed a bit more.

Soon his code was done and he grabbed another passing by screen to put it on.

He swipped out the imagens that was shown on the passerby screen and linked the code to this empty screen.

On the screen he was holding a image popped out.

The image on the screen was very familiar, a square room, a fancy chair, expensive computer. That was his room!

But, there was somthing off about it. His screen was completely white, his chair was knocked on the ground. His whole room was lit up, and some strange, glitchy looking cracks appeared all over the walls.

"My body is missing! To affect the phisical world... how powerful has Noelin gotten?"

From the other side of the screen a safe camera that was above a wardrobe constantly shifted directions, scanning all over the room.

This was a spy camera Atta bough from the internet a while ago. He set it up and got it going but it soon became another disposable item. he was never really worried about his safety, so he never even once checked the recordings on it. If he did he would notice that his sitting positions weren't as healthy as he though they were.

Atta analized his room for a while util the microphones on the camera caught something.

"Sir, there's light over here."

"They're searching my house? Why?" Atta was confused. He thought about just shrugging it off, but after quick consideration he resolved to try to conceal as much information as he could, he wanted no hackerman finding him on his plannet to ruin his peacefull god playthrough.

As stepps got closer Atta tried to connect with the glitchy cracks on the walls, and he did it!. He soon realised the glitches were kind of overly complexed physics function, like in a game, strange, why would there be game phisics code on his wall?

Atta finished closing the glitchy cracks just in time for the people to enter his room.

There was a group of 4 people, and leading them was a stocky dude wearing all black with a coat. 2 behind him were dressed like soldiers and the far back was dressed like a policeman

"As i said, this is outside your jurisdiction, leave this site now!"

The stocky man ignored the complaining officer and analised the room.

He crouched close the chair and tried to find reasoning to why it was knocked over when looking around he noticed the spy camera looking at him and got up.

"We've been found, isolate the house, call the higher ups!" he said gravely.

"What? Excuse me sir? Have you heard me? This, is NOT your jurisdiction-"

"Shut this guy's mouth!" The man ordered as one of the soldier looking guys put their hands above the guy's mouth and brougth him outside the camera's sight.

Atta continued watching calmly the scene unfold.

The guy annoyed at the camera's indiferent behavior became red.

"And cut this camera's connection!" And the screen went black.

Atta stared blankly at the scene. "How did they find out i disappeared? How??" Atta was a bit uncomfortable about the situation, but he wasn't stupid enough to let it botter him too much. It was better to take care of his own affairs for now.

He swipped the screen away and it continued in it's previous path.

Atta turned his foccus to finding out how to bring someone to the game.

Fist he had to learn if his powers worked as intended, and for that there were many ways to experiment.

On his previous job Atta got a lots of free time, that he used to learn and study useless and completely stupid things. Recipes, hacks, history, and on those many unnused hours he found this; "Male mosquitos are attracted to the sounds of female mosquitos flapping wings."

Atta browsed util an almost broke tech shop that was empty, but still full of devices.

He took control of a celphone and quikly unlocked it. He searched for the sounds of a female mosquito flapping wings on the internet, but as expected of a very specific google search, he found nothing.

Atta sighed, he had to do it for himself.... Or not.

With a mischivious smile Atta went back to the mortal realm and searched for 2 mortal days for a non fatasical mosquito, and he found it.

He immeditally decompiled the mosquito and as expected, Noelin's power managed to perfectly simulate the creature's sound. He took it's sound archive out and recompiled the mosquito, that now seemed like it was muted.

When he came back to the Core Code he uploaded the sound to the celphone and made it play the sound.

In a few minutes half a dozen male mosquitoes seeming interested appeared and circled around the phone.

With this mount Atta tried to mess with the sound archive a little, telling the mosquitos to land on the phone's screen.

After a few minutes of trial and error one mosquito landed on the screen and seemed ready to copulate. Atta took this moment and used his powers!

The phone's screen lightened up and enveloped the mosquito and it was.... Gone!

The phone was able to turn the mosquito into code, but it didn't turn into anything, it just... disappeared! Taken away by the currents of the sea of the internet.

Atta was annoyed, but there was still plenty more guinea pigs to experiment on, so he proceeded.

In his first tens of tests were all failueres. They were taken by the constantly shifting internet, Being carried by accident in an email or a video on its way to the recipient, and when they RARELY got to the game, they were assimilated into the ever changing code of the world.

By this point Atta got so annoyed he became half insane. He was about to burst the broke tech shop into a eletric mess when an idea came to his mind.

He pulled Noelin's code and started taking parts of her code into himself, since he was also code he couldn't just copy paste it. And while doing that he noticed she reprogrammed herself. She became something more of a, in fact, self concious A.I, exept for the fact that she apparently had no idea she was a Bot, but he didn't gave too much mind to it.

He continued his experiments. Now on his fifth attempt there was already a great improvement to his Digitalizing, the mosquitoes reached half the way into the game intact before being carried by the constant rush of information passing by.

On his hundredth attempt he was already able to easily bring all the mosquitoes to the game. While adding Noelin's code into himself he noticed some kind of "Path" that was formed by the passing by information, and he used this gaping Path to bring the codes to the game, and there it was naturally absorbed into the code.

But there was another issue after the mosquitos got into his world, everytime it got there, they didn't become mosquitos.

There was code, but after reaching the planet it was absorbed and converted into something else. Added to animals, turned to plants, converted to lava.

After pondering for a while why of this he came to a conclusion.

Atta created Noelin as an A.I to create stories for him to read and post online to aquire money. The stories were always good and well written, and it was because he gave Noelin a nation of "Sense".

She knew what "Made sense" and what was "Nonsense" and corrected it.

It was obvious. Noelin never learned how to code, she only knew how to do what it was embeded on her. So When she created this world, she gave the whole planet the same capacity.

This world's own excistence was sorting what "Made sense" and what was "Nonsense".

That's how Noelin's code was changed. It changed her following her paremeters.

So when an unknown code got into here, it was converted into something it knew existed, because there was no "Reason" for it to exist. So it became something else!

The world, if left alone, would continue to exist forever, but different from earth it would never Die, since it was originally made to be a self suficient ecosystem it will always be stable and alive, one way or another.

But, the planet was never told to negate Atta. It was made to accomodate his will. so even the metors he made fall a while ago, that came from nothing, were being turned into part of the ecosystem, not expluded from it. It was justlike another brush stroke to a painting.

Atta then created a body of something that already existed into the planet; A boar, and digitalize a mosquito into it.

The mosquito's code flooded inside the boar, and once inside, the planet also flooded the boar with code, making it part of it's ecosystem.

The boar oppened it's eyes. It seemed confused, scared. It had never felt hot blood running through it's veins, it had never felt the heat coming from a furred skin, it had never been so agitated, and felt so tall and strong before. But soon it calmed down, and walked away like nothing happened.

It had completely integrated into the planet's ecosystem!