

“Don’t want to remember the face of the girl who used to be my daughter, go away!! He scoffed.  

“Dad it’s me Bianca your princess, your only daughter,” she said trying to touch his hand from the little opening on the door.

“ I said go away I will find a way out of here go I say go!!! Mr Miller stated in a cold tone and move away from the jail door into the ceil.

Bianca cry there for some minutes and walk away she run out of the station with her hands on her face she was devastated. She hop into her car and twisted the key on the car crying continuously with her tears dropping on the steering wheel she ignite the engine and drive off.  

She arrived at Davis house he saw her face he knew instantly that she was sad from the tears in her eyes. he run to embrace her

“Davis he doesn’t want to see me, he even asks me to leave.” She mumbled crying in his chest as he hold her close to his chest.

“ Is he out of jail or still in jail?” he asked

“ He is still there, he says he doesn’t need my help or sympathy that he will find a way out himself that am no longer his daughter since I choose you over him.” She stated amidst tears.

He tightens the hug and stroke her hair firmly.

“ It’s okay stop crying I feel your pain but what can we do your dad is too stubborn.” He declared.

“The inspector says he is not letting him go or grant him bail, because he offered him a bribe.” She muttered

“Don’t worry I will call my lawyer and have him released.” He assured trying to bring out his phone from his pocket.

“ He said he doesn’t need my help why do you think he will need your’s am so sad he was so weak and has bruises all over his body I think they are torturing him there.” She started sobbing continuously  and they both started walking into the house.

Later that evening Davis strive to leave for his house

“ I could have stayed here but I have some work at my house I need to finish.” He said holding her hand

“Don’t leave me here I will be lonely without you.” She stated softly.  

“Stop acting all lovey-dovey you need to rest I promise everything will be fine soon.” He assured her and give her a light kiss on the forehead, she stand and watch him leave.

Mrs Richmond walk to Bianca who was starring at the door. Like a lost puppy.

“Let go I will tell you a bedtime story that will make you sleep like a baby, obstacles are part of life, family agreements and departure are part of life just because your dad doesn’t support your relationship that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world, Davis will try to win.......

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