
Can i give you a ride?

I squat and carry Jane up spinning her in the air and she smiles at me.

I drop her down and she started scrutinizing me

“You look so happy, did you manage to talk to her?” she asks and I blush smiling from ear to ear.

“We didn’t talk that much but, I even got the chance to touch her am never washing my hands again.” I declared starring at my hand.

“I think we need a new team leader our current one is lovesick,” Jane said as James and john walk towards us.

“It’s been long I see such a wide smile on your face, did you talk to her?”  James ask


“I did yes I did!!” I said shaking john

“You are yelling,” John said holding his ear.

“Wow just talk and you are acting this way what if you kiss her?” James remarks

“I will be on top of the world,” I said stretching my hand in the air.

“Guys let’s go attend our last class and go home,” Jane stated and we follow her going our separate ways.

We may be friends but we have different interests and classes we like to attend. It’s been a while since I touch a computer, I was thinking of making a new video game.

I walk to computer class and find out all the seats were already occupied. And the only empty seat was beside Rachael, so she attends computer class I sigh and stroke my hair shyly walking to sit with her.

 “Is anyone here? I ask looking at the empty seat.

“No,” she replies without looking at me

“Okay,” I said and sit on the chair bringing out my books from my bag.

The teacher started teaching although I wanted to listen to the lecture I find myself stealing a glance at her every minute she is just so beautiful, is her beauty the only thing I like about her. I thought.

Minutes later

We finish class and I say goodbye to my friends as we all enter our different cars. I halt as I saw Rachael walking out of the school gate holding her books close to her chest.

Should I offer her a ride, I drive and stop beside her as she continues walking without looking at me.

“Hey miss how will you like it if I give you a ride,” I said and she ignored me, I called again

“I can’t thank you for the offer,” she replied and continued walking before I could know I was stalking her with my car. It was as if I wasn’t in control of my hands.

“Why are you being so stubborn, you are walking and am offering you a ride, it’s not usual for guys like me to offer girls ride.” I shrug and she rolls her eyes at me.  

“Stop flirting yourself,” she muttered and continue walking

“Okay bye.” I wave I ignored her and drive away.


                                           Rachael POV

After the long walk, I arrive at home as I open the door my step mum pulled........

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