
Chapter 79: The Good News Brought by Alisa

"Let me see, what do I need to buy today? Definitely need lamb." Chen Ze got up very early the next morning, despite feeling sleepy, because he was determined to make his stuffed buns, he persevered and climbed out of his warm bed.

"Tsk, it seems only lamb is missing, so I'll just pick up some lamb tails as well, otherwise, it feels like it won't be enough." Chen Ze shook his head, not to boast, but a few lamb tails wouldn't be enough for even one of his barbecues.

Arriving at the lamb wholesale market, Chen Ze cautiously surveyed the area, almost making the taxi driver think he was a criminal planning to make some big news.

"Phew... luckily that chatterbox isn't around." Chen Ze breathed a sigh of relief, as he really didn't want to encounter Li Shufu.

Even though he had enjoyed putting him in his place last time, that didn't mean Chen Ze was willing to continue listening to his droning on. He would rather not come at all and learn to make a different dish instead.