

DANIEL CLIFFORD (35 years) Jean Aideen's best friend as a famous actor in New York City, really loves Jeany his first love. Since Jeany decided to marry Jian, the man she loves so much, Daniel's life has been thrown into darkness. Daniel became a cigarette addict and heavy drinker as well as drug user for years, making Daniel suffer from cirrhosis of the liver. Dhenisa Zee (23 years), a young doctor who was chosen by her senior doctor to care for and take care of Daniel's health, so that unconsciously love has grown in the heart of Dhenisa who will marry Justine. How is the story of the continuation of the love life of a Daniel? will his love end sadly for the second time?

Nickscart_2 · Adolescente
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145 Chs

Axell private lecturer

In Ardham's private room...

"Abaayyy, Jiaann." Ardham shouted calling Abay and Jian who were relaxing in his office.

Abay and Jian looked at the same time towards Ardham who was walking quickly towards him.

"Weeii, what's wrong Dham? looks so happy." said Abay who was immediately pulled by Ardham and hugged him tightly.

"I have Bay twins, twins." Ardham replied with a big laugh, then pulled Jian too and hugged him tightly.

Jian who was hugged tightly by Ardham was almost out of breath.

"Congratulations uncle, but can get out of his arms uncle, I can't breathe." said Jian who was still in Ardham's arms.

"You will have two Ji nephews, two at a time." said Ardham looking at Jian and Abay alternately with a wide smile.