

"How dare you oppose me!, have you forgotten who you are talking to?. I am you God!".

"God my foot!, what kind of a God would sit and watch his creations fall before him?."

"Zeddrah" the daughter of the pearl God, "Gerin" was a brave and fearless princess of the Pure Heavens.

Two hundred years ago her father, "Gerin" struck a deal with the demon God, "Ragar". The deal was that Ragar would give him back his daughter (Zeddrah) and in return he would give him absolute control over the mortals. This was a devastating impact on the pearl God but because he loved his daughter so much he had no other option but to adhere. A hundred years later the princess was returned and the penalty for her return was at its verge.

The Zeddrah stood before her father questioning him about the penalty that man kind would have to pay for her sins. Her father tells her the it's none of her business. He says that he can't interfere with the calamity that would fall upon the mortals and that it can't be stopped.

"I'm sorry but the deed has been done, there is no stopping Ragar."

"What exactly is he planning to do with them?."

Gerin looked quietly at Zeddrah with out saying a word, being anxious on what to say to her he turned his head and looked away.

"Tell me what his planning!."

"Do you really want to know!?, it wouldn't do you any good, but if you must know. In three thousand pure heaven years to come Ragar will open the gates to the abyss and he will unleash the seven principalities of Hell upon man kind."

"No, no, No! This can't be, this can't happen."

"So now, my daughter do you see that fighting against him is pointless."

Zeddrah not being able to control her emotions runs away in tears.

"I hope that some day you would forgive me for this. "

Zeddrah continuously running enters a dark and empty space in the heaven. She stands still there in tears and blames her self for the calamity that would fall upon man kind

"Why do they have to suffer for me?, why must a race die for what they do not know of?."

As she lamented within her self suddenly an eye ball as big as a humans head appeared in the center of the space and asks Zeddrah why she is in such a mood. Zeddrah wipes off her falling tears and asks the eye ball who he was.

"What?. Who are you?."

"Well if must know i am Destiny the eye of faith. Why would a lovely princesssuch as your kind be crying in such a manner?."

"Is nothing serious. Not like you could help me any ways. "

"Tell me, im sure I could help you solve the predicament. "


"My father made a deal with the demon God to give him absolute control over the mortals. His planning to unleash the seven of Hell upon man kind."

"Wow, that's pretty messed up."

"Yeah tell me about it."

The room is quiet for a while until Destiny makes a statement.

"I think i can help you."


The eye gives Zeddrah a giggle and then immediately what seemed to be a book appeared before her and in it were pictures and names of people on earth.

"What is this?," Zeddrah asked.

"That is the book of redemption. In it are seven mortals capable of defeating the seven principalities."

"Seven mortals you say, hmm. So what exactly are you implying?."

" You wish to save the mortals of their calamity right?."


"Well, these mortals are the only ones capable of defeating the seven. In order to save humanity you must go to earth and round up the seven of them for war. You must cultivate their abilities, making them stronger."

"Like a pack?."

"Yes, like a pack."

The entire space is quiet for 15 seconds.

"So which is first?," Zeddrah asks.

"It's your choice."

Zeddrah takes a look at the book and she notices a very attractive man in it. She reads his info,

NAME: Thony Jackson

AGE: 19



ABILITY : Wolf affinity


"Hmm, some standards. I guess I'll go with the first one."

"Jackson it is. Are you read to gather your pack?."

" Umm, just wait a second. "

Zeddrah opens up a hole as small as a pocket and sticks her hand in it. She pulls a katana and then changes her form, making her appare human.

"I'm ready ."

"Okay then buckle up."

Destiny opens a void and worps her to earth.