

I sighed looking at the ceiling above me watching the fan spin endlessly above me, it was unbearable! I couldn't move or do anything to abate my boredom. The only thing I could do with my current body was cry and shit my pants and I wasn't really in the mood to do either of those things.

How the hell did I even get myself into this situation?

I was walking home from school one day when I passed a narrow alley. Normally I wouldn't even pay attention to it since I passed it every day but, for some reason that day I did.

And my heart stopped.

Inside the alley I could see a group of three men pinning a girl to the ground. Before giving it even a second chance I rushed in to help.

I approached them while barely making a sound. My grandpa was one of the few living masters in the world who practiced ninjitsu, and not that fake kind you see on TV but, the real stuff that ancient ninja used to assassinate their targets.

He'd drilled it into me from an early age and I loved every second of it. Because I mean who doesn't love ninja?

Thought my going around and proclaiming myself a real ninja didn't gain me many friends. Especially when my grandpa forbid me from revealing my true skills to anyone, some nonsense about ninja living in the darkness. I personally thought he was just being chuunibyou but, he somehow knew whenever I showed people and made me suffer for it.

So it ended up being my dirty little secret.

Anyway I used my sick ninja skills to silently run up behind the first guy jab him in a specific pressure point.

It wouldn't do anything cool like paralyze him but, it would hurt like a bitch almost as much as being kicked in the balls.

Next I kicked the guy who was leaning over the girl groping her chest breaking his nose and throwing him off her.

"Run" I screamed at her now that she was free.

The girl didn't hesitate and started to run off in tears. She didn't thank me but, I didn't hold it against her considering the situation.

Turning my attention to the final thug I saw him throwing a punch at me. It was sloppy with no technique in it at all, and I easily dodged to the side and judo throwed him over my shoulder and onto the concrete.

With the final guy down I decided it was time to get the heck out of there. I didn't want to hang around because those guys looked like they were part of a gang, and I didn't want to wait and see if they had friends coming.

I sprinted off in the direction of the street where the girl ran off to see if I could find here.

But, before a stepped onto the sidewalk I stopped. There was a loud "Bang" sound and I felt a strange warmth spreading through my stomach.

Looking down I saw a spot of blood slowly spreading over my shirt.

With the last of my energy I turned to look back into the alley and saw the first guy the one whose pressure point I struck on his knees and pointing the literal smoking gun at my back. The savage grin on his face the stuff of nightmares.

Losing all the strength in my body I fell to my knees then flat on my face.

As I layed there dying a thought about how it didn't hurt as much as I expected it to, maybe it was because my body was still in shock?

Everything started to go black and I was vaguely aware of something going on with my body. Maybe it was a paramedic try to save me or maybe it was the piece of shit who shot me kicking my corpse, I was too far gone to know or care.

As I finally faded away my final thought was that I was a pretty bad ninja for not making sure I completely took that guy out. Oh, well hindsights 20/20.

Then BAM! There was crying someone slapped my ass and then warmth, I was reincarnated!

The first couple weeks were a complete blur. It was kind of like when you wake up in the morning and nothing seems quite real yet. From my best guess it was that newborn brain wasn't developed yet to house my teenage soul.

But, at around one month old the blurriness went away and I was finally myself again. I had absolutely no idea how or why it happened but, I wasn't going to question it.

My only real problem with it was how unimaginably weak my body was. Even if I already had the knowledge to move my body my muscles just couldn't do it. They were like wet noodles that flopped around however they wanted.

I had absolutely no motor control and that pushed me off to no end because of the glowing screen I decided to conjure in front of my face.

That's right I didn't just reincarnate! I got a system too! And not just any system a Naruto System!

And as amazing as that was it also irritated me to no end because I could reach up to accurately hit the buttons, and I was dying to know what it was capable of.

It was an absolute nightmare but, I managed to go through all the available options.

There were three tabs that were labelled Missions, Store, and Training respectively.

The first one I clicked was obviously Store because I really wanted to know what kind of awesome stuff I could buy.

The Store was also divided into three sections Ninja Tools, Techniques, and Bloodlines, it was all pretty self explanatory.

Looking through it I checked the prices of the things I might want to buy.

Shuriken - 10 Points

Kunai - 20 Points

Soldier Pill - 300 Points

Samehada - 1,500,000 Points

Okay so it looked like the basic ninja tools were pretty cheap but, the really good weapons were going to be expensive.

Next I opened up the Techniques section to see what was available.

There was a filter I could use to look through things easier. It let me sort from E - S rank jutsu as well as from the three main types of technique Tai, Nin, and Genjutsu but, there were also more niche ones like Kenjutsu and Fuinjutsu.

I also took a look at the prices so I could figure out which ones I was going to buy first when I had the chance.

Chakra Gathering Technique - 0 Points

Transformation Technique - 100 Points

Clone Technique - 100 Points

Replacement Technique - 100 Poins

Rasengan - 50,000 Points

Flying Thunder God - 5,000,000

It was just like I expected the three Academy Jutsu that they taught to kids were the cheapest and the really good Jutsu were obscenely expensive. Though I was a bit confused with the Rasengan's proce 50,000 seemed a bit too cheap. Maybe it was because it was technically an incomplete move or maybe it was that I already knew how to learn it without the systems help.

Without hesitation I bought the Chakra Gathering Technique and a simple breathing exercise appeared in my head. It was way less complicated that I expected it to be. But, I guess it was something the ninja in Naruto's world learned at a young age so I couldn't have been too complicated.

Emptying my mind I started getting into a rhythmic breathing pattern and felt a warm feeling form in my stomach, and not a bad warmth like when I was shot.

It felt like a tiny droplet of water was floating inside me. I wanted to try and make more but, I was strangely exhausted all of a sudden. It must have been because Chakra needed both the Yin energy of my soul and Yang energy from my body, and since I was still a newborn I had literally no Yang energy.

My stomach growled.

"Well I guess I figured out why ninja were able to eat so much" I laughed to myself.

I thought about being a good boy and waiting until my next scheduled meal which if I remembered right was in around 45 minutes. But, nah I needed food now and as a newborn baby that meant only one thing.

"WAHHHH WAH WAHHH" I screamed my little heart out and could hear my parents rushing to my room because I rarely cried.

"Oh, what's wrong my baby" mom picked me up and cradled me in her arms, and I thanked whatever god or force of nature that reincarnated me here that I was bottle fed.

Because my mother was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. From what I could tell she was in her late 20's and in incredible shape. But, what really put her beauty over the edge was her striking dark blue hair.

If I actually was breast fed I don't think I would be able to stop myself from getting some weird oedipus complex.

Sniff sniff "he hasn't pooped his pants" my father spoke.

"He must be hungry then, can you please hold him while I go heat up his bottle?"

"Of course" my father took me in his arms.

I looked up at him and again questioned what was even happening with my life anymore, because he wasn't a human. He was a cat person!

He had golden eyes and a calico fur pattern and it was because of him that I knew I wasn't on earth anymore . . . or at least my version of earth. I mean the system already made me pretty sure of that but, he confirmed it.

My father was one of my favorite people in my new life so far because unlike every other person including my mom he didn't talk to me in that stupid baby voice. It seemed like he was a pretty serious person and never really showed much affection to me but, overall seemed like a good guy.

Not long later my mother came back in with a fresh bottle and took me from his arms. She told him to go back to bed while she fed me.

Eating the baby formula was an interesting experience. I tasted it before in my old life and it was disgusting but, now as a baby it tasted like the nectar of the gods. It ready made me wonder how they developed food for babies.

After my quick meal my hunger went away and I faked falling asleep so my mother would leave. And focused back on that droplet in my stomach. I tried to will it to move but, it reminded stubborn and stuck to its spot. So in case I accidentally messed something up I decided to leave it alone for now.

I turned my attention back to the Store section of my system and to the Bloodline part the last section I haven't checked.

When I clicked on in another panel appeared in front of my face.

"Warning! Because of the limitations of the users current body only one Bloodline Limit may be selected currently!"

I cursed I was really hoping to be able to get all of the awesome Bloodlines and become unstoppable. It wasn't too upsetting though just unexpected I would just have to he careful when I finally get enough points to buy one and analyze every one to make sure I got the one that was right for, oh who am I kidding of course I was getting the Sharingan.

It might be cliche as hell but, I defy you to tell me you wouldn't make the same choice. And speaking of which.

Sharingan (1 Tomoe) - 5,000 Points

Sharingan (2 Tomoe) - 10,000 Points

Sharingan (3 Tomoe) - 15,000 Points

Mangekyo Sharingan - 500,000 Points

Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan - 5,000,000 Points

Rinnegan - 10,000,000

Rinnesharingan - 15,000,000

Damn! The higher levels of the Sharingan were broken! I still didn't know exactly how hard it was to earn Points yet but, 15 million was still an intimidating number.

The basic levels of the Sharingan seemed decently cheap though compared to the rest of them. I wasn't complaining it just seemed a little weird.

Now that that was done I opened the Mission tab to see if there was any way for me to earn Points. I was excited to see that there was a mission available but, my enthusiasm dropped when I read its description.

Mission: Take It Easy!

Description: You are currently a one month old baby and are to young to be practicing Chakra! Do not mold any Chakra until you are at least 4 years old.

Failure Penalty: Stunted Growth

Reward: 1,000 Points, one Basic Technique Scroll

This quest pissed me off! Why would it give the Chakra Gathering Exercise for free if I couldn't use it until I was older!

Taking a breath I tried to calm myself down, if I thought about it logically it made a bit of sense. Chakra was a combination of my physical and spiritual energies and if I used what little physical energy I had to make Chakra how would my body be able to grow? It would explain the quests Failure Penalty.

I decided to move on to the final Training tab to see if there was anything else I could do.

. . . I deadpanned.

The Training tab was full of nothing but, question marks.






Sighing in defeat I decided to just go to sleep and deal with everything tomorrow.

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