

"You are the one who started first..." Even Steve felt he was over the limit, but the bullet went out and hit the target. How can he retreat now?

"Steve shut your mouth, don't you see you're making things worse here..." Terry Davis is getting a headache from everything that's going on, and this issue will get him a lot of work. The class president's job is not easy from the start, and then he has to deal with other events. The problem is that he cannot handle both at once if things get out of hand.

"You too, Clarke... are you crazy now? What are you trying to do?" Davis is ready to respond quickly, and even if it forces him to use his abilities, he should stop Clarke no matter what happens. "You know the rules here and you know the consequences of using your abilities here... If you don't want to settle the matter by discussion, you can turn to the battlefield." He didn't forget to ask his teammates to handle Steve or get him out of the room if needed.

This solution is well known at Highland College and is used by abilities users among themselves and has already been approved by the administration. With this step, it gives them a special place to end the unresolved problems between them through conditional battle, in which the winner can impose a condition on the loser. Also, they can benefit from the experience gained in combat and make everyone benefit from this. Of course, it is up to Clarke to choose this because he is the victim here, and if he does so, Steve must agree, or he must compensate Clarke if he does not want to do it.

When Clarke heard Davis' words, he calmed down for a moment, still he noticed that he was in an inferior position. He knows that this method will not benefit him much, the level between the two is very close, and he cannot guarantee victory over his opponent, and this may put him in a difficult situation with his team. But how can he change the situation now? This insult is even worse than losing a conditional battle. If he uses his abilities here and exposes other people to danger, things may come to his dismissal from college and his powers may be crippled and everything he has worked for so far will disappear.

"Well... well... I'll stop here... but you make that clown apologize to me..." He felt that it was too generous of him to concede to this degree, and by doing so, he could avoid further damage to his reputation. But he found the matter a little strange, as he did not find it very difficult to accept it.

Davis exhaled, and frankly he did not expect Clark to calm down so quickly. It's not like his habit. But in fact, it was Rash who manipulated him. He changed his aim and lowered Clarke's animosity instead, so he can identify how powerful his new skill is and also who knows what Clarke might do after today?

The class president turned to Steve, "I think there's no problem with you with that. Right?" Things will stop there, just as everyone can breathe comfortably. However, he must fill out a report on this, and together with Teacher Dayan's report, the administration will consider the degree of punishment of each of them.

Steve had no choice but to agree, because he lost his temper for a moment, and he better not complicate matters further with Clarke now.

It was at this moment when the teacher started approaching them to say a few words that would end the matter. From the beginning, she backed down with everyone and left the matter to Davis to deal with it. To handle this kind of situation, there is a certain protocol that they follow, it is like teaching an armed squad and any mistake may turn the place into a battlefield. "It is difficult to be a teacher these days..." She lamented.

She stood between them and wanted to resolve it, Davis was by her side too for any emergency, "You two know that you got it bad this time, how do you quarrel over a trivial reason, huh? I just hope this won't happen again..."

Steve nodded to Teacher Diane, apologizing for what he had done, but Clarke didn't even look at him. Although it annoyed Steve, this did not deter him from taking a step forward and lowering his head slightly, "It was my fault…" Before he finished his words, Clarke's feet were suddenly coming towards his face.

The person who knows Clarke's way of thinking well is Rash. He has spent three years watching him previously and can expect what is going on in his mind, besides he raised his enmity again. At that point, Clarke's behavior was beyond everyone's expectation, and Rash not only left it at that, but used telekinesis and nudged teacher Diane in between.

Although she is a wonderful teacher and treats everyone friendly, there is one student that she has never spoken to before, and she always ignores him. This is not part of her spirited personality and is contrary to the way she usually deals with students. But for some reason, she cannot accept Rash no matter what.

Bam... crash...

It was a very powerful kick, Clarke used a lot of force this time, to send the person in front of him flying and crashing into the wall. The chairs and tables were between them were scattered around, and the big rumble disturbed even the teachers from the other classes to come to the place to check what was going on... All the students were shocked in their places.

However, the person who was kicked was not Steve, who was standing stunned with his wide eyes "Bastard..." Nor was Teacher Diane who suddenly lost her balance and thought the kick was coming in her direction, only to be pushed hard to the side.

It was Rash. How could he miss an opportunity like this from his hands?

In the past, it would be impossible for him to do something like this for Teacher Diane, and he would be happy to see her knocked that way. But he is different now, and after knowing what is going on in secret and what Peter is doing, he wanted to face things in another way. He's sure Diane's actions toward him were caused by Peter in some way. But it's not that important now.

The important thing is that with this, he can catch four birds with one stone. Steve and Clark will have to deal with many problems to get out of this dilemma with minimal damage. Teacher Diane Owens will change her attitude towards him, and perhaps her sense of regret will cause many changes and most importantly, he will destroy Peter's plan with none of them knowing that he is the reason behind everything that happened now.

Instigation! What a scary skill... Haha

The hall turned into dire silence for several moments, and none of them came to help the boy. In the end, it was Davis who dashed to his aid.

Teacher Diane followed next, leaving both Steve and Clarke standing in alarm. As if they had just woken up from a nightmare. With this, everything is already over.

"What the hell..."

When the students realized what was going on, they gathered around Rash. The boy was not moving and blood was flowing from his nose and mouth already, no sound was coming from his side. They thought he probably had already passed out, just a weak guy like him. How could he stand up to Clarke's attack?

They were relieved, however. The kick did not hit Teacher Diane or ...

"Those two are already over the top this time."

"Just because they are a little strong, doesn't mean they can act wildly in the middle of the class. Why don't they do that against the monsters that invade the world?"

Some students whispered quietly among themselves, because some of them liked neither Clarke's arrogance nor Steve's excessive pride. And there are those who like fishing in troubled waters, and this is their chance to raise the situation even more.

In the past, even if both of them beat Rash, this goes unnoticed afterwards, because they already know when to stop and a battle between two young men is a normal thing as long as they do not use their abilities. Of course, because everyone hates the boy, you will find no one speaking a word on his behalf or trying to help him. This is because they think he deserves more than that.


It's different now, Rash has rescued teacher Diane. Although the relationship between them is not good, still he threw himself and took the kick. And this is credited to him, despite his terrible reputation.

Both young men felt the weight of the issue and found themselves in a difficult position, but what could they do now, even the expressions on Teacher Dian's face were bleak. This is the first time they have seen her like this.

"Why… why is it always you…" Davis balled his hands and hissed in sorrow, he felt as if he wanted to crush the two out of anger. Because he did not act quickly, things have ended like that and now he is watching his close friend being exposed to a dangerous situation again. Especially with Clark's high level, there could be dangerous consequences.

He did not finish his first day yet, and after he promised himself to help him in his ordeal and protect him if necessary, but he had already allowed such a mistake.

Seeing him thus reminded him of the moment when he abandoned his little brother and left him to die out of fear. He hated himself for it and never wanted to repeat the same mistake again.

The moment he reached out to carry Rash to the clinic, he was surprised by Rush's hand preventing him from getting close

The boy was not unconscious, even after he received a heavy blow that threw him several meters and hit the wall. Rash struggled to get up. His movement was heavy, but he refused help from Davis or teacher Diane when they wanted to reach out to him. But none of the students has said a word now, because they know why he is behaving this way.

Why should he accept their help to him after they mistreated him all this time?

Clarke assumed this was his chance to get out of trouble. He cleared his throat and said as if he had done nothing wrong, "See... he's totally fine... I just wanted to frighten Steve, and I didn't intend to kick him so hard..."

"Shut the hell up..." Davis roared before the latter finished his words. His scream shook the entire hall and made Clarke swallow the rest of the sentence in his throat, "You were in a good position from the start, yet you wouldn't do anything but act foolishly ... Let me see what you're going to do now..." Davis was intending to smooth the incident in his report, but now he completely changed his mind. Both deserve punishment for their behavior and what they have done in the past.

The surrounding students stared at him wide-eyed, "Is this really Davis?" Seeing him angry differs completely from the serious person he used to be.

"Calm down ... Davis. It's not like you to behave this way." Mary intervened to calm him down. Several days ago, she figured out he was acting strange and every time the reason was Rash. This made her wonder to herself what exactly was going on.

Davis shook his head, "You won't understand." And didn't explain further, because it was impossible for any of them to understand what was happening here. Plus, he thought this incident might be manipulated, as it always happens with Rash. But he didn't find any clues about it, it was just a hunch.

He was right this time, but he missed the person.

From the first hour of his arrival today, Rash noticed Davis' changes toward him but did not understand exactly what was going on. Unfortunately, he cannot trust anyone easily, despite seeing his expressions.

He put his hand on his nose to stop the bleeding. The kick was really heavy, but it wasn't too bad, the shark attack was much stronger than it was. And drift outwards. The gathered students opened a path for him this time. Perhaps it was the first time they felt that he deserves some respect for what he did.

Teacher Diane: "Where do you want to go? Let's take you to the sanatorium at least..."

The boy said nothing and ignored her, and the teacher who wanted to move to help him, was interrupted by Davis. She peered at him only to shake his head towards her, "Just let him do what he likes…" He knows that it is difficult for him to accept them no matter what they do now.

Well... in fact, the teacher's words and everyone's expressions made Rash feel so much better. Just how much Peter did to get everyone to act aggressively against him, but with some tricks, they changed a lot. This, of course, is unless he intervenes again to turn the circumstances, who knows what he has up his sleeve.

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