
[Chapter - 4]: Training Outdoors & Killing Two Birds With One Black Key & Dream (Part-2)

" Who In this god Forsaken world, has a group of vampire dogs and just leaves them In the forest!?" Shirou yelled out Into the sky, running through one of the many forests In Landon. Behind him, are six vampiric dogs with glowing red eyes and dead skin hanging off their bodies.


Howling, the vampiric dogs started running faster at the young Priest. Above them is the beautiful gray Moon In the sky shining on them with her love and care.

" Fuck!" Cursing all their nineteen generations, Shirou jumped In the air and threw two black keys from each hand to the undead dogs.


With an enough force to skewer a bull through, four dogs flew back through a few trees with a hole where their brains are supposed to be, Dead, Fully Dead this time.

Appearing in his hands, four black keys suddenly found themselves In the last In Undeads head and heart, killing them entirely.

Sighing, Shirou mumbled," I'm so lucky that damn old man, made me practice and read about: Gradation Air." To his limited knowledge: Gradation Air, more commonly known as Projection, is a Magecraft that materializes objects, in accordance to the Caster's imagination, through the use of magical energy. Gradation comes from the fact that the created object slowly fades away after being created, and Air is an allusion to the fact that said object is made out of "nothing".

The concept behind this Magecraft is rather simple, to shape magical energy into the material composition and design of an object that is being imagined by the magus. The item is not everlasting, as it is recognized by the world as a  phantasm that doesn't belong in the natural world, and it will be erased as an inconsistency. The better the image in the Caster's imagination, the more stable and longer-lasting the objects will be, and it can be further improved by having technical knowledge of its construction, such as a blueprint, or having materials to overlay the desired shape upon.

Projection is considered to be an incomplete and mostly useless Magecraft by most modern magi for anything other than immediate activities, such as projecting a sacrificial item to be forsaken in a ritual. It is generally easier and more practical to create an object that will not fade away with appropriate techniques and raw materials. While Gradation Air is a more complex form of Reinforcement, it is ultimately inferior and less efficient.

Comparatively speaking, if a magus uses Projection to recreate a sword while spending ten units of magical energy in the process, he will get a weapon with an overall strength of three or four. Meanwhile, if he uses that same magical energy to reinforce an existing blade, he will get a weapon with a power of twenty or thirty. It is also possible to apply Reinforcement to improve the capacities of the projected item

" Well enough of that, now where is their Master~?" Shirou said, looking around feeling a pair of eyes on him.

" You. Killed. Them." An odd-sounding young female voice told him. A voice that came from every, possessing rage and madness.

" Yup~" Hearing this, Shirou nodded, singing it out with a shit-eating grin.


Appearing In front of Shirou is a young teenage girl with long black hair and red eyes burning In rage and madness.

" You. Will. Replace. Them." She said, word for word In an icy venomous tone, looking Into his eyes.

However, she suddenly blinked, seeing her new unknown friend, gone.

In the distance, she heard his beautiful noble-like young voice.

" Scheisse! I already know where this is going! Why are all fucking Dead Apostles, pedophilias!" Shirou yelled, running away from that woman.

" Hohoho~ What do we have here?" Hearing that odd-sounding older male voice, Shirou's eyebrows twitched.

Stepping out of the dark is an older male with short black-gray hair and red eyes. He wears black and red 18-century noble clothes, with a small black cap flapping in the wind behind him, hanging from his upper back. At his right hip is a silver aged saber, almost hitting the ground.

" Son of a Schlampe!" Yelling In German once more, Shirou performed a three 60 and started heading deeper In the forest.

" What Fun!" Clapping childishly, The old man began running after his new food for dinner.

" Old man, fuck off!" But he did not make it far, blocking a couple of green trees threw at him from the much younger Dead Apostle.

" Youngsters these days, never respect their elders." Mumbling this with a deep sigh, he got Into a boxing stance and suddenly disappeared.


" Gaia, I love you and all, but goddam, I hate this world," Shirou confessed, running away from those two crazy Dead Apostles.

Driving Into deeply In the forest, he abruptly thought,' Eh? Why is it so quiet? Too quiet...'

However, before he could think anymore, a blur appear in front and behind him.

" I. Will. Have. You!" The younger Dead Apostle yelled In from of him.

Following her declaration, the older Dead Apostle chuckled darkly," Young one, this old man is hungry, about you donate your life to me? I promise I will end it quickly, nice aren't I~?"

" I Refuse," Shirou said to them, blankly emotionally as his eyes became nothingness.

" Then, I guess this old man will have to go old school on your ass." The man said, getting into an odd boxing stance, looking at him.

" You. Are. Mine." The young girl said plainly with a small huff.


With the sound of two sonic booms, the two Dead Apostles crazily ran at him.

" No, You." Saying this, Shirou jumped In the air and performed another three 60 and let loose four black keys at the two Undeads.


" Fuuuu~ How I wish it was that easy." He mumbled, thinking this was going go to be one of those anti-climactic moments. But by Fate have It, both Dead Apostles blocked the black keys, easily.

Landing on the floor, his body started moving on its own, blocking and elbowing his enemies.

[" Move! Move! Move!"] Listening to those female voices In his head, Shirou's speed became faster, while his strikes became even more stronger.

Sensing something, he shoved his hand at the girl's chest. Feeling those soft squishing pillows, his eyes sparked In an unusual manner.

" Eep!" Blushing somehow, the girl jumped back with a deep red face.

" You!. You!"

Realizing the pillows are not there anymore, he blinked," Eh?"


Flying through a couple of trees, Shirou yelled out," Fucker, didn't you not see, I was doing something very important!?" Why can't he just play with those soft pillows In peace?

Landing on his feet somehow, Shirou blasted at the old man In overwhelming Otaku fury, jumping from tree to tree.

Flinching slightly, the old man gulped deeply, as he started running away.

" Got. You." Saying this, the other Dead Apostle, jumped on the old man's back.

" Girl, what are you doing!?"

Before she could answer, they heard Shirou's voice behind them.

" Double Kill!"


Falling down with a confused expression, both Dead Apostles' red eyes became blank, with a hole where their brian and heart is supposed to be.

" Oh, a two for one deal. How exciting." Shirou mumbled, seeing the fully dead, Dead Apostles on the floor on top of each other.

Struggling his shoulders, he whispered," Well, I guess my work here is done."

Pulling out 12 tubes, he put some of their blood In It, for some reason he still thinking of.

" And done. Now. let's get with blessing."

Moving their bodies, he squatted by them and mumbled," May God bless you In your next life." Getting up and doing the same for the dogs, he left the forest with a bright childish smile.


Walking Into the hotel Kirei booked him in, Shirou smiled at the young girl behind the desk and went to his room.

Closing the door, Shirou scanned and smelled the room, then let out with a smile," Ah, it seems I won't have any visitors today."

Walking to his bed, he laid on It and fell Immediately to sleep.

But other than his sweet dreams, he woke up on In a medieval throne room, on a black and golden throne. Laying by him is that familiar black wolf.

Looking around, he found those black long swords are still surrounding him and the wolf, trapping them.

" Where the hell am I?" He questioned to the air, with a blank expression.

["..Home.."] Reacting to him, the female voices, told him slowly.

" Home?"


" Where is that?" Shirou asked, looking around some more, still seeing the same thing.

" Husband, who are you talking to?" A beautiful otherworldly female voice asked Shirou, right next to him.

Hearing that voice, Shirou moved his head slowly to the right and blinked his eye, seeing pale golden eyes staring Into his pale golden eyes.

["Wake!"] And so he did...


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