
Awakening 6: Level 10

**Hybrid Status Window**

Name: Jace Norman [($@&#'#:#:&*:#::#)(%@%#&#:#&#:#)]

Lvl: 9

Exp: 7000/38400

Species: Nephalem Hybrid

HP: 10/10 [(+10)(+10)]

Mana: 10 (+10)

Blood Bank: 5/5

Feral Points: 5/5

Str: 10 [(+2)(+6)]

Spd: 2 [(+11)(+5)]

Int: undefined

Stats Point: 0


**The Host Needs To Reach Level 10 Before The Skill Tap Will Be Unlocked**

**Nephalem Status Window**

Name: Jace Norman [($@&#'#:#:&*:#::#)(%@%#&#:#&#:#)]

Lvl: 9

Exp: 7000/38400

Species: Nephalem Hybrid

HP: 10/10 [(+10)(+10)]

Mana: 10 (+10)

Holy Power: 5/5

Demonic Power: 5/5

Str: 2 [(+10)(+6)]

Spd: 11 [(+2)(+5)]

Int: undefined

Stats Point: 0


**The Host Needs To Reach Level 10 Before The Skill Tap Will Be Unlocked**

**Status Window**

Name: Jace Norman [($@&#'#:#:&*:#::#)(%@%#&#:#&#:#)]

Lvl: 9

Exp: 7000/38400 (this is the combination of all the system experience)

Species: Nephalem Hybrid

HP: 10/10 [(+10)(+10)]

Str: 6 [(+10)(+2)]

Spd: 5 [(+11)(+2)]

Int: undefined

Stats Point: 0

Gift: Mentifery (ZENITH)

N/B: this gift is at its most basic form.


**The Host Needs To Reach Level 10 Before The Skill Tap Will Be Unlocked**

"With this I should be able to defeat those monsters easily and level up to level 10 and unlock those skill tab"

Jace Norman ventured deeper into the heart of the wastelands, his footsteps crunching softly on the bed of fallen leaves. The canopy above cast dappled shadows across the forest floor, and a gentle breeze whispered through the trees, carrying with it the faint scent of pine.

Despite the tranquil surroundings, Jace's senses were on high alert. He knew that danger lurked in every shadow, that the creatures of the forest were not to be underestimated. But he was undeterred. With each step, he grew more determined to unlock the full extent of his hybrid abilities.

Lost in thought, Jace almost didn't notice the change in the air. It grew thick with an ominous energy, the sounds of the forest falling silent around him. And then, without warning, they emerged from the shadows.

Monsters. Twisted, grotesque creatures with razor-sharp claws and gleaming fangs. They snarled and hissed, their eyes burning with hunger as they advanced on Jace.

With a swift motion, Jace drew his rocky sword, he created it using the rocks in his surrounding. His heart pounded in his chest as he faced down the horde, his muscles tensed and ready for battle. He knew that this would be his greatest challenge yet, that the outcome would determine not only his own fate, but the fate of all who depended on him.

With a primal roar, the monsters lunged forward, their claws slashing through the air. But Jace was ready. With lightning speed, he dodged and weaved between their attacks, his movements fluid and precise. Each strike of his sword was calculated, each movement a dance of survival.

Despite his skill, the monsters were relentless. For every one that fell, two more took its place, their numbers seemingly endless. But Jace refused to falter. With each blow, he felt the surge of power within him, the unmistakable sensation of leveling up.

His muscles bulged with newfound strength, his senses heightened to a razor's edge. And then, with a final, decisive blow, he vanquished the last of the monsters, their lifeless forms littering the forest floor.

Exhausted but victorious, Jace stood amidst the carnage, his chest heaving with exertion. And then, as if guided by some unseen force, he felt a shift within him. His senses sharpened, his muscles pulsing with newfound energy.

Level 10 achieved. Skills unlocked.

With a triumphant grin, Jace knew that he had finally unlocked the full extent of his abilities. As he sheathed his sword and ventured deeper into the forest, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that he was now more powerful than ever before.

With a smile on his face, Jace opened his status window to view his new stats.

**Naphalem Hybrid Status Window**

Name: Jace Norman [($@&#'#:#:&*:#::#)(%@%#&#:#&#:#)]

Lvl: 10

Exp: 0/45000

Species: Nephalem/Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid

HP: 50

Mana: 40

Blood Bank: 7/7

Feral Points: 7/7

Holy Power: 7/7

Demonic Power: 7/7

Str: 78

Spd: 56

Int: undefined

Stats Point: 10

Gift: Mentifery (ZENITH)

**Skill panel is unlocked**

Jace frowned as he pondered what had happened to the system. He had expected to see three separate systems, each representing his Nephalem, Hybrid heritage, and his Gift system. However, to his surprise, it appeared that all three systems had merged into one, forming a new unified system. Despite his initial confusion, Jace realized that this consolidation was actually beneficial for him. No longer did he have to navigate through multiple systems to view his stats and abilities. Everything was now conveniently displayed in a single interface, making it easy for him to access.

With that out of the way, Jace decided to check his unlocked skills and see what he gots.

**Skill Tab**

Holy Power: Novice

Description: The host can channel divine energy, manifesting as bursts of light or protective barriers. They can heal wounds and purify darkness with this ability.

Demonic Power: Novice

Description: The darkness within the host grants them infernal strength and the ability to command dark energies. They can wield destructive spells and manipulate shadows.

Blood Manipulation: Novice

Description: The host can manipulate their own blood, shaping it into weapons or using it to enhance their physical abilities. They can also control the blood of others, weakening foes or draining their life force.

Enhanced Senses: Novice

Description: The host's senses are sharpened to supernatural levels, allowing them to see in the dark, hear whispers from afar, and track their prey with unerring accuracy.

Regeneration: Novice

Description: The host possesses rapid healing abilities, allowing them to recover from wounds at an accelerated rate. Even fatal injuries can be overcome given enough time and blood.

Shapeshifting: Novice

Description: The host can transform into a powerful werewolf at will, granting them increased strength, speed, and durability. In this form, their primal instincts take over, enhancing their combat prowess.

Lunar Empowerment: Novice

Description: During a full moon, the host's werewolf abilities are amplified, granting them even greater strength and agility. Their connection to the moon allows them to draw upon its power to fuel their abilities.

Reality Manipulation: Novice

Description: With their Mentifery gift, the host can manipulate reality itself, bending the fabric of space and time to their will. They can alter their surroundings, create illusions, and reshape objects with a mere thought.

Telepathy: Novice

Description: The host can communicate telepathically with others, allowing them to share thoughts, emotions, and even memories across vast distances.

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