
My master lived for 100000 years and became unbeatable.

In powerful world of cultivation unknown of the danger lurking around her she starts her journey and live for 100000 years behind this long cultivation life she had a mystery to unveil with her power and to conquer the world without being able to collect her memories she embarks on this journey as the unbeatable and carrying around the fate of the ones she took care of on the path.

Imagination_7 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

The cosmic reckoning...

In the realm of the Astral Nexus, time seemed to dance to its own rhythm, weaving an intricate tapestry of experiences and revelations. Each moment spent there felt like an eternity, and yet, it was but a mere fraction of a blink in the grand scheme of the cosmos. I continued my training, honing my elemental powers to perfection under Lyra's watchful guidance.

As I delved deeper into the secrets of the Astral Nexus, I discovered a forgotten chamber that held ancient tomes of knowledge, containing the wisdom of countless civilizations from across the universe. These texts spoke of ancient rituals and remedies, and among them, I found whispers of a legendary artifact known as the "Eternal Panacea."

The Eternal Panacea was said to possess the power to heal any ailment, no matter how severe or persistent. It was rumored to be hidden in the heart of the Celestial Mountains, a distant and treacherous realm accessible only to those who had attained true mastery of both elemental and celestial energies. This was the key to curing the 70,000 levels of injuries that burdened me, and I knew I had to find it.

With Lyra's encouragement and guidance, I set out on a perilous journey to the Celestial Mountains. The path was fraught with challenges, testing not only my physical prowess but also my mental fortitude. Along the way, I encountered celestial beings who tested my worthiness, questioning my commitment to the cause of restoring balance to the universe.

The journey to the Celestial Mountains was an arduous one, but with each step, I felt my connection to the elements and the Astral Nexus grow stronger. Lyra's teachings resonated within me, becoming an integral part of my being.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of trials and tribulations, I arrived at the foot of the Celestial Mountains. The air crackled with energy, and the very ground beneath my feet seemed to hum with power. As I ascended the mountains, I encountered powerful guardians, each one a test of my newfound abilities.

Yet, determination and resolve fueled my ascent, and at the mountain's peak, I discovered a hidden temple. Within its sacred confines, I found the Eternal Panacea, a luminous crystal pulsating with healing energies. It was a marvel to behold, and I knew that with this artifact, I could finally heal the remnants of my past injuries.

However, as I reached out to touch the crystal, a voice echoed in the chamber, cautioning me of the consequences that would follow. The Eternal Panacea was an artifact of cosmic significance, and its misuse could upset the delicate balance of the universe. It could heal not just physical injuries but also the scars of the soul, altering the course of destinies and rewriting the fabric of reality itself.

Lyra appeared beside me, her radiant silver hair shimmering like starlight. She spoke with a gentle yet firm tone, reminding me of the importance of responsibility and restraint. We pondered over the decision together, weighing the risks and benefits. In the end, we realized that the true path to healing lay not in a quick fix but in embracing our wounds as part of our journey.

Though it can fix my injuries there was a price to pay and not knowing that i wanted to heal my injuries and embrace the future which i hold.

Eternal Panacea was the only artifact which could heal me but i knew if i used it,it will not only disturb the balance but it also will make me thousand of enemies as many powerful people were after it.But it can only be used my someone who has the eternal fate with it so no one was able to touch as if it felt a tiny bit of malicious emotions it will destroy its existence so nobody was able to take the risk.

Instead of using the Eternal Panacea to heal my injuries in one go, we decided to channel its energies to enhance my elemental powers further. This way, I could become stronger, capable of curing my injuries and any adversary that stood in our way, including the malevolent Wusu.

The Celestial Mountains became our sanctuary, a place where we refined our abilities, seeking harmony and balance within ourselves. We trained relentlessly, pushing the boundaries of our capabilities and learning to merge our celestial and elemental powers seamlessly.

As the days turned into weeks and weeks into months and months into years,our bond deepened. Our telepathic communication became effortless, and we could anticipate each other's moves during our training sessions.As we were every injuries seemed to getting healed by the essence of Eternal Panacea bit by bit by passing time,As my injuries were healing my powers were growing with the passing years,With passing time i could feel that Eternal Panacea was trying to be imbed in me and merge with my heart as i could feel its presence in my heart.The celestial light which was bestowed on the Eternal Panacea was dimming with the time and as soon as my injuries healed the light banished from the Panacea.Soon a voice came said to me that i am the the part of eternal fate to that Eternal Panacea.Everything started to make sense, and Lyra's presence became an anchor in the tumultuous sea of emotions that swirled within me, and together, we found strength in unity.

During our time in the Celestial Mountains, Lyra also revealed more about her encounters with Wusu. In the distant past, Wusu had been a being of immense power, seeking to plunge the universe into eternal darkness. It was Lyra's role as a Stellar Weaver to prevent such a cataclysmic event.

In their final confrontation, Lyra had managed to seal Wusu away, but in doing so, she had fractured her essence, scattering her memories and weakening her powers. Now, with my assistance and our combined strengths, we aimed to restore Lyra's essence and break the malevolent entity's hold once and for all....

To be continued....