
My Hero; My Villain (Izuku x Toga)


Kim_Zaru · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

chapter 7

Izuku's P.o.V.

Toga is dead asleep, laying on top of the covers, exposing her beauty to the world. I take this opportunity to sneak out of her home. I smell of sex, my clothes are ripped and crinkled, and worst of all I've grown somewhat sentimental to this place. This is were I lost, I loved, my broken heart was put pack together, and I lost my virginity. But still, I have hero classes to attend.

I just had a thought, 'If I make breakfast for Himiko, maybe she'll be less opposed to me going back to school.' Yeah, I'm assuming that she'll be against it, but seriously, she's a villain, I'm a hero. Our relation ship has some serious moral differences in it. And it's not like we can keep our relationship hidden forever. I mean, what'll happen when we get married? And when we have kids, what will they be like? I MEAN IF WE GET MARRIED AND HAVE KIDS! AM I THINKING THIS TO FAR AHEAD? YEAH I PROBABLY AM!

I go downstairs and start getting to work. I'll cook a full breakfast platter for Toga. The perfect way for her to be occupied and happy, and me be able to go back to school

First, I start out on cinnamon buns. While we were grocery shopping, we bought packaged cinnamon buns. I put them in a pan I found in a cabinet and set them off on their wonder-smelling trip in the oven. Au revoir et bon voyage, gourmandises (A/N I swear I don't know French).

Next I get started on scrambled eggs. I put egg yolks in a bowl and pour some milk in the bowl (A/N that's how you make 'em fluffy) and start whisking them. I cook them in a pan and continuously divide and flip them over.

And toast. This is the make or break area. One small move can put this whole breakfast out of commission. So here come the question that has plagued so many parents making a morning meal for their children. Butter or jelly? 'Oh silly me. Himiko's favorite food/ condiment/ drink/ non-edible. Blood,' Izuku thought. He put a cut on his forearm and smeared a considerable amount on 2 slices of toasted bread. 'Is this going too far? No, it was going to far when I didn't run out the door screaming to the police. Whatever.'

So I then proceed to the next course: Fruits. Most of the things on this meal are dryish, so this will be a nice contrast. Don't want Himiko's mouth to be dry. Then she'll be thirsty. I will never be able to leave if she's thirsty. Cantaloupe, pineapple, apples, banana slices. So many difference between the fruits.

And the final touch, a glass of milk to go with the cinnamon buns.

I place all of the food onto a tray. I walk it upstairs, careful not to spill its contents. I goes strait into our room. Wait... our. I like it. When I walk in, I am surprised to see Himiko awake, sitting on the bed.

Toga's P.o.V.

I yawn, and then pout, "Aww, my Izuku baby left." I genuinely was disappointed. He's my baby, not a sex toy, a blood bank, or my tool to get more cred. on the L.o.V.

Speaking of him not being a sex toy, I better put some clothes on. 'Meh, what do I care. It's not like I'm going anywhere today.' So all I out on are black panties and a bra, and I fall back onto the bed, just sitting there.

There's a wonderful smell coming from downstairs. There only 2 ways that makes sense: Izuku is making breakfast, or I've been discovered by the cops and they decided to cook for me. I don't think its the latter.

I hear a pounding on the floor that could only be caused by someone walking up the stairs, namely Izuku. I wait for him to approach the room, hoping he has the cause of that heavenly scent. Izuku walks into the room, announcing his presence, "H-h-Himiko? I made b-breakfast for you."

"Aww my precious baby." Toga has a tone of happiness, pure, not insane. "How kind of you to make for me."

"Well Himiko, I-I was wondering i-if I could... g-go back to U.A.?" Izuku was terrified of this question. Worst case scenario Toga kills him.

"Oh of course you can Izuku baby-," a sweet and kind voice comes out of her mouth. Then she pulls out a knife and puts it to Izuku's throat. "-If you promise to stay loyal to me, only me, always me, no one else, or they will die."

"I-I... Didn't have another plan in mind." Izuku said.

"Great! Now gimme that food. I need it in ma belly!" Izuku handed the pallet of flavor to his girlfriend who was shoving cinnamon buns in her mouth like nobody's business. (Oops I made this sexual, didn't I?)

Izuku proceeded out of Toga's home and walked his way to school, despite not in the slightest knowing where Toga's home was. After a lot of navigating, Izuku rounded a corner that takes him to U.A.
