
Aftermath: Izuku Vs Mirko

Izuku met up with Bakugo, Shoto, and Ida, and said, "Looks like you guys pulled off something incredible! I'm really proud of you."

Bakugo grinned and responded, "Yeah, that's right. We took down the big fish. Not you; it was us!"

Shoto chimed in, "You were late to claim the glory this time, Izuku."

Smiling, Izuku replied, "Sure, sure. Just don't watch the news today." He pretended that he hadn't taken down the giant Nomu, which his two "rivals" had no knowledge of.

"So, Ida, have you finally found your answer?" Izuku inquired.

Ida confidently declared, "Yes, I will honor my brother's name and repent for today's mistake."

"IZUKU! WHERE ARE YOU?" Mirko's screams interrupted their conversation. Izuku sighed and said, "I've got to go now. I promised her something, and she won't let it go. Take care of yourselves, Ida, Shoto, and Bakugo. The final exams are closing in." With that, Izuku turned and walked toward Mirko.


Last day of the internship


"Are you ready?" Izuku asked.

"I was born ready. Now hurry up and transform; I want to see your true strength," Mirko replied.

{Throne of Heroes!}

"I came from the Land of Shadow. My name is Scáthach. Ah, Izuku, this is interesting. This is the first time you've summoned for something other than training. Well, I'm interested in this Woman anyways," Scáthach said.

Izuku's body transformed, and he was now wearing a tight bodysuit and a mask that covered half his face, giving him the appearance of a highly skilled assassin.

"Well, you don't look that different. Let's hope you've summoned a strong one," Mirko mocked Izuku.

"I'm sorry, Mirko, but I don't think you will enjoy this battle. I will end things quickly because you have no chance of survival," explained Izuku. He genuinely believed what he said, having expected some sort of B-class servant to balance out the battle. But Scáthach? Mirko's chance of victory was non-existent.

"Huh? We'll see about that," Mirko said as she disappeared.

Mirko's leg swiftly passed by Izuku's face, narrowly avoiding contact as he skillfully dodged. He then swiftly turned to deliver another blow. Mirko was taken aback; Izuku had seemingly vanished from her sight.

"First death," Izuku's voice echoed behind Mirko, who turned to find a spear pointed at her neck. In a quick reflex, Mirko pushed the spear away and attempted to strike Izuku, but once again, her blows found nothing but air. Frustrated, she retreated and clung to a nearby tree. She harnessed the full strength of her legs and propelled herself at incredible speed, spinning her body in a manner that resembled a concrete cutter as she launched an immediate assault on Izuku.

To her astonishment, Izuku didn't evade this time. Instead, he calmly said, "It's futile, Rune Shield," and a shield formed from intricate runes appeared in front of him, effectively blocking Mirko's attacks. Izuku then raised his spear and launched an offensive, moving at unimaginable speeds. Mirko watched in awe as he slashed her shoulders, neck, chest, back, and both legs. She felt the stinging sensation of superficial cuts, none of which were fatal, but the message was clear - if he desired, he could have incapacitated her in the blink of an eye.

"Do you now grasp your vulnerability? It's not merely about the force or speed of your strikes. There are heights that are simply beyond your reach. It's not to say you're weak or incapable of attaining this level of strength. What I'm conveying is that there are moments when even you should consider retreat or surrender. Death achieves nothing in the grand scheme of things," Izuku elucidated.

Mirko, for the first time, contemplated surrender, though it was not her nature to give up or accept a lecture from a youth who had so effortlessly surpassed her strength. Summoning all her might and determination, she unleashed her ultimate blow, a kick more potent than any she had ever delivered, directly at Izuku's face. This, she believed, was the attack he couldn't evade.

"Shut up!" Mirko exclaimed as her kick connected with its target. She felt a fleeting satisfaction at her apparent success.

However, that was not the case. Izuku's face shifted slightly, just a few millimeters to the left, but her attack amounted to nothing. In that moment, Mirko realized the gravity of the entity before her. The one offering advice and speaking to her was not Izuku; it was the heroic spirit residing within him. The heights she yearned to achieve were embodied by that very heroic spirit.

"Izuku, what is the name of the hero you've summoned?" Mirko inquired.

"Scáthach, the Queen of Shadows, she hails from the Land of Shadows, an Irish myth," Izuku explained.

"For as long as I live, I will remember her name. I will aspire and train with the hope of one day delivering a blow that truly wounds her!" Mirko declared with unwavering confidence, prepared to dedicate her life to that singular purpose.

Smiling, Izuku responded, "She believes in your potential. Good luck, Mirko."


Following the conclusion of his battle with Mirko, Izuku obtained her contact information and departed. Several days passed, and an air of nervousness gripped the school. The students in his class were on edge and anxious because today marked the beginning of the most crucial exam of the year: the Final Exams.

"Let's observe how this unfolds. The written exam should be a breeze, as usual. However, it's the practical exam where the true excitement at UA arises. It's me and Bakugo versus All Might!" Izuku mused, anticipating the challenges that lay ahead.