
Yaoyorozu Dojo (2)

The training basically consisted of punching and kicking, Yaoyorozu-sensei made this so that we can train our stance and control our body better.

"Wrong! Your stance is wrong!'' Each time that Yaoyorozu-sensei said this, he would hit the person in question at the head and correct their stances, everybody was doing their best because no one wanted to get hit by him.

After the basic training, we began to do combat training, it's to make our fighting experience better, of course, no real danger is involved, at the end of the basic training, I was filled with sweat because my body is too weak and frail right now.

Just by the way, using our quirks is prohibited and whoever uses it in the training will be punished accordingly, there's a five minute break after each training, in the rest, I tried to use my flames to heal me but unfortunately, I failed, I will train it when I arrive home, then.

The first fight was me against the black haired girl, Yaoyorozu-sensei began to talk "The first match will be Momo Yaoyorozu against Midoriya Izuku as they have the same age, now, begin"

First, Momo ran forward and sent a punch, it looked quite simple in my opinion because she was just repeating the basic training, though I don't have any experience, I could tell how to dodge and so I did, squatting, the punch was successfully dodged.

Without giving her time to think anymore, my fist was already in front of her face, then, I said with a small smile ''I won!''

No one expected me to win this as they knew that although Momo is just four years old, she's stronger than normal kids of her age, anyway, Yaoyorozu-sensei looked surprised and entered deep thought 'This boy... in the stance training, he clearly didn't knew how to throw a punch but learnt how to do so after it ended, however, the most shocking thing is that he actually knew how to dodge, he's a genius, no... a monster'

There's of course a reason he thought like this, kids of around four years old couldn't have complex thoughts, therefore, Izuku was considered a genius, it isn't wrong as he really didn't had any fighting experience and all that he learnt here was the first time doing so.

I heard someone crying and saw that Momo began to cry while saying "Papa, I lost, mmm'' Yaoyorozu-sensei serious face for the first time became soft as he said "Don't worry, Momo, you just need to train harder, you can't cry everytime you lose to someone, remember, you need to be strong!''

Her face clearly changed as she stopped crying, it seems that Momo can adapt quickly as her eyes now were set on fire, fire of determination, just like mine to train.

The short haired girl with two hair colors, named Todoroki Shouka, fought against me and it seemed that she has a good fighting experience, I lost but after thinking about the battle, I improved my way of fighting, this is, after all, just the second time I ever fought against anyone.

Then, the next fights were of the older ones but I still observed them closely, not even blinking my eyes, afraid to lose even a bit of their fight, I don't know if this is my talent but just by observing them, I can feel that the next time I fight against Shoto, I will win.

Though not even Izuku himself noticed it, if someone were to look at his eyes while he's observing the older ones fighting, they would see that both right and left eye has a white light inside of his pupil.

After all of the fights ended, everyone was tired so Yaoyorozu-sensei gave us ten minutes to rest and suddenly, some strange bottles were created from his exposed chest, then, everyone heard him saying "This is a 'Recovering Bottle', don't think it will heal you, it will just recover your lost stamina, if you have any injuries, it won't heal''

This also confirmed to me that he has the OP quirk, Creation, don't underestimate it, if he know how to create fire in a molecular level, I don't doubt that he can create it with his quirk as it isn't a living being.

My flames, from what I can see, it has it's own consciousness, though it's only of a little baby, it has, wait, consciousness? F*ck, I'm so dumb, I could have just said 'Heal me' and it would surely do it, without hesitating, I tried to do so "My beautiful flame, please heal me" who know if it's a woman? Praising it is the best way to try.

After a few seconds, my body was covered by a light green flame and soon, all of my sweat disappeared, I felt refreshed, not only this, I also felt a lot stronger, is this how Goku felt after having zenkai? What? You thought that just because Boku no Hero was my safe escape, I never researched about other animes or mangas? To pass time, I used to read a lot of mangas, just, not even one of them made me excited and happy as BKNH.

Anyway, the next training we had was resistance, squats, push-ups and board, though my body is weak, my will isn't so I still lasted long even though my body was burning, luckily, I had my improvised zenkai cheat.

Though after the training finished I had a normal expression, not even a bit of exhaustion and things like this, I was preparing myself to the incoming hell that I would pass until I join U.A High.

Then, today lesson ended with everyone having a exhausted and dejected expression, mom came to pick me up but before I went away, I yelled from afar "Bye bye, Momo, Shouka!''

I entered just to learn Martial Arts but I ended up gaining the first two friends of my entire life, be it my past or this life, and before anyone can ask, I don't consider Bakugou my friend, I never liked him in the anime or manga, in real life, it will be probably even more annoying as I will be truly experiencing who he is.

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