9 Chapter 8

While the students dispersed to their set locations, Izuku brought one student aside. Looking over the student, he quickly devised a plan.

Minoru Mineta knew he was in deep shit. He saw the look the vigilante unbfront of him gave. He knew it wasn't a good one. The only thing is that he was confused. He hadn't done anything.


"Listen, grapehead." Izuku sighed as he started. He hated molesters. He hated sex offenders. He hated students that were to become both. This student definitely was going to become either one if he didn't set his foot down. He knew what this kid was up to. He'd heard everything he needed to know from his homeroom teacher.

The pause in the vigilante's words did nothing to calm Mineta down. It did quite the opposite.

Please get this over with. Mineta was sweating bullets by now. He didn't know what he was in for but he knew something was up.

He was rewarded with a kick to the stomach, sending him skidding on the floor, not unlike the ashy blonde student. Mineta looked at the vigilante, terrified.

The whole facility had heard the kick, and the grunt that came after. They looked at the direction of the noise, no noise to be made.

Back to the vigilante, he was furious. His fists were balled up so tightly, they were whiter than Todoroki's hair.

"How often?" Izuku whispered loud enough for Mineta to hear.

"I'm sorry?" Mineta was petrified. The kick given should have broken his ribs, but it was controlled, so all he had to show was a bruise.

"HOW OFTEN DID YOU PERVE ON AND MOLEST THOSE GIRLS?" Izuku was beyond pissed at this point. Even Bakugo knew he received a love tap compared to this.

Every person in the USJ stood still, shocked that the guy who hadn't even known them for a day. Some of the girls were crying, in which Izuku took note.

Four of them, huh?

Mineta was shivering in his shoes. Then, out of nowhere, had a burst of confidence. Standing up, he walked to Izuku, and made a bold statement out of his greasy lips.

"You've seen the girls, right? Don't tell me you wouldn't do anything, would you?"After delivering the slimy words, Mineta started to walk away, headed to his set location.

Aizawa was shaking with rage, and shame. He knew he should have done something with this creep long ago. He hadn't done anything because he knew he was a teenager, but now, now this was different. He was speaking against the very being who made insane rapists wet themselves.

The students stood shocked. None would have made a move like that. Each grew increasingly more disgusted at the purplette's actions and words. Some students even felt the need to fight the little dweeb. Of course, they didn't need to.

"What...did...you...say?" Mineta turned around to his worst nightmare. The man he walked away from didn't look like himself anymore. The vigilante somehow looked more terrifying than before.

Mineta laughed. He actually laughed. "Hey man, have you not seen our resident dolls? Have you see Yaoyorozu? Asui? Even Ashido? It's literally planet babe here dude. You should shoot your shot, you know? What I would do just to get a feel of them. Wouldn't you?" He turned around.

Wrong move.

He heard enough. Izuku glanced towards Aizawa. Turns out Aizawa was in a state of shock and anger. Looks like the action rests on him.

"You DARE!" With that, Izuku sprinted towards Mineta, fists tight. He was just so angry. The student in front of him didn't even resemble a student anymore. No. He was a monster in the making. That had to end NOW.

Mineta turned his head, and donned a very panicked look. His legs started to move for him. He had to get out! He had to run before-

The gate was blocked. The rest of the students had blocked the gate. Rage evident in their eyes. Mineta glanced towards Kaminari, his partner in crime. Surely he can help!

Mineta froze. Kaminari was glaring at him. He was pissed off. Why? He was thinking the same exact things right?

Before his thoughts could collect, a sound rang out through the USJ. Mineta hesitantly turned, to see a man so consumed with rage, he'd sworn he was fighting the literal emotion of hatred.

Izuku stepped ever so slightly in front of the small boy, smoke escaping the barrel of a gun. Eyes narrowed, his escrima sticks were within reach. "Let me ask you..." Izuku's voice was void of any emotion. It just made his whole demeanor scarier.

"What is my job description?"

It does wonders what a single sentence question does to a brain. Especially if the brain knows they're in deep trouble. Mineta had a brain that wasn't keen on academics, just ways to pick up women, and of course subjects that were not appealing to the average male or female. In Mineta's case, his brain wasn't keen on learning much from the vigilante, especially since he wasn't female.

"I dunno, you stop criminals, illegally, and pick up chicks after?"

Everything stopped. Breathing stopped. It felt like time stopped in its entirety.

If Izuku wasn't infuriated before, he was hell bent on making this boy atone for his sins, and still get hurt after.

It was enough to make Izuku want to cross the line. He knew he couldn't, but wishful thinking was a bitch sometimes.

In an instant, Izuku had rushed to the grape headed student. The short "Hero in Training" didn't even see the vigilante coming. In an instant, he was flying to the wall.

Izuku had smashed his fists directly into Minetas shoulder, sending him to the wall, and dislocating the shoulder he had hit. But he wasn't done. Mineta was still conscious. Which meant that he was still thinking those infuriating thoughts.

Izuku sprinted to Mineta and picked him up. Mineta was howling in pain, and picking him up made his cries worse.

"I need you to listen very closely, dumbass." Izuku hissed, his voice laced with toxin. Mineta could only dumbly nod. "I take rapists, serial child molesters, and monsters that you are, to prison. These animals started like you. Thinking they can get away with locker room talk. You, on the other hand, are the living embodiment of a porno magazine."

He slammed the student on the ground, receiving more groans of pain from the purplette.

"If you weren't in the care of Aizawa right now, I would beat you up so badly your skin would match your hair. You are not fit to be a hero. You are a monster."

He kicked Mineta in the ribs. An audible crack was heard, causing some students to flinch.

"Do you-" Another kick to the shin.

"Understand" A punch to the gut.

"What I'm saying?" A kick to the men in the room, including Aizawa and Bakugo, turned away.

Mineta could only squeal in pain, a high pitched voice escaping from his bloodied lips.

"Y-yess S-s-sir." Mineta voiced his response weakly before passing out.

Izuku, not satisfied with his work, looked towards the voiceless class. His eyes darkened. "Class. Take these words with you on your way homes, and for the rest of your life. If any of you, ANY of you, decide to sexually harass or worse to anyone, regardless of gender, you will see me. The meeting will not be delightful. It will not be friendly. The moment you step over that invisible line, you and I are enemies.

"As you can see from our example here, I take my work VERY seriously. If you don't think I do, be ready for our next battle. I can assure you that you will be in a lot of pain." He looked over at Kaminari, who promptly paled. He received his warning just fine.

Izuku walked over to Aizawa, who regained his composure. "Was I too harsh on the kid? he'd probably should be sent to the infirmary by now."

Aizawa looked over at the vigilante. He sighed, nodding slightly. "You weren't too harsh on him. He had it coming anyways. He needed this lesson, as did I."

Aizawa, felt a hand on his shoulder. Knowing it was a move of comfort, he continued, voiced laced with shame. "Nezu and I will be having a long talk over student conduct in the future."

Izuku nodded. "I will be there as well. I need to explain to Nezu what I represent, as well as expect from my employer if he desires to hire me again."

Aizawa nodded. "Very well." He looked towards his class, their stupor evident. "All of you! Back to it. I want to see some rescuing!"

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