
My heart belongs to the lycan king

Maya Lancroff blames the Lycan king for the death of her beloved parents, leaving her and her siblings to fend for themselves. The festival of seasons occurs once every four years, under the full moon, to celebrate the end of a fruitful season and the beginning of a new one. Maya uses this chance to exact her revenge but things don't go as expected. She ends up with a pregnancy and a heart that beats for the King. Scared and confused, she takes to the wind, taking refuge in the hands of the enemy. Four years later, there are no full moons and the Lycan kingdom isn't doing well. A seer prophecies about the King's missing child and it must be found before the end of that year, else the festival of seasons will not take place and chaos shall befall them. Determined, the King goes out in search of his child and finds more than he ever bargained for.

GraceEmma · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter twenty-two

Judging from the illuminous rays of the sun shining through the curtains and covering the room in it's warm glow, I'd say the day is in full swing which means my departure is imminent.

We've been tangled in the sheets for some time now but neither one of us wants to detach from the rejuvenating cuddle we somehow fell into.

The circular motion of his hand on my back seems like an unconscious movement but relieving nonetheless. My head is lying on his chest as I trace a swirly pattern around his areola; his breathing makes his chest move up and down in a rhythm I like very much.

It is well into the morning already and I was only meant to stay here for the night and leave early this morning but I guess we got carried away; the copulation of our bodies something so incredible, we couldn't resist indulging ourselves for so long; but the inevitable is near.

I take a deep breath, knowing that what I'm about to say will not bode well with him but it is for the best.

My thoughts are a bit fuzzy but I manage to string a few words together.

"Your majesty…."

"Why do I feel like you are about to say something I will not like." The displeasure in his tone makes me smile. I raise my head up to look at his face but he decisively doesn't meet my gaze.

"Are you pouting?" I tickle his sides a bit but he just lets out a breath of air which I presume is a laugh.

"I am the king of the great Lycanthrope Kingdom. I do not pout." He growls and tickles me back, making me let out an ugly snort and squeals of giggles.

He stops, leaving me to catch my breath. "You're so sensitive, Kitten." He has an evil glint in his eyes and a slow mischievous smirk graces his lips.

"You wouldn't dare." I squint up at him and we're in a stalemate for a few seconds, then I make a dash to get off him and escape but of course he catches me before I can leave the bed.

"No, have mercy!" I yell but he pays me no heed and starts a brutal tickle attack.

"No... please," I beg in between laughs but he doesn't let up and it isn't long until I'm reduced to a snorting giggling weasel. I try to escape his hold by wiggling around but it is all for naught. "Oh…. please….stop," I squeal and my face lights up in embarrassment but I can't stop laughing.

He has a big grin on his face, his gray eyes twinkle with mirth and happiness, making him look younger and freer; like he didn't have the welfare of an entire species on his shoulders.

"Lucius…. Please stop." My stomach is starting to hurt. Thankfully, he heeds my cry and instead slides his hand up and down my sides in a soothing manner.

He releases me with a light chuckle and tucks a hair behind my ear while looking down at me with warm eyes. "You have a very beautiful laugh," he husks and leans down.

I meet him halfway and we indulge in a languid kiss that makes me warm and my heart sing. I could stay here, in his arms, for eternity. The thought passes through my mind unchallenged and I know I have to leave immediately.

I hesitate but pull away once the kiss starts getting heated and turn my head to the side. He nuzzles my cheeks and bites it making me giggle again.

We stay still, breathing in sync and content.

"I believe it is time for me to return to my family, Lucius."

Contrary to my expectations, he hums and lays down and pulls me on top of him in a position where I'm practically lying on him. He grabs my chin and makes me meet his eyes.

"Is that what you want?"

I try to avert my eyes but he doesn't budge. "What is going on, my belladonna?" His tone is soft and it implores me to melt into him and spill all my troubles.

"I am only meant to spend the night."

"That is not what I asked. Do not deflect my questions, Kitten." He's using the tone he uses when he is in King-mode which means I'm upsetting him.

I place a hand on his chest to calm him but he takes hold of it and narrows his eyes at me. "Answer me, Kitten."

Of course I want to stay. I am in the arms of the man I have loved and hated for so many years. I hadn't even realized my hate had dwindled over time and I just wanted to meet him. I wanted to ask him to his face why he had killed my parents. I needed to know what kind of man he is so I could expel him from my heart and mind.

If he had been a pompous bastard, this would have been so much easier. I would know how it feels to make love to him and get it out of my system and be on my way.

All that was dashed to hell when he asked me if I would accept him and proceeded to treat me like something precious; I only ended up falling harder.

I want to stay here, with him and continue to bask in the warmth of his care; he seems really fond of me so this could work.

"Yes," I swallow hard, my chest tightens with the need to take that back. "I want to leave," I whisper.

His eyes go blank and his expression shutters. "As you wish." He lifts me off him and places me back on the bed with a sigh.

My heart is aching and my eyes sting with unshed tears but I don't let them fall. I can't give him a reason to make me stay.

He moves to the edge of his side of the bed and picks up a shopping bag from the floor and gives it to me. "You can wear these."

I collect the bag with a tentative hand, "Thank you."

He nods.

The tension is suffocating and I hurry into the bathroom before I give in and beg for his forgiveness. That would be so pathetic and I won't be able to forgive myself.

I pull out the clothes in the bag and smile. It's a simple dark blue dress with short sleeves and opens up from the waist and stops an inch above my knees. Nothing too complicated; just how I like it.

Oh, something else is in the bag. I bring it out and blush for what could be the hundredth time today. Lace underwear in the same color as the gown. He really likes lace.

I brush my teeth, take a quick shower and change into the gown. It fits perfectly and it's very comfortable; I run my hand down the dress, loving the feeling of the material on my palms.

I take a deep breath. I've wasted enough time as it is.

I open the door and step out of the bathroom. He is now wearing the sweatpants from before and a white shirt. The sheets are changed and he is standing by the entrance, waiting for me.

"Ready to go?" He asks, his features are back to being stern and cold.

I move my heavy feet until I'm standing a few feet from him. I open my mouth to answer but I fear he will hear my heart breaking from my tone so I nod.

He sighs and pulls me closer until my body is pressed up against his; we fit so perfectly.

"I am not upset with you, my belladonna. I am not happy with your departure but I will get over it and besides it's not as if we won't meet again." He smiles and caresses my cheeks, making me sigh and relax into his palm.

I didn't know I was so bothered by his mood. Curse my fragile heart.

Regretfully, he pulls away and takes my hand in his and leads me through the dark hallway; towards the wall that leads out of this place. He touches a part of the wall and it opens up.

I scoff in my head; it took me so long to figure that out.

Once I'm out of the hallway and through the wall, he lets go of my hand and steps back. "Take care of yourself," He says and leans down to place a chaste kiss on my lips.

Abruptly, he turns back and the wall closes behind his retreating figure.

I don't move even after the wall closes and he is long gone. He might not know it but this is the last time we will meet. It would be much better and safer that way. We can't work this out. I still blame him for my parents death even if I no longer strive for revenge.

I raise my head and my throat spasms as I try to swallow the hurt that bubbles inside me as hot tears stream down my cheeks.