
Fly High

Considering the circumstances, it was evident to Riku that overcoming five rotten ghouls with his present capabilities was an insurmountable task.

"I'm to blame for this. If I hadn't used my [Manifest] skill, I wouldn't be in this predicament. Tch!"

Frustration laced his words as he clicked his tongue, vexed by the situation. Fully aware that these monsters were poised to attack him at any given moment.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

The sound of numerous footsteps resonated nearby. Damn it! The monsters had effectively closed in on him from all sides. What options did he have? He required 16 more minutes before his mana pool would gain an additional point.

[Vomit Tar]

The five rotten ghouls launched a coordinated magical assault toward the human figure before them. Maintaining their positions, they expelled dark fire from their mouths, generating an intense wave of heat.


Even in the midst of the blazing inferno enveloping him, Riku wasted no time in vaulting over it, determined to distance himself from the advancing monsters.

"I won't allow myself to die here. It's only my first day in this bizarre world."

While he was confident in his ability to take on a single enemy, the situation drastically changed when confronted by a quintet of foes attacking in unison.

His agility was less than stellar, and the pursuing monsters quickly closed the gap from behind. Fortunately for Riku, this particular Rotten Ghoul appeared to be slower than the others.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

In a desperate bid to preserve his life, Riku brushed off the minor injuries caused by the small tree branches and prickly undergrowth that scraped across his body.

[HP: 89/100]

His health was gradually dwindling, but he felt helpless. There was little he could do against a group of monsters that clearly outmatched his current abilities.

"H-How much longer until my mana pool increases by one?" he stammered, directing his question to the system.

[Remaining time: 12 minutes and 34 seconds.]

If things continued in this manner, Riku had likely drawn the attention of every nearby monster. Why? Because to these creatures, the scent of humans was akin to the aroma of grilled meat, a powerful lure.

Twelve minutes held the potential for a multitude of outcomes. However, two stark possibilities dominated Riku's thoughts: survival or demise.


Altering his trajectory, he sought to bewilder the pursuing monsters. Moreover, their lack of ability to employ the [Vomit Tar] skill while in motion rendered their appearance less menacing to Riku.

He sprinted along a clear and straight path, realizing, "With this, nothing can hinder my speed. I can become faster."

Huff... Huff... Huff...

Five minutes had swiftly elapsed. However, the monsters remained unrelenting in their chase. "How much longer will these rotten ghouls pursue me?! This is infuriating-"


The unexpected appearance of tree Tibber monsters on Riku's right flank jolted him.


He deftly slid across the parched ground to avoid the impending onslaught of the monster's two [Claws] and one [Bite], all dangerously close to him.


With nimble evasions, he managed to dodge the attacks and skillfully elude the monsters. Quickly regaining his footing, he surged forward, dashing down the seemingly endless straight path.

A total of eight monsters, stemming from two distinct species, relentlessly pursued him. Typically, when a particular type of monster entered another's territory in his world, it often led to clashes. However, in this realm, the rules appeared to differ; the eight creatures were working in concert, united by their shared goal of hunting down and consuming this solitary man's flesh and organs.

With a mere 6 minutes remaining before he could utilize the [Fly] skill, Riku felt his chances slipping away, as exhaustion gripped him.

"I'm losing speed," he panted, stealing a glance behind him to witness the monsters closing the gap to a mere 14 meters.

His primary survival tactic was to create distance from the pursuing creatures, but he hadn't anticipated his own body betraying him in this dire situation.

Riku's once-held composure dwindled, his visage transforming from one of nonchalance to that of lifelessness.

Self-reproach washed over him, acknowledging that his 45-minute lapse into unconsciousness had allowed the monsters to close in without detection.

The radiant yellow sun cast an intense glare, obstructing his view of impending peril.


His ears registered the sound of a sturdy object shattering. Simultaneously, Riku faltered, stumbling from a raised platform.

Previously, Riku had been navigating the cliff's edge, and his current plummet from a height of 100 feet alarmed him. A sense of dread washed over him as he comprehended the dire consequences of such a fall.

With a mere 2 minutes left until he could activate the [Fly] skill, Riku harbored doubts about his survival until that point.

Despite evading the clutches of the pursuing monsters, a new concern emerged: "Even if I manage to survive using the [Fly] skill, there's a good chance I'll lose consciousness while airborne. And what if I land safely? But the entire vicinity is swarming with formidable monsters—I'll surely meet my end."

As his thoughts raced in mid-air, his initial decision wavered. Confronted by this crisis, his very life hung in the balance, compelling him to adopt an approach that could alter his fate. In this world, he stood alone, with no one to witness his actions or determine his survival. Ultimately, his life rested solely in his hands and his ability to remain composed.


Riku let out a resounding shout as he invoked the [Fly] skill, his voice reverberating throughout the surroundings and startling birds into flight across the cerulean sky.


The sound of his scream mingled with the sensation of agony coursing through him.



Dark and iridescent, the crow's wings manifested from his back, but not without causing a gory splatter of crimson at his rear.

[HP: 80/100]

Each instance where Riku attempted to harness a new skill without his body being in optimal condition resulted in his vessel suffering the repercussions of its inability to accommodate the genes he had incorporated.

Indeed, mastering the genes of rare monsters proved to be an arduous endeavor. Achieving control over such abilities necessitated significant time, patience, and unwavering dedication.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The eight relentless monsters, driven by their pursuit, blindly hurled themselves off the precipitous cliff, heedless of the fatalities that might result.

As Riku's field of vision blurred, he maintained a consistent speed while hurtling toward the ground.

"H-How am I going to control these wings? I've never even attempted it before," he muttered with an unsteady voice.

Riku hadn't succumbed to unconsciousness from depleting his mana pool, yet he found himself clueless about steering his shimmering wings.

Fatigue, frustration, and uncertainty converged, causing his eyes to slowly shut. But then, within his mind, a mellifluous voice resounded.

'Riku, fly higher.'

As he recognized the voice, his eyes widened, darting around. "Mother?" The tone was unmistakable, though he couldn't discern her presence.

Was it an illusion? Or perhaps the result of his mother's genes?

'Fly higher, Riku, until you find me.'

Suddenly, his wings unfurled, guiding him toward a safe descent in the enigmatic forest.

[Great! Your mana pool has increased by one!]

The system's notification chimed in as Riku skillfully navigated through obstacles in his path, his landing becoming increasingly assured...


Please support me with your power stone. I would like to continue this novel, and I need your support.

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