
my flower that blossoms in June

24 year old Akira M. Martinez grew up in the rugged streets of Detroit and hated every single second of it. Akira never had a place to call home and refuses to make one in the place that robbed her of her family that she once held close. So years after she lost everything she simply goes to a shady club and drinks her sorrows away only to have a one night stand gone wrong. Now having to face the situation of her becoming a parent and is questioning everything as to the hows and why she is where she is in life. Now trying to find someone to help her on her journey well hoping to succeed in doing so. 26 Year old Darian J. Stone-Michaels has always loved his job of being the CEO of the business his father had passed down onto him after he had graduated college. But for the first time in years his business hit rock bottom losing a partner from his business and so he goes out for a drink only to have a one night stand that has some recollection of only to find out that he now not only is a father but now he's got to get married not for his company's sake but for this kid he going to have soon. But as Darian lets Akira stay in his place he comes to learn more about her but doesn't want to fall for her as his work is his first love and always will be it's only a matter of time till we. an ask if he will ever love her or love on general?

TeddybearFelix · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

My Need For Love That Made Me Plan For Love

20 January 2021

Queens, New York

(Baytown Park)

"Sorry but I just can't ," Akira said to the guy sitting in front of her. "It's alright not everyone can handle Oli-train." The guy said brushing off his very hipster clothes as he went to get up. "Now don't fall for me darling it won't be pretty if you do." He said leaving the table. "That's like the last guy you rejected Akira." Zander said as he sat in front of her. "I'm sorry to say but none of them intrigued me enough to be with them. " she huffed some hair away from her mouth.

" Besides I'm technically a married woman. Why are we even doing this?" Akira between Nora and Zander. "well it's simple really. ever since you have gotten pregnant with your love child. It has been obvious that he wouldn't let himself come in contact with you especially since you're preggo. " Zander flailed his arms. " which means you are the side piece." Akira opened her mouth to protest. "Kira I swear that if you say that's he's just being this way because of the contract I will hit you on the head with a pillow." Zander said gaining an eye roll.

"Babe it's perfect." Akira looked to where she saw two men standing in front of a small jewelry store. "Well you know I had to get it for you." The taller guy said. "Even though we have gone through hell and Nirvana I'd definitely do it again just to be yours." He said. "I love you so much Audrien." the small guy said with a smile wide enough to eat a pancake whole. "and I love you so much Ronnie." the two kissed and began to walk off.

"What if we were like that?" Akira thought aloud. "What did you say?" Nora looked at Akira shocked. "I said what if me and him were like that? I mean it's not much to ask him to show me appreciation," Akira began. " Like I'm carrying his child and he wants to act like I'm doing him a favor." Akira teared up. " I just want to be loved the same way my parents loved me and each other. Is that too much to ask??" Akira sobbed.

"Hey now sweets it's not that bad." Zander said attempting to comfort her. "Besides if anything you can definitely just break off the agreement once we get back to dick wads place." Zander said which sparked an idea for Akira. "Why didn't I think of that?" She then proceeded to get up from her chair and walked to the car. "Hey guys let's get going I have something to do." Zander looked at Nora who begrudgingly hit him. "If this goes south you can guarantee I'm going to kill you." Zander internally prayed that whatever Akira had planned wouldn't get him in trouble. " Where are we even going?" Zander asked. "We're going to two places first the mall and then to see Darian at his company." Akira said with a smirk. "I'm going to make him need me."