
Chapter 14 Making Money_1

Translator: 549690339

"Wang Fu, how many old hens did we stew this morning? Hold back a pot and don't sell it. We're going to stew it together with the pork belly. Once it's ready, I'll invite Yang's little sister and the others to join us." The shopkeeper was deeply moved. This little girl had been quite meticulous as she taught him today. Hearing her fondly reminiscence about the taste of old hen stewed with pork belly, he couldn't help but want to fulfill her wish. Such a darling little sister!

Xiaoquan watched the duchess as she spoke and worked, found nothing strange about it. After all, the duchess's family were butchers and it was possible for her to cook these dishes. However, it was surprising that the keeper of this restaurant attached such importance to the duchess, even inviting her to eat old chicken soup. People should know that old hens are very expensive, much more expensive than fish. It seems that following the duchess today not only allowed him to eat freely but also might get him some money!

"Really? Thank you, Brother Wang!" Liuliu was drooling with a look of anticipation. Liuliu was pretending to be cute. In modern times, few clients would order old hens during a business dinner. Even she rarely ate it, it was too greasy!

But Xiaoquan was genuinely drooling. He hasn't had chicken soup in almost a year. Back when his family was better off, they would only eat fish. His mother said that the price of one old hen could get you fish ten times over! Just like the Duchess's made-up story, he last had chicken soup during New Year's last year!

"I should be thanking you. I feel guilty because you sold your family's craft for the sake of your father today." The shopkeeper said apologetically.

"People have to live, and both my brother and I have grown up. As long as we're willing to work hard, we won't starve. Besides, Brother Wang, I have an idea. Not many people prefer pork offal, only the poor would eat it. So, the dishes I cooked today, you can hang a sign at the entrance advertising today's specials. Mark the original prices a bit higher, say 20 or 30 wen per serving, then you can offer a special price of 2 wen. Customers love a bargain, maybe they'll come and have a taste. Moreover, they won't order just one dish, they'll likely order others, and you'll make your profit that way. Also, you can offer this dish for free to regular customers who like different flavors. Hehe, just a little idea, you can take it or leave it, Brother Wang."

The shopkeeper's eyes shine as he listens. This girl, despite her size and her hardships, is full of insights. What a rarity!

According to Yang's little sister, offering a daily special can indeed attract more customers. Those who come definitely won't order only one dish. Brilliant! Also, offering it for free to foodie regulars makes sense. If you want them to buy, give them a free taste test. This is certainly logical.

"Good, good, Yang's little sister's idea is excellent. Let's do it that way." The shopkeeper was overjoyed. Just smelling the stir-fried pork liver made by Yang's little sister was mouthwatering. He took a deep breath. The craft is truly ancestral!

And so, that afternoon, Liuliu cooked for two hours, teaching the shopkeeper's chef in the process. The shopkeeper not only tasted Liuliu's cooking but also hung a sign at the entrance of the Feast Hall, advertising today's specials — stir-fried pork liver and stir-fried kidneys for the special price of 2 wen.

The bone soup Liuliu cooked started to show its fragrance. However, Liuliu felt that it would be better to cook it for longer. So, the shopkeeper planned to serve the bone soup hotpot tonight or tomorrow. This too was something Liuliu taught him. Liuliu knew that bone soup could be greasy, so adding some vegetables, tofu, and bean starch vermicelli would enhance it. Just when she mentioned bean starch vermicelli, Shopkeeper became confused. Liu Liu suddenly remembered herself and wondered if she slipped up again. Maybe bean starch vermicelli didn't exist in this time?

Liuliu had a brainwave and changed it to noodles, which seemed to get her out of the situation. She wiped the sweat off her forehead, not due to the heat from cooking, but from her near slip-up. She certainly didn't want to be branded as a witch!

Today's lunchtime was quite successful. Not only did Liuliu cook and sell the pig's liver and kidneys that she had brought, but the customers who ate them praised highly. Delicious!

The shopkeeper even sent people to buy more from the vegetable market. Liuliu thought to herself, now her brothers can sell pork offal for a price comparable to lean meat. As she thought of her brothers, a sense of warmth filled Liuliu's heart.

To open up a market for them while also benefiting herself! Hehehe, opportunities are everywhere! Liuliu couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

"Alright, stop what you're doing and let them cook. This hen stewed with pork belly is ready. Let's eat first. Wang Fu, bring the chicken soup to the back hall and have a couple of stir-fried dishes prepared and a red braised mandarin fish."

Shopkeeper was very happy today. He not only acquired Yang's ancestral craft but also a surefire remedy for leg cramps. Most precious of all, of course, was Yang's idea of a daily special. It made him so happy!

Liuliu and Xiaoquan both followed Shopkeeper into the back hall and started eating. Liuliu found Shopkeeper's red braised fish quite ordinary; there was a huge difference compared with what she had in modern times. She decided not to mention it; it was better to let sleeping dogs lie.

Xiaoquan relished the meal, he didn't expect this old hen and pork belly stew to taste so delicious. He drank two bowls of chicken soup.

Shopkeeper was surprised by the taste of the pork belly stewed in chicken soup. He hadn't expected the soup to taste so wonderful when stewed this way. The more he saw of Liuliu, the more he admired her. He also thought of their family's circumstances and furthered his resolve to offer help.

"Yang's little sister, why don't you stay at my restaurant? This way, you can have a stable income. I plan to pay you two taels of silver per month. Also, you can't give me your ancestral craft for free." Having said this, he took out a silver note of 100 taels and gave it to Liuliu.

Liuliu accepted the 100 taels of silver note without any pretence. She felt it was only right as, in modern times, patents are quite valuable! Now, given the limited conditions, earning 100 taels of silver was also acceptable. However, she couldn't work here.

"Brother Wang, thank you. But we need to go home and take care of our father. With the money that Brother Wang gave us, our father's illness can be cured, and our family can live better." Liuliu gently declined.

Brother Wang thought about it, and felt that it made sense. It would not be feasible to leave them at the restaurant with no one at home to take care of their sick father. However, it was a pity, such intelligent children, not being able to keep them was a real waste.

"Yang's little sister, when your father gets better, you can come to me at any time, that is, Yang's little sister, could you please not mention your family's craft to other restaurants?" Although Brother Wang was a nice person, the nature of a businessman never left him.

"I understand. Also, Brother Wang, when your mother drinks bone soup, don't have too much at once, and don't have it every day. It's too greasy and can lose its appeal! It's best to have it every now and then, and make sure to get some sunlight regularly."

Liuliu understood Brother Wang's instructions and didn't find them strange. All's fair in business. She also gave him some advice about drinking bone soup to prevent him from eating his fill and being sick of it rather quickly, which could be counterproductive. She knew that getting sun was common knowledge in modern times, for replenishing Vitamin D, which works together with calcium for better absorption.

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