
My Father is a Royal knight

This story is about a Kid and His Father and his father being a Royal knight if you want to know more about the royal knights Read the story

Pikachu_Libre · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Trying to understand

"Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it's nonsense" -Lemony Snicket

A Royal Knight is a person that battles or protects the royal family from creatures that are unknown to the people of the kingdom. The only ones that know what lies outside the walls is royalty and high priests.

As my birthday past my father was thinking of telling my mother but I had to talk to him about what I asked him before anything I had to know what was going on fully. I asked him "So how much are they paying you He said, "They are paying me 10,000 gold for every task I do for them". I asked, "I still don't understand why would you do this if you needed help I could have helped you". "We always find a way out of situations why now....why now". My father said, "I am sorry kid there really was nothing else I could do I lost my job". As I was talking to my father my mother was hearing everything all of a sudden me and my father hear a big bang we run to check what it was. It was my mother laying there. As soon as we saw my mother my dad and I instantly understood she was listening to our conversation. It ended up she was ok she just needed to rest I asked my father why did she faint he said "Remember when I said I something about your mother not being able to handle it I was not lying to you she has been having heart problems" I in rage screamed at my father "WHY ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU ARE TELLING ME ALL THIS" my father trying to calm me down said, "You are mature I wish I did not have to come all out like this but I could do nothing about it forgive me I know I should have told you but it's just you were not ready yet".