
Chapter 4

It took 20 minutes of running before I realized, this forest is HELLA BIG! And then ten more before I started thinking... Maybe this is all forest? This entire world.. Nah stay on the bright side of thinking.

[You Leveled Up!!!]

[<Flame> Leveled Up!!!]

This has been happening quite a bit, though it has slowed down, the fire is definitely killing a LOT of stuff.

Out of sight, out of mind. I slow down my pace to catch my breath, but I didn't really need long to regain my energy, I am assuming some things level up passively with my actual level.

[Gained Blessing <Lover Of Death>]

[Your resonance with death is heard in chimes throughout the universe, the Goddess of death looks forward to your future achievements: Steal 1 Abilities From Three Different Foes Killed By You, When a Foe Is killed by you 1/6 of their maximum health is used as heal magic]



Name: <Not Entered>

Title: <Restless Night Warrior>

Blessing: <Lover Of Death>

Race: <Unknown>

Level: <16>

Strength: <39>

Agility: <38>

MP: <Error>

Vitality: <10>

Stat Points: <90>



<Adamantine Trap Memory(Passive)>(Max)

<Relentless Soul(Passive)>(Max)

<Dice> (Lv.26)

<Sneak Steps(Passive)> (Lv.40)




<Steal Skill(3 Left)>

Oh my, hm, oh dangit. I can't think perfectly straight on where to put my points because this is my actual self and I cannot afford to mess this up, as Ievel it'll be harder and harder to earn these stat points. And this blessing? It is literally the greatest thing I could ask for.

And when should I use this, saving it for someone powerful would be great but.. I want to use it soon or else it won't be much of an advantage.. If I use it I may regret it forever.

I climb up a tree and sit on it's flat top so I can think.

How will I use this 'steal skill'-

[<Steal Skill> Used, showing available skills from enemies you have killed]

[Sun Stone Wolf: Leap, Quick Step, Nightvision, Terror Howl, Detect]

[Blue Forest Squirrel: Detect Treasure, Climb, Fear Instinct, High Hop]

[Mosquito: Health Steal, Fear Instinct,]

[Blue Forest Starbear: Terror Roar, Thick Hide, Pounce]

[Blue Forest Grey Slime: Absorb, Shapeshift, Gelatinous Bash]

[Blue Forest Green Slime: Absorb, Shapeshift, Gelatinous Earth Bash]

[Blue Forest Bluejay: Birdsong, Farsight, Fear Instinct]

Sorry smokey, but this is very... Oh my this is very nice.

"Steal Skill Absorb from blue forest green slime!"

[Gained New Skill <Absorb>!!!]

[Warning: Uses Extreme MP]

"Steal Skill Shapeshift from blue forest green slime!"

[Gained New Skill <Shapeshift>!!!]

[Warning: Uses Extreme MP]

After putting thirty points in Agility, Strength, and Vitality, I'll go find those yummy monsters and absorb them.


I hop down from the tree feeling more amazing than ever before and start to look around, its not long before I find what was called a blue forest starbear eating a squirrel, wow that is a big squirrel.. I sneak closer behind a tree with my sword drawn, and then


A huge squirrel hopped out of a tree and sneak attacked me, I quickly throw him at a tree nearby


I.. This doesn't feel good. Rather than getting that beautiful adrenaline rush I started when sneaking up on that bear, I feel sick in the stomach for hurting that squirrel that, kinda reminds me of a dog. Why did you make it cute evil God of this world.

I'm about to vomit looking at the damaged- no, the dead puppy-like squirrel, when a bear scratches my back, I felt invincible after putting those 30 points in vitality but this pain is horrendous, I'd be dead if this was just less than an hour ago.

I scramble away on the ground before getting up and aiming my sword at the bear, I charge.


No good, not at all. That crappy sword broke. I dodge the bears second, then third, then fourth, then fifth attack before jumping a good distance away, screw it.


Rather than shooting out like a sort of flame thrower it more waited for me to push it somewhere, like it was a spear made of water which I shaped, actually, I think I could shape it...

[<Shapeshift> Activated]

The flame sword was finished, it was beautiful..

[Skill <Shape Flame Sword> Created]


[<Dice> Leveled Up!!!"]

The bear was like warm butter, with this sword that suckled on my mana so smoothly it felt like a piece of my own body.


This... This is really gross.


'The smoke blanketed the sky, dyeing the sun red, the children that would be laughing in the fields are nowhere to be seen outside. The wind gently blowing the leaves and branches of the trees with the grass as if waves of gentle water every so often has a certain eeriness in the yellow sky-'

"Ron what are you always writing in that little notebook of yours?"

(Melanie said this in a bratty tone as if teasing Ron, if it were anyone else they would surely be drawn in and fall due to her smooth features, hazel eyes the color of honey in the light, and a rich chocolate in the shade, her hair was dark as the night with red highlights complimented by this dim red sun, and her refined muscles, each and every fiber of her muscles was a day of hard work, dedication, and love for her town.)

These words flew into Ron's mind like shooting stars

"W-what's it matter t-to, what's it matter to you, you troll?"

Melanie became flush red, despite being quite tan due to working outside so often, her face was the shade of apples

She had always been quite enamored with Ron, although he was quite scrawny, he never took a second thought when it came to protecting the village.


She was about to speak when she was cut off by one of the village brats

"Melanie!! Ron!!! Someone's coming out of the forest!! And they're really scary!!!


Yes, I changed my height, but who wouldn't!? When you're 16, 5'7", and there's even freshman who tower over me of course I am gonna change my height, my muscles are already amazing due to this system, but obviously I made it so they really were there because the system didnt really change my body looks wise, of course that did make my pants shorts and my shirt gone, but that's fine, the only sword I need is magic, and my feet are really tough thanks to vitality, strength, and 'thick hide'

I didnt change my face cause, you know, thats scary. And I didnt just slime shapeshift to make it look like muscles or anything weird but made the muscles themselves, bigger. I didnt do insane body builder stuff otherwise my flexibility would be compromised and that is no bueno, but It turns out I actually did raise my base stat for strength which is very nice.

I finally came to the end of the forest, I really screwed up with that forest fire cause the sky was like, painted yellow, unless it's a new element, is there new elements? Yeah there has gotta be.

Oh wow a village, woah! The grass is blue!!

I can see some people, there's some guy and a chick sitting on a bench, and a little kid whos-

Well he is pointing at me, makes sense probably barely any people come out of the forest. I'll jog over and introduce myself.

When I'm close enough I slow down but continue walking

"Hello I'm-"

"Stop right there."

I made myself 6'5", but this lady is taller than me. Yo! Her muscles are so refined!!

Without realizing it I'm practically ogling her muscles, Ive never seen a bodybuilder up close even on earth


I fucked up then and there cause I'm goin flying next thing I know, very, very far.


Ron looked over to see what the kid was talking about, it seemed to be another barbarian, coming from The Blue Steel Forest?

(Very tall, very muscular, no shirt)

(Wow he's fast, why's he.. Why is he so fast and why's he comin over here that fast?!)

"Hello I'm-"

"Stop right there."

(I don't like this.

I really don't like how he's eyeing Melanie.)


That did it for Ron, not used to any 'competition' he was pushed over the edge emptying next to all of his mana on a force spell to get the barbarian away

"Ron!" You're amazing!"

The village brat ran up to Ron and then looked out to the horizon before in awe at Ron who was feeling quite smug until

"He wasn't hostile, why would you attack him?"


Unfortunately Ron didn't have much of a chance to answer due to a hand around his throat.
