
The Beginning

It was a very cold and chilly night, a man with dark brown hair and emerald eyes was walking down the street with his wife who had a long black hair and icy blue eyes. They just came back from a resturant and were walking past an alley when they had a baby crying. They both looked at each other abd the man said ''Amanda, is it just me or did you hear a baby's voice now. " "I did, let's go and check it out. "

They both went into the alley and were both suprised to see a baby lying on the floor with only a blanket to keep her warm.

"Richard, who will do this to such a beautiful baby, they just left her all alone here. Can we take her with us. " It wasn't a suprised why Amanda would want to take the child. They have both been married for 5 years now and they still don't have a kid of their own.

" I don't know. What if the parent comes back and starts looking for their baby. " Richard started to worry because he doesn't want he and his wife to be blamed for kidnapping.

"It doesn't look like anyone wants this child and her body is cold so that only means she as been staying here in the cold for sometime. " Amanda tried to reason with her husband, who is always very careful with every decision he makes.

"Ok, let's take her. But in the morning we are going to take her to the child center and offically adopt her. " He was happy to see the smile on his wife's face.