
My Divine Domain

Thanks to Lady Josephine and the four cousins, Ora Energy was created, and with it, humans prevailed against the Dark Slayers. Meet Sonic, once the unluckiest being in a world where abilities and politics were everything. While others struggle to control the Ora Energies around them with their abilities, Sonic doesn't even have one to begin with. But everything changed after pairing with an unknown System created by the Dark Slayers.

SCPerez · Fantasia
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15 Chs

Chapter 8 Eric

Thanks to James, the food aspect was cleared. Speaking of food, it's been quite a while since Sonic heard from his stomach. His guess is that being a Slayer makes him able to stay longer without worrying about food. But he knew eventually he would get hungry.

There was another reason why Sonic wasn't thinking too much about food at the moment. Last night, he couldn't eat a single thing because the smell was bad and it also tasted like poison. Even his system warned him about cooked meals.

The students started discussing in groups after Mister Leo left. It appeared a few students knew each other from the outside world, while others had made friends just like Sonic and James.

"Do they have chickens? I wonder how much a chicken will cost."

"What if I can get a new car with my 10 points?" A student joked.

"You fool! How do you expect an air tube to deliver you a car?" Another cursed at the student who joked about getting a new car.

"I will just order a juice and a hotdog," another student shared within his own group zone.

Finally, the students were directed towards their room lobbies. Sonic and James stood before their room door, waiting for their third roommate to arrive. They had even forgotten who the roommate was and were eager to meet him.

"So which of us is going to open?" James grinned, appearing too excited to go inside. Sonic didn't respond as he didn't see the need to. Either of them could unlock the door since they both have access to it.

"Or, we can just walk through it," James added. Sonic wondered how he expected them to walk through a three-inch-thick, tech-enabled steel door. Perhaps James was more of a joker than he thought.

Soon they noticed that they were the only ones remaining in the lobby, as everyone else had entered their rooms. They had been waiting for their third roommate, and he wasn't showing up.

James abruptly placed his watch on the screen of the door, and the door slid open like an elevator door after making a 'click' sound.

"Amazing, isn't it?" James shouted and walked inside.

Reaching inside the room, they were startled to see their third roommate, who they had been waiting for all this time. Their third roommate was, of course, the young boy with invisibility Ability. He was indeed the second male student who made it into the school before Sonic. The boy had turned invisible and walked into the room while James and Sonic were busy waiting for him.

"Someone can truly walk through the three-inch-thick, tech-enabled steel door after all," Sonic grumbled, realizing that's exactly what the invisibility boy did.

"So you're the third roommate after all. Eric, right? I completely forgot about you," said James.

James had approached Eric earlier before Sonic, but they didn't talk much as Eric was giving him a rich kid attitude during their conversations.

James then diverted his gaze to scan the room he had been dying to see.

The room assigned to Sonic, James, and the young roommate was a perfect haven that emanated warmth and coziness. There were three inviting beds, each adorned with soft blankets and plump pillows. The room was just the right size, spacious enough to accommodate their needs without feeling overwhelming.

Positioned in the center of the room was a well-lit table, offering a place for them to gather and interact. A bathroom door was also in sight, fortunately, the door doesn't require their watches for passage.

Nearby, a window allowed the moonlight to filter in from outside. The Air tube that had been described earlier was visible by the side of the window, and just beneath the Air tube was the glass panel with a dashboard, ready to receive transactions and exchanges using their Points.

"Wow! I'm finally here," James exclaimed in joy.

"Do you like the military school that much?" Eric asked James.

But James headed straight to the Air tube that Mister Leo had described, ignoring Eric for a few seconds. He was only acting the same way Eric had acted during their conversations. James later turned to look at Eric and then responded.

"All my life I've been training for this day, though my parents were strongly against it. Still, I took the entrance exam last year behind their backs, but my opponent defeated me. So I had to return home and train harder until I knew I was ready to face off with any opponent and crush them," James said, grinding his teeth.

Now Sonic understood why James wasn't happy that he didn't get the chance to fight like everyone else. He had worked too hard not to be given a chance to show the world his strength.

"Did he just say his opponent defeated him?" Sonic was taken aback by that statement. Whoever had defeated someone like James must be extremely strong, Sonic thought.

"Did you take this exam as well behind your parents' backs?" Sonic questioned.

James sighed heavily. He didn't want to give a reply, but since it was Sonic, he decided to answer. He was still feeling sorry for Sonic about his level.

"Well, my parents are divorced now. I bet they even know I'm here," said James as his excited face slowly faded.

"Funny, my parents had wanted this since I first displayed my ability as a baby. Entrance Exam or not, I still would've ended up here someday," Eric stated as he gently placed his Glove-like Beast Weapon beside his bed.

Clearly, Eric was a spoiled brat who came from a prominent family. Sonic would have mistaken Eric for a royal member if he had not seen him take the exam like everyone else. Only royals were admitted without taking the exams. But if Eric thinks he would've made it into the school even though he didn't take the exam, then his parents must be highly connected in the kingdom.

"So you don't like it here, do you?" James asked Eric as he tried to understand how the dashboard works.

"I don't know. I guess I will find out," said Eric as he took off his clothes and entered the bathroom to freshen up.

Sonic looked around the room and liked what he had seen so far. The only problem was him not being able to eat a proper meal anymore.

Now that Sonic had settled down in the military school, his goal was to graduate with flying colors and become the strongest militant the world will ever know. 


In a dimly lit room, a student with an exceptionally deep voice spoke up. 'Have you gathered all the information about the first-year students?' he asked, addressing a group of boys who couldn't even meet his gaze out of fear.

With trembling voices, one of the boys responded, "Yes, boss. We've taken detailed notes on everyone," he said.

"I see. Then I'll inform the Master about that. Now, all of you listen carefully. Prepare to recruit new boys from the first years. I want those with strong abilities. And any student who doesn't comply should be reported immediately," said the boss, his voice sounding even deeper.

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