
Where do you find this bitch?

"Thelly, let chat later" Isabella whisper and quickly excused herself.

"Okay" Thelma nodded and Isabella left for her seat.

"No wonder Kate said that." Thelma thought.

He is really a jerk.

Thelma murmured to herself and started practicing the chemistry questions in the notebook that was given to her by Isabella.


Some of the Chemistry questions were a little hard for her but thanks to Isabella's elaborated note, she quickly understood.

They didn't have any class that afternoon so she busied herself with the note until she was tapped on the shoulder by Isabella.

"Thelma, it is lunch time already, let me take you to the cafeteria!" Isabella suggested with a smile.

By this time, her poor stomach had already started to protest so she quickly stood up and followed Isabella to the school cafeteria.

The delicious aroma of food met her nose when she entered the cafeteria and she attracts many students gaze just like how the food attracts her nose.

"Who is that girl?."

"I guess she is a new student."

"She is so beautiful."

"Yeah, so gorgeous, her hair is so long."

"I think she is even more beautiful than Amy."

"You also think so?"

Thelma heard the whispers of the student but she really didn't care.

She loves eating a lot so she bought a lot of food and Isabella was surprised at how much food she bought.

She followed closely behind Isabella while Isabella used her eyes to scan around as if looking for someone.

"I am looking for my best friend" Isabella told her.

Just then a girl eating alone called out for Isabella and waved at her to come.

Isabella eyes brightened immediately as they walk towards the girl.

"That is my best friend, Cheryl Davis from Class C."

Thelma nodded as they went to sit with Cheryl, the moment they sat down, Cheryl's eyes were glued on Thelma's face and then she turned to Isabella.

"Gosh, Bella, where do you find this bitch?!"

Thelma's movement paused instinctively and instantly Cheryl realized her mistake and corrected herself, "I mean fairy."

"Don't mind her please, she adores good looking people so much." Isabella said to Thelma not bothering to answer her curious friend and started to eat her food.

"Hi Cheryl, I am a new transfer student, Thelma Smith" Thelma stretched out her hand for a handshake.

Cheryl quickly shakes hand with her.

"You must be a genius too and a beautiful one at that".

Thelma smiled gently and also started eating.

As they were eating, Isabella suddenly turn to Thelma and apologized.

"Hmm, Thelma, I am sorry about what happened with Derek."

"What? Did something happens between Thelma and Derek?" Cheryl asked in gossip mode as she look at Isabella with her bright eyes.

Isabella nodded at her while Thelma shook her head at Isabella.

"It is nothing." Thelma replied with a smile.

Worried that Thelma would have a bad impression of Derek, Isabella added;

"Actually, he was just a little arrogant and doesn't like talking too much to people but he is the best student and also a very nice guy because he always explain some difficult questions that we doesn't understand to us".

"What, he is the best student?" Thelma asked, looking surprised.

She can't believe that a rude person like him can be a genius.

"That's unbelievable." she added.

"Well, he is the only son of the Hunts, what were you expecting?" Cheryl asked with her mouth full of food.

'True that he got the right to be arroagnt.' Thelma thought to herself.

Just then, a girl entered the cafeteria, she was a pretty young girl who looks like a princess. She was dressed in a flamboyant manner and she gives off an aura of a spoiled brat. She walked in gracefully with her three lackeys.

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