
My Death System

This story is based off of My Vampire system so there is bound to be things similar. This story is about a boy named Scott. The world is full of people with powers. Scott just was unlucky and lived a life without powers intel one day were some thing special happens, that will change his life forever, he makes friends enemies he fights monsters and supernatural creatures along with discovering clues about how the Brols came to be. (I’m 16 and I’m making this book for my brother over seas.) Also 100 universal points to whoever can guess what one of Scott’s powers... Not my cover art credit to artist

Roboghost · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 Just A Book

"Don't be a little bitch Scott give me all your money!" a boy holding Scott by his caller of his shirt slamming him into the wall.

Scott was used to being bullied, harassment kind of became a daily occurrence for him.

It still bothered him no matter how many times he was harassed Scott always chose to get back at them.

Scott reached his arm up to his face and pushed his glasses back up as they fell from the right position.

The glasses Scott was wearing were heavily worn,the duct tape on the sides were the only thing holding his glasses together.

After Scott finished putting his glasses back on and then Scott said "How bout you make me you piece of shit". Then Scott kneaded the jackass in the balls and started to run.

The boy clutching his nuts then clinched his hands and started running after Scott. You Level 1 piece of shit when are you going to learn that you are a worthless piece of shit".

The boy then stopped and stood still then his arms and legs started to glow a bright green. Then in a split second he was behind him.Scott had no way of escaping and decided all he could do was bare the pain.

Scott was then grabbed and thrown into the wall with super strength making dust and little pieces of the wall fall over Scott.

"What's going on?" one of the students nearby said. "Are they seriously fighting on the last day of school?"

A crowd of people came running out of the classrooms nearby interested in the sound they just heard. A young preppy girl ran over to see if the young man was all right.

As the dust started to clear they could make out the brown curly hair of Scott. Once she saw that it was Scott she ran back over to her friends all embarrassed.

Scott could tell that her friends were laughing at her. "I can't believe you tried to help him".

"I didn't know who it was" The girl replied with flushed cheeks.

After that Scott got up and dusted himself off and picked up his glasses.Once again one of the sides along with the nose pieces fell off.

"God dammit,not again".

It was Scott's last day at school and he couldn't wait to get home.Scott was tired of being bullied everyday of his life. Scott didn't bother to stay at the school any longer than he had to. On his way he saw kids talking, along with some freaking out that they would never see each other again, but not Scott because of his low power level know one ever bother to make friends with him.

When Scott got home he went to fix his glasses.Scott lived in a single bedroom apartment that had enough room for a futon and a desk that fits a small TV on top of it.

The apartment was given to him by the government since he had no living relieves and was only 16 years of age.Once Scott finished fixing his glasses with some more duct tape, he packed all of his most personal belongings into a average size suitcase.

When Scott was done packing he went over to his desk and pulled out a old thick looking book that weighed about half a pound. The book was black in color and had a wolf facing forward with its mouth open.

"Lets get this shit done" Scott said throwing the book on the desk.

Scott then went strait to his bag pulled out his cologne and a liter and tried setting it on fire. Like always there was no result. Scott has been working on the book for three months and it hasn't budged he even tried letting someone rip it open with super strength but that also didn't work.

After Scott was done with his trials he went and laid down on his futon and turned on his TV. The TV was tuned into the news station.

"5 years ago today we successfully mad a peace treaty with Brols, but General officials say that tensions are rising and that they need to prepare for war".

The mansion of war was always played everyday since the beginning of the war. 35 years ago, the human race made contact with another life form known now as Brols. The Brols overall look human except for the pale skin along with gills for water combat.

The Brols demanded that the human race hand over all there resources and there strongest workers for slaves. Humans had no way of dealing with the Brols. There bullets didn't penetrate the skin.

Every capable man or women was called to fight in this war. The war went on for many years so Scott never really got to even learn anything about his parents.

When the humans were on there last leg a select group of people came out with special powers granted to them by a book of unknown power. The few people that had powers then showed others how to utilize the powers in hope of them being able to win the war.Even after reseving these mystical powers the Brols didn't stop they were strong.

After that it was even and nether side was gaining grown which led to the peace treaty.

After the war the powerful government and powerful family got greedy and keep the powers to themselves.Only the rich could afford the powerful abilities while the weak and poor had to fight over the leftover scraps.

Scott was given one thing when his parents died it was the book that he has yet to open.The government chose to pay for his living expenses intl he was able to graduate high school.

After Scott finished up eating he went to bed. Scott then was woken up by a sound that came from his desk. He slowly walked over to his desk and opened the cabnit. When he looked inside all he saw was the book.He picked up the book and carried it over to the kitchen with the cover on his forearm. Scott was about halfway there when he screamed in pain he looked down at the book.

It looked like the wolf has came with a;ll kinds off elements passing threw its eyes and then saw it biting into his arm.Scott tried to pull the book off but it wouldn't budge, then the book started glow and turn into small yellow partials flowing into the bite.

After the book was gone he began to get dizzy and his eyesight started to blur, and right before he passed out he heard a man say.

[Congratulation you have been granted the Ma...]

I made this for my brother over seas pls don't hate on it two much.

Roboghostcreators' thoughts