

*in hospital*

*As soon as Jinho arrived he didn't find Ms.Lee*

*so he approached Dr. Jason*

Jinho :Dr. Jason is Ms.Lee off today?

Dr.Jason:yeah doctor she said she's busy with some serious stuff

Jinho : oh ok.. how many appointments do I have today?

Dr.Jason:I guess not much you'll finish it by 3-4 hrs

Jinho :oh ok i'm in my cabin

After 3-4 hours

Jinho:no appointments... great i'll get go some fresh air on top of the building it has been while...

*Jinho climbed up and saw a girl standing on the wall*

*he grabbed her hand pulled her which made her to fall on him*

Jinho: *shy....*

??? : *shy....* *sat up on his stomach* wait you can see me?!?

Jinho: umm.... I can't breathe properly can normally sit and talk..?

??? : oh.. Sorry.. *got off of him*

*both of them stood up*

Jinho: umm.. Your name?

Jung-sun: Oh Jung-sun, wait you can see me?!

Jinho: aren't you human?

Jung-sun: maybe i'm not..

Jinho: Oh.. Ok then bye

Jung-sun: aren't you shocked to see a ghost

Jinho: I know that i can see ghosts so why should I be shocked?

Jung-sun: can do me a favor?

Jinho: why should I?

Jung-sun: Because.. Only you can see me so.. umm...maybe we're destined to meet..or maybe god want you to help me..

Jinho: i don't believe in such things...

Jung-sun: please please please help me!! I'm from ulsan.. I don't don't know how did I ended up here!! Please help me!!

Jinho: I only help my patients i'm sorry... *in his mind* should I help her?.. but Jinae will shout on me if I don't do house chores and if get busy with this case...then.. I won't be able to do house chores..ugh-

Jung-sun: please please please please I be your maid till to help me find my death cause 🙏🙏

Jinho: umm... Ok I will help you-

Jung-sun: thank you very much!!!


Jung-sun : umm..you work here?

Jinho : yeah this is my hospital i'm chief doctor here tell me something about that incident or whatever happened before so that I solve this case fast

Jung-sun : to be honest...I just know my name and city where I used to live..

Jinho : How can I solve it with only this much info... ahh...I figure out something..don't worry..



Jinho: i'm coming!

*Jinho ran downstairs followed by Jung-sun*

*he saw a man who was out of control and was acting very aggressively*


Jinho: calm..down calm..down

*ugh... What should I do?!*

Patient: I WANNA DIE..

Jinho: Brother... I know you loved her so much but she left you... Let's talk with a drink

Patient: who... Are you..?

Jinho: Brother.. Don't you remember me..? *fully emotional* I'm the who has shared mother's womb with you... You remember that girl but not me... How can you do that to me brother...

Patient: Hyun-bin... Is it you?

Jinho: y-yes brother... *cracking voice like he's about to cry*

Patient: Hyun-bin i'm sorry.. My dear brother... I ignored you...

Jinho: brother please forget her and get back to us... Please take treatment.. Mom is missing you so much..

Patient: B-But..

Jinho: please take medicine brother... *crying*

Patient: ok.. For you I will.. *hugs him*

*then that patient took medicine and he took back to his cell*

Jinho: how did he escaped from cell?

Dr. Jason: I don't know doctor..

Worker :s-sir...its..my mistake I left the door open...


Jinho :calm down Dr.Jason... please make sure you close it next time or you can lose your job.. I won't repeat it again

Worker: y-yes sir

Dr. Jason: but..doctor why did you leave him...?

Jinho : he has a family too... so I thought about them too..

Dr. Jason: you're really kind doctor

Jinho: thank you and now please get back to work

Dr. Jason: yes doctor

*Jinho walked to his cabin*

Jung-sun: you are really great!! you took him in control so quick

Jinho: this was just a small case I can handle much complicated cases

Jung-sun: really...? you must so much skilled.. umm... till you solve my case can I live your home?

Jinho: yeah where else will you live? anyways you have to do house chores too right..

Jung-sun: yeah... *in her mind* how.. will I do? I don't know to do anything..

Jung-sun: umm.. You're doctor then how will you find out the cause of my death and... How will you find my family? I should've thought about it atleast once-

Jinho: i'm a detective too.. Don't worry you've came to a right person. Now silent I have to concentrate on my work

Jung-sun: ok..

*after sometime*

Jinho :I guess we're good to go

Jung-sun: okie~

*both of them walked out of the cabin and were walking by the corridor*

Jung-sun: I have a question!

Jinho  : what's it?

Jung-sun:where will I live in your home?

Jinho  :in guest room why?

Jung-sun: *sigh* nothing just asked *I thought he would tell in his room... thank god.. wait will I have to live with him alone?!?*

you live alone?

Jinho  :nah I have a sister and parents

Jung-sun : *sigh* oh then I have to make sure I won't make any mess..or any kind of sounds

Jinho  : they can see you

Jung-sun:what? your sister and parents can also see ghosts?

Jinho  : only sister can and my parents are ghosts themselves..

Jung-sun: oh.. Your parents still live with you!! You're so... Lucky...!!

Jinho  : yeah.. They're my only treasure...

*Everyone around:  I guess doctor became psycho by treating patients... poor doctor*

Jung-sun:I guess we should talk only in private or people will think you have become mental😅😅

Jinho   : yeah..😅😅

*To be continued*

Author: thank you so much for reading my work like, share and comment. Follow for more stories, and see you soon *muuahh* 😘