
Mom's surgery

I left the cafe feeling confused about what Ms Mandy said and why she will be willing to pay such huge money for me to date her son...(ring) I was still lost in my thoughts when my phone rang.

" ohh it's Jessica" ( picks call) " what's up jess"

" Am...Amber " ( Jessica stammered with a shaking voice) I could feel something was wrong by the way she was talking, we've been friends for a long time and have never felt this way before)

" hey what's wrong talk to me"

" Em...Amber it...it's your mom"

" My mom??...what's wrong with my mom"

" I don't know we were both eating at your house when she suddenly pass out"

" she what?!!!"

"yes,and I called the ambulance and took her to the hospital...come quick"

"okay...okay I'm coming,which hospital are you??"

" the hospital near your house"

" okay"

( ends call)

I rushed to the hospital immediately.on reaching the hospital,I saw Jessica pacing up and down in front of the ICU ward with teary eyes.

" ohh,Amber thank God you're here"

" where's mom,what happened to her"

" I don't know but the doctors are running some test on her right now,they are yet to come out"

I broke into tears as I looked towards the ICU ward then I saw the doctor coming out.

" doctor...doctor what's wrong with my mom" I rushed to the doctor

" who is responsible for the patient???"the doctor asked

" we are doc,please tell us what's wrong with her" Jessica requested

" the patient Is suffering from third stage stomach cancer and she needs surgery immediately"

my heart skipped a beat as I heard what the doctor said

" can...cancer??" I said boosting into tears

" yes and she needs surgery quickly before it's too late"

" so how much for this surgery doc..." Jessica asked

" 6 million dollars"

" 6 million???" she yelled

" yes, she needs to be operated on latest three days time...I'll take my leave now"

" no wait doctor,can you go on with the surgery I'll will arrange for the money" I said

" I'm sorry ma'am,its against the hospital rules I can't perform the surgery until you pay.I'll advice you to get the money ready as soon as possible,we will have to operate on her within three days or else she might lose her life"

(I boost into tears)

" doctor please do something,we'll arrange the money"Jessica said

" I'm sorry,but we'll be running some more test on her so get the

money ready I'll take my leave" ( the doctor said and left)

" what are we going to do now...where will I find such huge money in three days time"I said while leaning on Jessica crying.

" Amber,snap out of it it no use crying right now,we have to figure out where to get the money"

" ohhh jess,what I'm I supposed to do,where will I get that amount of money"( I said with my teary eyes)

" I'm sure we'll figure something out just stop crying now,everything's gonna be fine...okay??" .


Her words were comforting enough for me to stop crying.we left the hospital and went to my house.I checked all my savings and her's too but it was nothing close to the amount of the surgery.

" what are we going to do now, where will we get 6 million in just 2 days " Jessica asked

At that moment,I suddenly thought of Ms Mandy and the money she was willing to pay me to date her son. Then I told jess about it.

" wait there is this woman I met by chance,who is willing to pay me 6 million to date her son "

" six million to date her son???... who is this woman and how did you meet her"

I told jess the whole story about how I met Ms Mandy and how she offered to pay me 6 million to date her son.

" So what was your responds to her" she asked

" I told her I can't do it,I told her I can't date her son"

" But why not,just date her son, collect the money and pay for your mom's surgery"

" But jess, that's wrong, it is a very wrong thing to do" I exclaimed

" Listen girl, I know it's wrong but just think about your mom's surgery"Amber please,you have to do this at least for your mom's sake.just call the woman and tell her you wants to meet".

I picked up my phone and dialed her number ( dialing).

" Hello??"

" Hello ma'am, it's Amber speaking...Uhmm can we meet at the cafe we met before??"

" yeah sure,what time??"

" Tomorrow,after lunch let's meet there"

" okay,I'll be there"

( Ends call)

" what'd she say"

" She said okay,she'll meet tomorrow"

" Thank God,now wipe your face and get some sleep...tomorrow you should meet her and accept her offer,I'll leave now"

" okay jess,see you tomorrow...and jess"

" yes??"

" thank you" I said smiling at her and she smiled back and left.