Izuku’s life is going fantastic. He’s a third year in college on his way to an engineering degree, he’s got a bomb girlfriend that’s not afraid to really give him what he wants, and his mom is getting remarried after all these years! Which would be great and all, if the man she was marrying wasn’t Bakugou Masaru. You know, the father of Bakugou Katsuki. His childhood friend, middle school bully, and, oh yeah, the guy he spent the last two years of high school fucking.
"You ready, Izuku?"
Izuku takes a deep breath and situates himself a bit more comfortably on his dorm bed. The view is pretty damn good from down here. He follows his girlfriend's milky thighs, up to the voluptuous curve of her hips, and his mouth waters.
He's the luckiest fucking guy on Earth. His other girlfriends have all been squeamish when he would shyly admit his biggest fantasy to them, but Uraraka Ochaco didn't even pause. She grabbed his hand, unabashedly walked him into the nearest sex-shop, and let Izuku pick out the one he wanted. It took longer than Izuku likes to admit; the girth, angle, length had to be just right. But here she is, kneeling over him with all her cocky glory, the black strap wobbling enticingly between her legs.
Izuku swallows dryly and takes a deep breath. Well, in for a penny, in for a pound, as they say.
"One more thing…" he whispers, barely loud enough for Ochaco to hear as he flips himself over, displaying his prepared and eager hole to his girlfriend.
"Can you call me Deku?"
Alright, look.
He can explain.
Izuku has been obsessed with Bakugou Katsuki since he can first remember. He was a natural leader, a powerhouse, a superhero fanatic, a bug-catching champion and all around the coolest guy he's ever met. When they were kids, they got on like a house on fire.
Like, you couldn't separate them. Many a kindergarten teacher tried. They were so tight and wanted to do everything together that they somehow even forced their parents to be friends. Izuku has many, many a beautiful childhood memory at Katsuki's – Kacchan's – side. Camping together, making pillow forts and binge watching hero movies, their secret club – name it, they had it. It was all sunshine and rainbows and lollipops.
That is, until Kacchan's parents got a divorce.
It was in the 6th grade, and everyone in school knew about it. Izuku can't pinpoint the exact moment things started to change between them, but he knows the first time Katsuki looked at him with that look. You know, the look that he's actual human garbage. His trademark look for the next however-many years for Izuku. Izuku had overheard some 8th graders giving Katsuki shit about it, saying that they heard his 'mom is a cheating whore' and it was miraculous that Katsuki didn't beat their asses. Izuku tried to come and talk to him, hug him, tell him it was going to be okay. It was the wrong move, in retrospect. When Izuku reached out, his best friend fucking smacked him away.
'I don't need your pity, you fucking useless Deku.'
Ah, yes. And the nickname. Izuku fucking hated that nickname. Katsuki became different then. He got more irritable and quiet. Instead of getting into fights and his grades dropping, it seemed like he doubled down on studying. Katsuki quickly became the best student in their class, fucking excelled in baseball, and people flocked to him in droves. Izuku figures that's part of the reason Katsuki got away with picking on Izuku. Things that they loved together, like superheroes and robots, starting being lame and embarrassing. Katsuki shot up like a star. In high school, he was the first freshman to be elected student body president. He made it on varsity of the baseball team on his first try, and quickly became team captain. Katsuki was well on his way to being the first kid that went to an Ivy from their no-name high school. Everyone wanted him to succeed. Izuku, more than anyone else.
Kacchan was perfect. Everyone was in love with him. Everyone. Izuku would overhear girls daring each other to ask him out, people falling all over themselves guessing who Katsuki would take to the dance. There would be gaggles of uninterested girls at each baseball game with posters and everything, ogling Kacchan's ass.
If Izuku happened to be one of the oglers, well. So, look. Its not his fault. Kacchan is objectively gorgeous. Sure, their history made things a little complicated in Izuku's head. But, naturally, when Izuku started waking up with cum in his shorts, unfortunately for him, the star of his dreams was none-other than Kacchan. It was almost kind of hot when Katsuki would call him a steaming pile of garbage and knock books out of his hands. He'd definitely not go home and jerk off to that interaction. Because that would be fucked up, and Izuku is not fucked up.
So he'd beat his meat to Katsuki. Constantly. Incessantly. Uh… exclusively. To the point where he couldn't actually get hard watching porn unless he could find a thin, fit, blonde guy that he could trick himself as imagining to be Kacchan. Which is normal, hormonal, teenage stuff. And its not weird. So, they weren't friends. But they weren't nothing. And that was enough for Izuku.
Well. Until. One weekend. One blessed, unexpected, inexplicably fucked up weekend. It was in their junior year of high school. Izuku remembers it like it was yesterday. Wishes that it was.
Inko knocks on Izuku's door. He takes off his large headphones and looks away from his laptop.
"Sweetie… I'm going to head out soon. Do you have your stuff ready?"
"My…stuff?" Izuku furrows his eyebrows. He knew that his mom was going away for the weekend, but his plans included sitting in front of his computer, gaming, and not leaving the apartment.
"Honey, don't play stupid! I know you want to stay here by yourself this weekend, but what if something happens?! What if a murderer breaks in and murders you?"
Izuku thinks back. Oh, yeah. His mom was talking to him in the middle of a campaign, and he wasn't going to stop or take his headphones off. He'd lose the game.
"…Okay?" Izuku answers, giving her a confused smile.
"Come on, I'll drop you off at the Bakugous."
A record scratch noise plays in Izuku's head. He just gapes at his mother. He must have misheard. He definitely misheard. He hasn't been to that house in five years.
"..... Sorry?" Izuku repeats, mouth opening and closing like a fish in a confused 'O.'
"We talked about this, Izuku! You're staying with the Bakugous this weekend! Please don't argue with me and get your things packed. I'm going to be late!"
So there Izuku was. Sleeping bag and backpack in hand, in his oversized All Might hoodie, red high top Nike's. Standing in front of Bakugou Katsuki's house. You know, the guy who he's been beating his meat to since he was fourteen. The guy who fucking hates him. That Bakugou Katsuki. Izuku felt like the world's biggest ass. He wasn't aware that a human being could sweat this much. Or that enough oxygen can somehow get to the brain with a heart rate of 300 beats per fucking second.
He didn't even have a chance to shower! Or try to fix that rats nest on his head that he calls hair! And he's about to go into Kacchan's house! Kacchan's!
Luckily for Izuku, Kacchan doesn't seem to give a single solitary shit that he's there. Definitely doesn't seem like it, as, shell-shocked, Izuku stood at the precipice of Katsuki's room, unable to move or breathe or think.
"Don't fucking touch anything, shitty Deku," Katsuki warns, not even looking in Izuku's direction. He seems non-plussed at the intrusion. He doesn't even look away from his books. They're neatly laid out on his desk, laptop open, color-coded notes dotting his notebooks. Also, Kacchan is wearing glasses. Izuku didn't know that Kacchan wears glasses. Its so fucking hot, Izuku might just die right then and there. He's got lots of reasons to die in that exact moment. Including, but not limited to, the instant twitch of his stupid dick the second he hears his nickname leave the handsome blonde's lips. Oh, Izuku has it bad. He's the grossest motherfucker on the planet.
"What the fuck are you just standing there for, spazz?" Katsuki growls, and Izuku yelps, jumping up a tiny bit, feeling his arms shake.
"You said not to touch anything…" he whimpers, looking at the ground.
"Holy fucking shit, what is wrong with you? Are you stupid?" Katsuki meets Izuku's eyes, and Izuku can feel himself grow pink. He's fucking mortified. If Izuku could just go and die in a hole right the fuck now, that would just be dandy.
"Just sit the fuck down, shut up, and don't fucking bother me." Katsuki orders, directing Izuku to the other end of Katsuki's room.
So Izuku does. He unfurls his sleeping bag, laying it out next to Kacchan's bed. He sits on it, prying out his laptop and putting on his headphones. On any old Friday night, Izuku would log in to his online MMORPG, fight a couple of campaigns with his online buddies, maybe watch an old All Might movie and jerk off. It sounded like the perfect weekend, too. Now here he is, motionless, on the floor of the object of his obsession. And, uh.
Izuku can't focus. He tries to. He tries to play a game or two, until he loses two battles much to the annoyance of his team. You see, he can't stop sneaking peeks at Kacchan. Kacchan, illuminated by the lamp on his table, chewing thoughtfully on his pen. So focused. So handsome. Izuku would pay good money to be that pen right now. Izuku watches his lips, his own heart hammering, warmth pooling at his stomach. He's so fucking hot. Even him studying is hot. Katsuki stops biting at his pen, and for some weird, inexplicable fucking reason, darts his tongue out and licks, flicking his tongue at the tip.
Izuku's breath catches in his throat. Heat travels down his neck and springs to his crotch, making his pants a little uncomfortable. Katsuki's riling him up and he doesn't even know it. Izuku kind of hates himself. In that brief moment, Izuku is pretty grateful that he's wearing that oversized hoodie, because he's gonna be sporting half a chub, like, until he goes home. And he sure as fuck isn't about to explain any of that to Kacchan.
'Uh, yeah, bro, you're so fucking sexy, can you push me around and call me Deku and please let me suck your cock? I'll be your bitch forever.'
They have an awkward dinner with Katsuki's dad. Bakugou Masaru is pleasant, a patient man with a lovely smile and gentle demeanor. Doesn't seem like Katsuki at all. Its kind of a surprise to Izuku that their parents kept in touch after him and Katsuki stopped being friends, but that's a problem for another day.
"Oh, Izuku, you haven't been here in a while!" Masaru tries to make small talk.
Izuku would blush vehemently. How is he supposed to respond with, 'well, your son hates me?'
"What, we're supposed to have fucking play-dates like we're five?" Katsuki would snap back, and Izuku bites his lip, suppressing a laugh.
Izuku is more of a night owl, honestly. He likes to stay up pretty late on the weekends, usually one or two AM, so he can play a game or two with his friends from overseas. Katsuki, it seems, is not. Lights out was at nine pm, and Katsuki just climbs into back, turns his back to Izuku, and then there's nothing but silence.
Izuku doesn't dare open his laptop or do anything that might disturb Katsuki. He's already vibrating with energy, everything around him incredibly familiar and intimate. God, he's in Katsuki room. He hasn't been there since elementary school. Its grown up quite a bit with him, the posters of super hero comics and movies now replaced with fairly blank walls. Izuku stares at his phone for a solid two hours before he's sure that Katsuki's asleep. He turns in his sleeping bag to face the bed. In the dark, he can appreciate the broad outline of Katsuki's shoulders. At least the guy wears a shirt to bed, or Izuku would probably die. Kacchan's kind of nice, Izuku decides. He didn't force him to sleep in the living room and even graciously let him borrow a pillow when Izuku confessed he didn't bring one. Sure, he said 'don't contaminate it with your nerd smell, you dumbfuck,' but still.
Kacchan's being nice. Izuku buries his face in the pillow, and fuck. God, it smells like him. That weird, inexplicable, sexy firewood musk.
Izuku closes his eyes, and the immediate memory of Katsuki licking up his pen darts forward. Swallowing hard, Izuku glances up, making sure that Katsuki's really asleep, and digs his hands into his pajama pants.
Sure, he's fucking disgusting. So sue him. But he's been so riled up, on the edge, all fucking day. Kacchan in his glasses, his tongue, his voice, the smell of Kacchan – its all too much, and, eyes closed, Izuku starts to stroke down his shaft with shaking hands. God, its so hot and terrifying to be jerking off a few feet from the man who has made him this depraved. Izuku might get murdered for this. But, ya know? Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
He bites hard at his lips, feeling the sweat accumulate on his collarbones, pool in his crotch. He's lost in his fantasy, the one where Katsuki takes him into the locker room and fucks him silly, when he feels a body slotted up against him.
Izuku goes absolutely still, eyes wide open. What the fuck? What the fuck? What the actual fuck? Did Kacchan fall out of bed? No, it was quiet. So what the hell is Kacchan doing on the floor with him right now?
Shit. Did he hear Izuku?! Does he know that Izuku's been masturbating? Oh my god, Izuku is going to get murdered. This is him, getting murdered. At the age of sixteen. Murdered for jerking off in his former childhood friends room. Rest in pieces. The end. Goodbye.
Izuku's mind is going a million miles a minute, trying to come up with some kind of excuse, hands both still wrapped around his dick. Maybe if he plays possum and doesn't move, then maybe everything will be okay. Izuku doesn't even dare twitch a muscle.
Until he feels another hand. Not his hand. Kacchan's hand?! Suddenly, that body he's been desiring for years and years is slotted up against him, Kacchan's hot breath in his ear, and one of his hands is over Izuku's, nudging them forward, directing them down Izuku's shaft.
Whatever 'softening' there was going on with Izuku's brief panic has doubled up full force and Izuku feels himself shudder, hands shaking so hard he can barely keep the rhythm. He's too stupid and overwhelmed, Kacchan, his Kacchan, that warm breath against his ear, and he feels Katsuki slotted against his ass and – shit.
If Izuku's not wrong, the other boy's hard too. Experimentally, Izuku thrusts his ass back and – yup. Yup. That's a rock hard dick that's rubbing against him, and Izuku's going to fucking die. If he hasn't already died and ascended to heaven. He'll have to thank whatever homo gods made this scenario fucking possible, if he gets out of this alive.
Izuku stops thinking. He removes his hands from his own dick and thrusts them into Katsuki's pajamas. The feel of Kacchan's cock is… unreal. He's girthy as shit, bigger than Izuku, curved up, cut, and, uh, yeah. Izuku's going to lose it. He thrusts his ass back in junction with his jerking hand, doing what he likes, rubbing a thumb over the leaking slit, hands only tighter and more insistent and he can feel the other man's breathing pick up. Katsuki's hands are still on him, not stuttering, milking him for all he's worth. Katsuki's mouth is now licking the lobe of his ear, biting gently, and they're rutting into each other with little semblance of rhythm, the quiet room filling with poorly suppressed gasps. Izuku can hear Katsuki's breathing hitch first, his hips jerking into his hand. As he came and seed covered Izuku's hand, Katsuki just exhaled deeply against Izuku's ear, whispering his name, 'Deku.' That simple move sends Izuku over the edge, and he finds himself ejaculating into Katsuki's fist. Its too much, over stimulating, and Katsuki keeps stroking his softening cock, each nerve standing on end. Nothing has ever felt so good.
Izuku, in his post-orgasm bliss, starts to panic. First of all, what the fuck?! Second of all, what the fuck?! Was Kacchan sleepwalking? He clearly didn't think he was someone else, because he said his name and all that. So. What just happened? Izuku wants to say something, anything, but his tongue lays limply, dry in his throat. Wordlessly, Katsuki gets up and disappears for a few minutes. When he comes back, he simply climbs back into bed, and doesn't say a single word to Izuku. Izuku, however, spends the rest of the night awake.
He must have imagined that, right? He must have hallucinated that, right? What the fuck?
The next morning, Katsuki just went about like nothing ever happened. He still barely spoke to Izuku. Didn't look him in the eyes. When they interacted, he'd cuss him out and treat him like the scum of the Earth. It was… well, little to say, confusing. But if Kacchan isn't bringing it up, neither is Izuku. Maybe he really did dream it up.
Except, that night, there was a repeat fucking performance.
Izuku wished that his Mom never came back. But, welcomed into the Bakugous house, she calls for him and he shuffles out to her.
"How was it, sweetie?"
Izuku's mouth gapes open, and he's hopelessly surprised as Katsuki drapes a muscular arm over his shoulder.
"We had a great time, Mrs. Midoriya. Maybe I can sleep over next weekend?"
So. That's how it started. They never talked about it. But all of a sudden, two former childhood friends started to spend every weekend at each other's houses. Their parents were fucking thrilled. In the cover of night, every night, sometimes multiple times a night, Izuku and Katsuki explored each other's bodies. In the morning, its like it never happened. Katsuki maybe started tormenting him less at school, but that was about the extent of it.
Izuku wasn't going to ruin it. Definitely not by telling Katsuki that he has real, significant, butterfly-in-stomach, dream-about-marrying-you, want-to-be-with-you-forever feelings for Katsuki. Especially not as he got his college acceptance to Harvard. Izuku knew, knew in the very core of his being, and they were going their separate ways. Izuku was going to a state school an hour away from home, and Katsuki is moving across the country. And Izuku was happy for him. Izuku's fine.
He's fine.
Besides, Izuku has decided that he's straight! Its perfectly normal for teenage boys to experiment with each other, but, he's definitely found himself with no desire at all to date dudes. And he's been around a lot of dudes. He goes to an engineering college, for fucks sake. Sure, he didn't date anyone for the first two years, but his main excuse was that there weren't a lot of girls around, like, in general. Which has been fine and dandy, until he met Ochaco – who was no nonsense, confident, and rocked his world immediately. She reminds him a little of Kacchan, not that he'd ever say that aloud…
"Ah, fuck, Kacchan!" Izuku calls out, his orgasm pulsing out of him suddenly, extremely, lightning through his whole body. God. That's the best it's felt since -
Ochaco stops. "Wait, what the fuck was that?"
Izuku comes to his right mind and stares up at his girlfriend. Shit, what did he say?
"I said O-chan! Like, your name!"
Ochaco looks unconvinced, but she nods slowly. "You seem to have enjoyed that," she says, pointing to the pool of cum on Izuku's stomach.
So it goes. Izuku's life is great. He hasn't seen Katsuki in almost three years, and at this point, he doesn't even miss him! Why would he? That would be dumb. And Izuku's not dumb. Actually, he's so not dumb that he's top of his class as a biochemical engineering major. Hell, he even has a job offer from Todoroki's dad's company after he graduates. And it even has nothing to do with the fact that Shoto is his roommate. He's just killing it, in general.
Which is one of the many reasons he feels so great. His mom seems really excited for him to come home, calling him incessantly over the past few weeks. She's probably gonna be much more excited when she meets his first serious honest-to-god girlfriend. Ochaco's coming down with him for the next day or two before going to her own parent's place. Izuku is going to get to eat his mom's awesome cooking (because, honestly, his body has suffered quite a bit from his beef jerky and gummy worms diet), re-watch all his old All Might DVDs, game and just relax.
His mom kisses him on the cheek as he comes in. Ochaco, in a cute summer dress, bows deeply. They're chatting in the living room and helping set up for dinner, when he notices his mom has put out two extra plates and the dinner table.
"Oh, mom, is someone coming over?"
His mom's eyes sparkle. "Its part of the surprise!"
Ochaco and Izuku exchange confused glances, but go back to his old room, where he shows off his All Might collection and she pretends that she thinks its cool. That, soon enough, devolves into making out on his childhood bed, which Izuku is pretty fucking happy with too.
Less than an hour later, his Mom calls the two of them back out, and Izuku's feeling fantastic. Giggling and hand-in-hand, Izuku and Ochaco run out to the kitchen.
Izuku stops dead in his tracks. Ochaco actually bumps into him.
"Deku, what's wrong?" She asks sweetly, and one of the guests quirks their eyebrows at the nickname.
Sitting at Izuku's fucking dinner table, in all their flesh and glory, is Bakuguou Masaru. And…. Bakugou Katsuki. Katsuki. Kacchan.
Izuku's heart drops into his stomach.