
My Billionaire Mafia CEO

In her previous life, In a moment of profound desperation, she made the dark and sorrowful decision to sell herself to Alexander Salvatore, bound by a contract of marriage. Aisha's hopes were pinned on the money that Alexander could offer, enabling her to lift her family out of destitution. Conversely, Alexander saw Aisha as nothing more than a mistress to satisfy his forbidden desires. Theirs was a cruel symbiotic relationship in which Aisha's body was exchanged for financial security while Alexander indulged in his hedonistic desires. But Aisha was fine with it because she loved someone else and their contract was coming to an end soon. Yet as their difficult journey progressed, things took an unexpected turn that changed their relationship dynamics. Her presence causes Alexander's feelings to become intense. But she refuses to accept Alexander's emotions, so Aisha runs away from him and seeks refuge with her boyfriend Callious. However, her heart shattered when she uncovered his infidelity with her cousin, Penelope. To make matters worse, Callious betrayed her with her cousin by feeding her drugs and revealing their complicity in her tragic fate. Aisha's life also ended tragically, just like the innocent members of her family. But fate had a different plan for her. She was reborn, returning to the very night of her ill-fated wedding. Having gained a renewed sense of resolve, she vowed to take revenge on everyone responsible for her and her family's deaths. While setting out on her quest for vengeance, Aisha also commits to defending her loved ones and those who had previously shown her kindness. With her unwavering resolve, she sets out to confront the people who wronged her, ensuring that they pay for their deceit and betrayal. Will she succeed in avenging her family and finding true happiness in the process, or will the ghosts of betrayal continue to haunt her?

Flora_2480 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 11 :- The Silent Arrangement

In a dimly lit room, shadowy figures moved in silence.

A man sat on a high-backed chair, his features obscured in the darkness.

Before him knelt two cape-clad figures, their heads bowed in deference.

The man in the chair remained still, an air of authority surrounding him.

The tension in the room was palpable, a sense of foreboding hanging in the air.

One of the kneeling men finally spoke, his voice barely a whisper.

"Sir, I must inform you that Alexander has married Aisha. Our plan was not successful. Our spies informed us that the girl had prevented Alexander from going to his office today, and our men have reason to believe that the girl was aware of today's events." the man confessed, his voice quivering with fear.

Without a word, the man in the chair clenched his fist, shattering the glass in his hand.

The two kneeling men recoiled in terror, their hearts racing at the display of raw power before them.

The room fell into an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of shattered glass falling to the ground.

Finally, the sitting man spoke with a menacing tone, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife.

"Isn't that girl was sent by Mr. Desmand & Mr. Lurnu?"

"Yes sir, that girl was a gift to satisfy him for a few nights that's what they told us, but that girl became his wife right away and they didn't inform us."

"Remember our next plan must succeed. If it fails, your lives are forfeit,"

the man intoned, his words laced with a promise of impending doom.

The two men nodded in submission, their faces pale with fear.

They bowed respectfully before making a hasty exit,

leaving the room enveloped in a tense atmosphere.

Alone in the darkness,

the man in the chair turned his gaze toward a picture on the board above the table.

In the image, Alexander and Aisha shared a look of passion and devotion,

their eyes reflecting a love that could not be extinguished.

A cruel chuckle escaped the sitting man's lips as his eyes gleamed with malice.

In the shadows, he appeared as a beast waiting to strike,

his predatory instincts at the forefront of his mind.

He rose from his seat and approached a picture on the board, he took the picture.

His hand closed around a glinting knife.

With a swift motion, the knife pierced the image,

tearing through the faces of the couple in a vicious display of contempt.

The man's eyes glittered with dark intent as he spoke into the darkness.

"Laugh all you want, Alexander. But mark my words, your wife will turn into a snake that will bite off your head one day, and I will be there to witness your downfall,"

he hissed, a cruel smile playing on his lips as he relished the thought of vengeance yet to come.

In Salvatore Mansion,

As the first rays of morning danced through the windows of Salvatore Mansion,

casting a warm glow upon the antique furniture and elegant tapestries,

an old maid made her way through the halls,

her worn hands clutching a brass key ring jangling softly with each step.

She rapped gently on the intricately carved door of Aisha Salvatore's room,

a sense of duty etched into the lines of her weathered face.

Mrs. Han, the middle-aged housekeeper with a gentle demeanor,

ushered herself into the room with a smile.

Her something black gown contrasted with the vibrant emerald of her eyes,

lending her an air of quiet elegance.

However, what she didn't expect to find was Alexander Salvatore,

the enigmatic lord of the estate, cradling Aisha in his arms as she slept peacefully,

her innocence radiating in the early light.

Upon catching Mrs. Han's eye, Alexander raised a finger to his lips, silently asking for her discretion.

Understanding his unspoken request, Mrs. Han returned the smile and quietly withdrew from the room,

leaving the two of them in their tranquil repose.

Hours later, as the sunlight caressed Aisha's delicate features,

She stirred from her slumber to find herself enveloped in a soft white blanket,

Alexander's steady presence beside her.

The realization that she wore nothing but the thin fabric caused a blush to creep onto her cheeks,

But Alexander's gaze was tender and protective as he watched her awaken.

Aisha's gaze fell upon the faint but unmistakable mark on Alexander's neck,

A silent testament to the passion of the night before.

With a gentle touch, she traced the darkened indentations,

her concern evident in her voice as she asked, "Does it hurt?"

Shaking his head with a reassuring gaze, Alexander brushed a strand of her brown hair away from her face.

"When did I fall asleep,"

Alexander leaned down to press a soft kiss to her forehead before replying, "In the bath."

Her heart warmed at the tenderness in his actions as she realized he had carried her to bed.

"Did you carry me all the way here?" she inquired softly,

her eyes reflecting an affection for the man who held her so gently in his arms.

Alexander gave her a simple nod, his gaze never leaving hers.

"Will you go to your office today?"

Aisha placed her hand on Alexander's shoulder.

"Didn't I promise you that we will look for a home beside your school?"

Alexander's deep voice gives Aisha goosebumps.

Aisha smiled at him, she thought he might have forgotten, but it surprised her how he remembered her small request.

With a glint in her eye. "When will we go look for our new home?" she asked, her voice full of excitement and anticipation.

"Anytime you feel like it," Alexander replied, with a smile.

He never cared for the mansion he had on Imperial Street, but he couldn't stop admiring Aisha's eagerness.

Aisha's heart skipped a beat as she thought about the possibilities that lay ahead.

She had always dreamed of a beautiful home with her husband,

She never had a proper home with anyone in her past life,

Even in this life, she felt suffocating in this mansion,

She killed Alexander & his kids in this mansion.

She wants a new place with Alexander,

Where can create new memories and start a fresh chapter in her life with Alexander by her side.

"Alexander, do you have a mansion on Imperial Street?"

She inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Alexander gazed upon her softly, he noticed Aisha's eyes twinkling with amusement.

"I have quite a few mansions, there," he replied, his voice filled with warmth.

"But you can choose any one of them. That is also your home, after all."

Aisha felt a surge of joy washes over her.

She knew that with Alexander by her side,

she could face any challenge and conquer any obstacle that came her way.
