
My Billionaire Mafia CEO

In her previous life, In a moment of profound desperation, she made the dark and sorrowful decision to sell herself to Alexander Salvatore, bound by a contract of marriage. Aisha's hopes were pinned on the money that Alexander could offer, enabling her to lift her family out of destitution. Conversely, Alexander saw Aisha as nothing more than a mistress to satisfy his forbidden desires. Theirs was a cruel symbiotic relationship in which Aisha's body was exchanged for financial security while Alexander indulged in his hedonistic desires. But Aisha was fine with it because she loved someone else and their contract was coming to an end soon. Yet as their difficult journey progressed, things took an unexpected turn that changed their relationship dynamics. Her presence causes Alexander's feelings to become intense. But she refuses to accept Alexander's emotions, so Aisha runs away from him and seeks refuge with her boyfriend Callious. However, her heart shattered when she uncovered his infidelity with her cousin, Penelope. To make matters worse, Callious betrayed her with her cousin by feeding her drugs and revealing their complicity in her tragic fate. Aisha's life also ended tragically, just like the innocent members of her family. But fate had a different plan for her. She was reborn, returning to the very night of her ill-fated wedding. Having gained a renewed sense of resolve, she vowed to take revenge on everyone responsible for her and her family's deaths. While setting out on her quest for vengeance, Aisha also commits to defending her loved ones and those who had previously shown her kindness. With her unwavering resolve, she sets out to confront the people who wronged her, ensuring that they pay for their deceit and betrayal. Will she succeed in avenging her family and finding true happiness in the process, or will the ghosts of betrayal continue to haunt her?

Flora_2480 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 1 :- A Twist of Time

"Aisha, you are the one who is stupid here; do not blame me; take responsibility for your actions."

A stupid you said? yes, that's what I truly am, that's why I trusted you and those girls, if only I knew he was right all those times, I might have been honest with him. 

Aisha breathed slowly as if there were a large stone pressing against her body, making it difficult for her to breathe the surrounding air.

Her once stunning, glistening eyes appeared lifeless, as though she had lost all of her vitality.

The weight of cold river water washed over her thin frame.

She could feel them tossing her towards the frigid water, which gently encircled her before her gaunt frame began to descend to the river's bottom.

So Is this how I am going to die then? If I had the chance again, I would not have made the same mistakes, I would have exacted revenge on my innocent family, and I would not have let these people off the hook without holding them accountable for their actions.

Aisha's eyes fluttered open, and she found herself standing in the darkness. Confusion washed over her as she realized she was back at the very night her ill-fated wedding had taken place. It was an overwhelming feeling, a mixture of disbelief and déjà vu.

As she glanced around, everything seemed eerily familiar. The dimly lit room was adorned with decorations and flowers, as it was on that ill-fated night. Aisha's heart raced as she tried to make sense of the impossible scene unfolding before her. How could she be back here, on the brink of her ill-fated wedding night?

The room, once adorned with luxurious decorations, now appeared as an abyss of darkness, swallowing everything in its path. 

Standing up from the black couch, Aisha's eyes were drawn to a large ornate mirror at the far end of the room. In an attempt to see her reflection, she dashes towards the mirror.

Gazing upon her own reflection.

The reflection staring back at her was that of her eighteen-year-old self, dressed in a white wedding gown. Her brown eyes widened, and she couldn't help but think that this must be a dream,

a twisted illusion that provided solace.


But just as she was about to think it as such, her dream turned into a reality, she heard the unmistakable sound of a door clicking shut behind her.

Turning swiftly, Aisha's gaze met the imposing figure of Alexander Salvatore, a brutal mafia lord she had been sold to marry on her eighteenth birthday in her past life.

Alexander wore a magnificent black silk bathrobe that effortlessly cascaded down to his feet. Its glossy sheen caught the faint glow of the room's light, enhancing its elegance. Despite being damp from the lingering warmth of the water, the material clung to his sculpted form, accentuating his physique.

Water droplets fell from his jet-black hair, forming tiny rivulets that trailed down his chiseled jawline, finally disappearing into the fabric of the robe.

She shivered involuntarily as the memories flooded her mind. Alexander had always exuded an air of dominance and control, his piercing blue eyes seeming to strip away any facade of strength she might have had. Aisha had believed him to be dead, a part of her liberation from the life she had despised.

"Alexander Salvatore," Aisha stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "Aren't you dead? How can you possibly be here?"

Alexander let out a low, menacing chuckle, his lips curling into a cruel smirk. "Dead, you say? If only it were true, my dear. You might have been free from me, you and your unfortunate boyfriend might have enjoyed today's evening together. But what a shame, here I am. And right now, you must perform your duty as my wife."

Aisha couldn't believe her ears. This couldn't be happening. She took a step back, her eyes wide with disbelief and fear.

The memories flashed before her the pain, the torment, the desperation to escape. Was this a nightmare, a cruel continuation of the hell she had endured before?

As Aisha retreated, she found herself pressed against the cold, unforgiving wall. Alexander, relentless in his pursuit, closed the distance between them. His strong grip found its way to her waist, his touch sending shivers down her spine.

"Where do you think you're running off to, my dear?" Alexander's voice dripped with malice. "Have you forgotten? You belong to me now. We had a deal, and in exchange for money, you will give me your body. Don't act so innocent."

Aisha's shock was palpable, her body trembling under his grasp. This was a nightmare come alive her past melding with the present in a way that threatened to consume her. She mustered all her courage and, with a trembling voice, managed to form the next words.

"My lord, please," Aisha pleaded, her voice laced with desperation. "Where is my family right now? Are you aware of this?"

Alexander's smirk widened, his eyes glinting with sadistic pleasure. "Your family, my dear? They're of no concern to you anymore. They're safe and sound, under my protection. But remember, their safety depends on your obedience."

Aisha's heart sank. The familiar ache of loss and longing filled her once again. She had hoped for a different outcome, for a chance to alter the course of her fate. But it seemed that destiny had other plans for her, plans inextricably linked to the man before her.

As Aisha remembers her previous life, tears begin to fall from her eyes. 

An emotion flashed in Alexander's eyes, with a swift yet gentle motion, Alexander slipped his other arm beneath her knees and lifted her effortlessly into the air. 

A gasp escaped Aisha's lips as she felt weightless, a sense of surrender washing over her entire being.

Supported by Alexander's strong arms, Aisha instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging to him as he held her.

Alexander's eyes softened even more at Aisha's response. He could feel her desperation and fear emanating from her tears. He sat on the bed with Aisha on his lap.

He gently wiped away her tears with his thumb, he leaned closer to her and whispered, "My dear, you need not worry. Your family is secure; I have already dispatched someone to check on them. If you think they need additional security, I will send my devoted gourds to keep an eye on them."

Aisha gasped, her trembling voice echoing through the room, "Truly, my lord? They are unharmed and you will do that for me?"

Alexander nodded solemnly, his gaze filled with reassurance. "I promise that I will look out for your family. No harm shall come to them under my watch."

As she heard Alexander's gentle voice, memories of how he had imprisoned her, trapped her, and done everything in his power to keep her by his side began to flood back into her consciousness.

As she looked into Alexander's eyes, she knew that running was no longer an option. She was trapped in a twisted dimension, bound by a web of obligations and dark desires.

She trembles with rage when she remembers how her innocent family suffered and perished in her previous life.

She took a deep breath and made a silent vow to herself. She would reclaim her power, find the strength to navigate this treacherous path, and unravel the secrets of this mysterious rebirth. And perhaps, in doing so, she could not only free herself but also uncover the truth that had eluded her for so long.

  ( *** )